Do you Enjoy Complaining?


Well-known member
My parents say i do.....I don't enjoy it persa' but I do it a lot to get my anger out I guess....I dont know really WHY i do it


Well-known member
renegade said:
PS: I prefer this thread instead of '' Positive posts only'' cause hear I can write pages and pages, but there I'm stuck and the words won't come out :roll:


I did intend on putting a positive slant to this thread in the original post, but its lovely to vent sometimes with no other intentions other than RRRAAARRR let's complain! :twisted:

Personally I find shoving all the junk into tangible words makes my complaints seem a little less harsh. I read something recently about imagining yourself writing the complaints out on a piece of paper and throwing them out of your head into a bin. Neat idea huh? :D


Active member
ok, I'll complain
I'm sitting here at home by myself as always.
I hate people, I don't understand why they're mean. I feel like an alien lots of times. I don't have friends, I can't seem to make 'human contacts'
I met one person with whom I feel very comfortable and would love to be friends with but I can't because the person lives in another city. I meet people that I feel comfortable with once every decade......
I don't have a job, I don't know what to do with my life.
I hate the fact that you have to be a bloody extrovert and pushy and know the right people and have contacts and network to succeed in this bloody society!!!!!!!!!


Well-known member
i want complain too.

thats the way i feel:

nature has aborted me
im not human and dont fit in, but neither aliens want me
i have no personality, im the worst case of human dehumanization
where there should be confidence in me there is a vacuum,
the right place for me is the psichiatry,
but they dont want give me a chanche,
i have an athletic body that i dont deserve,
beeing a male in this world seems like having leprosy,
the feminists have killed my last confidence i had,
i love women more then all, but they just hate me,
i think god hates us all
if i speech the truth to my family i will hurt them,
and my achievings are so little,
plus im the family scapegoat,
my live goes down the river,
i hope i can one time in my life make them orgulous


Active member
When I worked a few years ago, I loved complaining. I used it as a way of talking to people and relating. Not being very good at talking to girls, I then read some stuff about seduction, and what women find attractive. It totally changed my perspective on what was considered attractive qualities, and maybe the reason people didn't take me seriously enough.

Complaining being one of them. So I slowly stopped over the course of a few months, I became a way better listener and less of a talker since I found I mostly complained when I talked to people and didn't really listen much. I noticed I got taken more seriously if I did complain about something, before it was the total opposite.

Not saying for anyone to stop complaining, it's just something I tried.
my complaints of the moment

Haha, this is my first post on here and already I am complaining. Well, here is my complaint list for the day:

-my neck hurts really bad every day and nothing makes it feel better

-I don't have health insurance because I can't afford it nor can I afford to pay for doctor bills or perscriptions, so I just don't go

-I just moved in to a new apartment and the carpet smells like pee and was ripped up at one of the bedroom doors like a dog tore it up, but my landlord won't replace it and he won't let me replace it either...eww.

-After living in a city all my life, I now live in a really small town with my husband where everyone knows each other. I feel like I am on a different planet. I just can't relate to anyone. I am so lonely but I am scared to talk to people and when I work up the courage they look at me like I am some sort of freakazoid. :?

-I have severe IBS so I can't be far from a bathroom. This has affected me negatively in the past with jobs because employers didn't like me taking so many bathroom breaks. But I can't help it! :oops: it is an embarrassing problem to have and even more embarrassing to talk about...

-My husband and my family think all my problems are in my head. A small handful of friends I had in high school are the only ones I have and I can only talk to them online because they live in PA and I live in AL. So I am extremely lonely...<sigh>

-My husband and I went up to PA a few months ago because my brother wanted to move out of my parents house and said he wanted us to come live in an apartment with him. Things weren't going too well for us at the time so we thought we'd have better job opportunities in the city. We decided to go for it. When we got up there my brother couldn't find an apartment and my parents refused to let us stay at their house. So we ended up having to sleep in a church parking lot in our truck. It was horrible. Finally after being turned down for job after job and apartment after apartment for a month straight, we all decided to go back to Alabama. We took my brother with us because I just couldn't stand leaving him with my butthole parents. I can't believe they let me be homeless! I have never felt so low and rejected in all of my life :cry:

Well, that's enough for now. Sorry this post was so long...:p I guess my problems aren't all that bad...actually things have been looking up for me lately since my husband got a new job with a union and our financial situation is improving. So...I'm hanging in there. Wow...venting feels great, lol.


I run away from friendship/love because I'm scared of getting hurt :(

I have felt like an alien so many times.

I feel that people pity me when they look at me .


Well-known member
shy_girl said:
ok well, you did ask lol so beware for a long pathetic annoying post..
i have a horrible personality.
i hate myself for it but im a horrible person, i put my feelings and happiness before anyone elses, im selfish, im unkind, even tho i know how it feels and if someone was unkind to me id fall to pieces. im not a nice person and i HATE myself for it. im stupid and horrible without even realising it and i try so hard to be nice :(
im annoying, i annoy anyone i talk to with my droning voice and my stupid boring conversation, im boring as hell, im not funny at all, i get jealous so easily, im not good with words or getting my point across, i see so many wise people on this site who are so brilliant at playing with words and when i try to make a long post with my thoughts and views it ends up sounding stupid and childish :roll: i dont have any good qualities, everyone thinks im a joke, i have no friends (i can understand why),im ugly and i hate my stupid life. i oh and im so fucking lonely.

