Do you Enjoy Complaining?


Well-known member
I do not complain a lot. I mean I do often say to myself: <<oh damn this is such a bad situation that I am in, my life is going to the dogs etc...>> but I do not feel the world owes me anything, so I just state to myself that I am in trouble and accept to feel completely depressed, but in a cold way, without really "complaining".

Oh and I never say such things to others, I have learned that people just feel annoyed by it, and rightly so.


I hate my job!!! I hate it. I can't be myself and I know they all think I'm wierd and serious and boring. AAAARGH. Hate it.


Active member
I complaining at times...
I don't know what to say...I'm feel very melancholy now.

I have no closet friends.
My acheivement is very poor.
I eat alot and get me fat.
I lose sleep over the hurt things.
I am crying about my social phobia.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oops! I think I feel better now. :lol:


New member
I complain quite a bit, really. I mostly complain about physical issues though.

"Oh, I don't feel good."
"I have a headache."
"My body aches."

That kind of thing.

Right now, I'm struggling with my boyfriend, so I complain about him too, and work, and school. So yeah, I definitely enjoy whining.


Active member
no i dont like to complain but my bf aboandon me he was a jerk to me anyway i have too many issues at hand


Well-known member
I like to complain a little in my head, but it makes me feel guilty if I actually complain outloud. It seems kind of selfish to me, especially when other people are probably in a worser situation.


Well-known member
i dont complain because theres no one to complain to, infact i only ever say about 10 words a day and thats to my cat. i say morning to mum and thats it really.


i complain alot because everything sucks. if people didnt suck, the world didnt suck, my life didnt suck i wouldnt have anything to complain about.


Now this is my kinda thread

Complain? I complain so much I've made an habit of telling myself to shut up.

My life sucks, just sucks. Nothing more nothing less. It sucks.

Lonely? Yes
In pain? Yes
Despise 'normal' people in general? Yes

I want a freaking pet, but I'm too sick to take care of the thing.

Don't want to go out, don't want to stay in ....

I hate talking on the phone but I want to talk on the damn phone!!

Now this is fun!!! I love it. :roll:

I think I'll make this thread my new favorite!!!

Thanks all :D


Well-known member
I Can never stop complaining whenever im given the chance to. LOL My sisters prefere not to let me in their rooms so i wont start complaining either about school, classmates, ppl ect, regreting ...
For ex. : " i Cant stand *****, she so fckin annoying, every mintue she wud turn over and whisper to her friends, she so rude, i cant Stand her anymore, I cant i cant! i dont even care if she whispered (To myself:damn i Do! wat if they were talkin about me? ) thats so lame, how rude of her, why wud she think i'll get jealous, Who wud? (To myself: I will, maybe!) I just Cannt Take it Anymore! I wish i didnt go back to this skool, i wish i didnt even go out from the start ... ect. "
The Complaining continues forever ..

"im Sorry, i kno i complain and talk alott, but i just dont know what to do with myself!"
My sister .."Get Over it! yr So lame!" (To myself: What Do u know?!

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ And This is So Lame!


Well-known member
I don't complain very much to other people because then I get their attention focused on me. :oops: And then I start to feel bad for wasting their time... :roll: However I do complain occasionally to my mom when I can't hold it in anymore. And to my therapist. But she doesn't count because listening to people whine is her job. :lol:


Well-known member
black_mamba said:
*places punchbag in centre of thread*

Come on guys, spit, grab, kick, maul it!!

LittleMiss theres nothing on tv, so you can watch us beat the crap out of a bag filled with foam. :) Popcorn will be provided free of charge.

:lol: Boy, I wrote that? I must've been pretty annoyed back then.

Yer, new complaints time. And this time its serious. I'm unemployed. On a positive note ( :roll: ) I got my full uni results today and found out I had straight As in my final year. Thats a first for me before you start thinking what a swot I am. :lol:

Wow lots of new complaints here. A think the idea of the inital post was constructive whinging: sure moan about how difficult we have it, but also make sure to suggest how we could improve the situation as well. Try it. :p


Well-known member
Can I complain too?

My Stomach hurts

I have no job

I only have one friend

My boyfriend dumped me for being too shy and paranoid (fair enough I guess)

My dogs are barking and it is so annoying, if I have to here their big loud booming barks again I'll scream

Its so cold and my hands are purple

Everyone says I'm ugly, but its not my fault, i didn't ask to look this way

And I'll just add in a final WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, why is everyone so mean, and I can't believe I'm doing this, I hope my parents don't find out...I'll be in so much trouble


Well-known member
Emma said:
And I'll just add in a final WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, why is everyone so mean, and I can't believe I'm doing this, I hope my parents don't find out...I'll be in so much trouble

You mean find out about this website?


Well-known member
Yes, I mean find out about this website, they wouldn't like me doing's my secret


Well-known member
the main thing that bugs me is other people's driving habits.

* when drivers are only going 80km in 100km zone.

* when drivers are only going 45km in a 60 km zone.

* when you get blocked in by two cars traveling slow and you can't overtake.

* when you are trying to merge because your lane is running out and the driver on the other lane speeds up and doesn't let you in.

* when you are at the lights and the driver behind you gives you like 1 second to go before they start beeping their horn and abusing you for being too slow. The people in my town are crazy about using their horn.

* Getting stuck behind caravans/trucks when you are highway driving.

* oh and also cyclists who ride right on the white line, and then abuse you for getting too close to them. Why do they do that? i don't understand why they don't make good use of the space provided in the bicycle lane. It's dangerous for them to be hanging out there like that.


Well-known member
Emma said:
Yes, I mean find out about this website, they wouldn't like me doing's my secret

My parents know about this site and they don't like it cause they say SP is all in my mind, it's not a mental disorder, we are the one that come up with the thoughts that lead to fear, so by visiting this web site i get more and more crazy ideas and the more ill I think I am.

True, but if they were in my place they would do the same, cause SP isn't like flu, to be cured with some pills in a week or so. It's a way of being that u cannot change that much no matter how hard we try.

Ok, so my complains for today are: i'm starting to get depressed again and to have paranoic thoughts that run through my head and I cannot stop it. I'm really starting to lose that very little joy of living left in me... :evil:

PS: I prefer this thread instead of '' Positive posts only'' cause hear I can write pages and pages, but there I'm stuck and the words won't come out :roll: