Well-known member
My parents say i do.....I don't enjoy it persa' but I do it a lot to get my anger out I guess....I dont know really WHY i do it
renegade said:PS: I prefer this thread instead of '' Positive posts only'' cause hear I can write pages and pages, but there I'm stuck and the words won't come out :roll:
shy_girl said:ok well, you did ask lol so beware for a long pathetic annoying post..
i have a horrible personality.
i hate myself for it but im a horrible person, i put my feelings and happiness before anyone elses, im selfish, im unkind, even tho i know how it feels and if someone was unkind to me id fall to pieces. im not a nice person and i HATE myself for it. im stupid and horrible without even realising it and i try so hard to be nice![]()
im annoying, i annoy anyone i talk to with my droning voice and my stupid boring conversation, im boring as hell, im not funny at all, i get jealous so easily, im not good with words or getting my point across, i see so many wise people on this site who are so brilliant at playing with words and when i try to make a long post with my thoughts and views it ends up sounding stupid and childish :roll: i dont have any good qualities, everyone thinks im a joke, i have no friends (i can understand why),im ugly and i hate my stupid life. i oh and im so fucking lonely.
GOD i needed that :lol: sorry i know extremely whiney post.
shy_girl said:Starry said:shy_girl said:ok well, you did ask lol so beware for a long pathetic annoying post..
i have a horrible personality.
i hate myself for it but im a horrible person, i put my feelings and happiness before anyone elses, im selfish, im unkind, even tho i know how it feels and if someone was unkind to me id fall to pieces. im not a nice person and i HATE myself for it. im stupid and horrible without even realising it and i try so hard to be nice![]()
im annoying, i annoy anyone i talk to with my droning voice and my stupid boring conversation, im boring as hell, im not funny at all, i get jealous so easily, im not good with words or getting my point across, i see so many wise people on this site who are so brilliant at playing with words and when i try to make a long post with my thoughts and views it ends up sounding stupid and childish :roll: i dont have any good qualities, everyone thinks im a joke, i have no friends (i can understand why),im ugly and i hate my stupid life. i oh and im so fucking lonely.
GOD i needed that :lol: sorry i know extremely whiney post.
I know those feelings so well, it's how I feel a lot of the time too. Though I'm now trying to make sure I put others first, which has helped me to feel a lot better.
I'm sure really you're not as bad as you think you are. *Hugs*
that really made me feel better starry, thanks![]()
i read your post "Just Realised Something..." and it made alot of sense. i spend alot of time moaning and feeling sorry for myself when really so many people have far worse problems. i spend far too much time moaning about what a crap person i am rather than doing something about it. why make your day worse by thinking over and over about your problems when you could be making someone elses day better? and its things like that that make a person great, it makes them worth talking to and worth and having in your life, all the things i recently found im not worth at all. you have to make yourself worth it! plus, im sure if you make time to make other people feel better, they'll do the same in return, then your day wont seem as bad.god when you think about it its so simple but i've never thought about it like that before. that could be first step to new personality. sorry im probably freaking people out by seeming so enthusiastic :lol: but i've just realised it as i was typing. genuine thanks Starry 8O![]()