GOD i needed that :lol: sorry i know extremely whiney post.

I know those feelings so well, it's how I feel a lot of the time too. Though I'm now trying to make sure I put others first, which has helped me to feel a lot better.

I'm sure really you're not as bad as you think you are. *Hugs*


shy_girl said:
Starry said:
shy_girl said:
ok well, you did ask lol so beware for a long pathetic annoying post..
i have a horrible personality.
i hate myself for it but im a horrible person, i put my feelings and happiness before anyone elses, im selfish, im unkind, even tho i know how it feels and if someone was unkind to me id fall to pieces. im not a nice person and i HATE myself for it. im stupid and horrible without even realising it and i try so hard to be nice :(
im annoying, i annoy anyone i talk to with my droning voice and my stupid boring conversation, im boring as hell, im not funny at all, i get jealous so easily, im not good with words or getting my point across, i see so many wise people on this site who are so brilliant at playing with words and when i try to make a long post with my thoughts and views it ends up sounding stupid and childish :roll: i dont have any good qualities, everyone thinks im a joke, i have no friends (i can understand why),im ugly and i hate my stupid life. i oh and im so fucking lonely.

GOD i needed that :lol: sorry i know extremely whiney post.

I know those feelings so well, it's how I feel a lot of the time too. Though I'm now trying to make sure I put others first, which has helped me to feel a lot better.

I'm sure really you're not as bad as you think you are. *Hugs*

that really made me feel better starry, thanks :)
i read your post "Just Realised Something..." and it made alot of sense. i spend alot of time moaning and feeling sorry for myself when really so many people have far worse problems. i spend far too much time moaning about what a crap person i am rather than doing something about it. why make your day worse by thinking over and over about your problems when you could be making someone elses day better? and its things like that that make a person great, it makes them worth talking to and worth and having in your life, all the things i recently found im not worth at all. you have to make yourself worth it! plus, im sure if you make time to make other people feel better, they'll do the same in return, then your day wont seem as bad.god when you think about it its so simple but i've never thought about it like that before. that could be first step to new personality. sorry im probably freaking people out by seeming so enthusiastic :lol: but i've just realised it as i was typing. genuine thanks Starry 8O :D

I wish someone i knew would do the same :( she has avpd.


Lately I've realized that I do complain pretty much. Maybe not so much to other people, but at least in my own mind I do. I complain both about myself and about other people, which makes me feel bad in a way. I've started thinking that maybe other people annoy me either because I'm envious that their life seems better than mine, or that I just see things in them that I don't like in myself. In any case, I can't say that any of my complaining makes me feel better or that it's really good for me. And my complaints are mostly limited to people. Other things I don't like I just seem to accept. Like I have no friends and think my life is really pathetic, but for some reason I don't complain about it a lot. Unless just thinking that your life sucks count as a complaint. For me it's more like just a statement of fact.


OMG this thread is great. is it bad if I say that it cheered me up reading some of your complaints??
it`s probably because they`re pretty much exactly what I thought i was going to write - I feel like I`m in comfortable company. *hugs*

2. my stoopid parents went to a BBQ without telling me that my brother was going too. I feel like a fucking family embarrassment cos they thought i wasn`t good enough to go. if they had asked me i wouldhave said no, but the point is that they didn`T ask!!
3. i`m getting bitten by lttle annoying mozzies. I always get bitten and look like i have blimin measles or something a couple of days into summer.
4. i have no car, i have no friends who i can just go chill out with and get out of this freaking house, but im too scared to go anywhere.
5. i`ve gained about 8 kgs in a year since getting this damn depression and i want to lose it. I can`t fit half my clothes, which means im always wearing the same thing - not that it matters cos im at home - i look frumpy because I`m fat. plus it`s so annoying feeling so stupid becuase my memory has gotten so bad.
-i should be working, with a well paid job, lots of good friends, enjoying life and making the world a happier place, and have a boyfriend or at least be married - but i don`t have any of that. i`m unemployed, on the sickness benefit, at home, 27, no friends, no boyfriend, no house, no husband, no money. my only qualificationis as a teacher, which i hate - i want to find my purpose in life so i can put all my energy into it. but i don`t know what the hell that is, and when i think i have some kind of an idea i get too frickin scared of even think too much more about it. what the hell is wrong with me~?!?!

ha~~~. thankyou. feel much better.


my turn again...i can`t sleeep adn it`s 3:50am and my eyes are aching....
oh i know, i`ll go downstairs and watch Howl`s Moving Castle, for some reason it`s the one of the two movies since i`Ve had depression that I can watch where i can eventually fall asleep. teh other one is Spirited away. i guess because they`re both not violent or too sad, and kind of touches the inspired part of you that wants to be a good person, plus it`s interesting enough to stay engaged at what level you want, but you don`t have to think about it if you don`t want to. plus the soundtrack to Howl is especially good.
...hmmm wrong thread.