Do you Enjoy Complaining?


Well-known member
Brace yourselves. This is going to be one self-sentered and whiny post.

I'm going to start out by saying how much I hate that I suck at expressing my feelings with words. This much: |-----------|
It'll probably take me 1-2 hours just to write this post, and the end result will still not be 100% accurate.

I've grown tired of all my music. My taste in music is very limited. I like a few bands alot, and a few songs from other artists, but that's it. I like to listen to my music every waking hour, unless I'm watching a video/TV show/Movie. I very rarely like something if someone pushes it onto me. When people tell me about songs or artists they think I should try out, I usually just automatically hate them.
I know this is a very destructive way of thinking, but what can I do about it? lol
Just now, I realized that I hardly ever laugh anymore. "lol" has become meaningless, and I catch myself using it way too much, when, in fact, I'm not laughing at all, I just didn't know what else to say.

Summer is coming up. There is only one thing I like about the summer:
  • *Driving up to a lake with my friends to go swimming.
Things I DON'T like about the summer:
  • *Couples holding hands, kissing, flaunting their happiness in front of me.
    *The heat.
    *Beautiful people usually become even more beautiful, and tend to take off their clothes to show it off.
    *Getting sunburned or just not getting a tan while everyone else does.
    *I feel even more exposed since it's so bright outside. Hard to hide.

Another thing that really pisses me off is how every day is exactly the same, and I don't see any progress.
I don't have anything to look forward to, and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. All I ever do is struggle to survive another day of misery. I have no hopes, dreams or ambitions, except maybe meeting someone special someday. But then again, who would want me in my current, self loathing, state? It's a vicious circle, and I know that if only I had some sort of motivation, I could break free. But I really don't know where to start, and it's frustrating. My therapist doesn't seem to understand me, and just wants me to "get out there" and put myself in a social situation. Well, guess what? I can't. Not on my own.
I have tried many different therapists, all equally useless to me.

I'm so sick of not being able to relate to most people's interests and discussions. Sick of feeling alone all the time (even among friends), and sick of feeling like I can't do anything about it. Whenever I try to do something with my life, I end up screwing it up or avoiding it. Every time I try and fail, I feel worse than I did before I tried.

I curse the fact that I am socially crippled, and my own worst enemy.


Active member
i get really annoyed because all people ever do is complain to me because i just listen(im not one to voice my opinon) and whenever i try to complain about my issues they just turn it in to theirs. so yes i like to complain whenever im able to because i never get to. my life sucks, my friends want me around but treat me like crap, my parents ignore me, and i absolutley hate school and want to drop out even though im only in 9th grade but i guess what kid doesnt. well i have more to complain about but i guess thats enogh for now.


Well-known member

ive been bitching in the chat room, but i really need to stop feeling that room with all that negative crap.

So basically, im in a GO FUCK YOURSELF, kind of mood. :evil: ...thats me right now.

maybe i should get drunk... and then call my friend to tell her how i REALLLY feel about her. ill be like.....Hey GIRLFRIENDDD....just wanted to call to say i fucking hate you and i dont wanna be friend anymore.... ya i wish. i wish she would move far far FARRR away. so we can just drift apart even more then we have already.

Why am i putting myself through this shit for???? its totally not normal to be so unhappy about a "friend". she really affects me way more then she should. Why did i have to be born...made into a coward. someone who cant tell people the truth. ok im done...


black_mamba said:
Today I was handed a comment form for my university. Since I'm in my final year and been at this uni for almost 4 years now, I had a lot of complaints to unload.

Same here. I'm also in my last year at Uni and we were given a link to the National Student Survey website, the last part of the survey being negative and positive comments. Needless to say, my negative comments section was very long and in depth. The annoying thing was, I typed it all out and submitted it, but they keep sending me prompts to fill it in, and I get the feeling it wasn't processed correctly. 8O Perhaps I complained more than it could handle? :lol:


Had to spend $600 today to fix my car which is a piece of shit to begin with.

My life is not worth living. At all.


Well-known member


I realy hate having to do something i have no interest in doing, that tells me nothing, that doesnt motivate me one little bit, just because someone thinks I should.
I hate my old boss for not respecting my will, for not listen to me wen I say NO!!

I dont want to have a successfull career!
I dont want to be big!
I dont want responsability!

I just want peace and quiet.


this is a great idea! i like to complain alot, well i don't like it, but i always need to tell someone my complaint or it will frustrate the hell out of me, and my work friends are getting sick of me. well here it goes!

i'm in a relationship i hate
ive never got enough money
im too fat but cant be bothered doing anything about it
i miss my family
i want a baby but cant have them
i dont like working i want to sleep and dream all day
i have no friends everyone at work hates me

wow.. putting them all together like that makes me feel miserable :(


Well-known member
hmmm, well first off let me say that I feel really bad for not reading eveyones post in this thread. I usuallly just come in here and bitch about me. But I promise I will read them later :D

Anywhoo, I hate eating when I just wake up. HATE HATE HATE. Im trying to get down this stupid instant breakfast thing, but its so gross. But i have to eat something cause i gots to go places and i dont want my stomach to growl or whatever. BOOOOOOOO. Its 9am and this is fucking early. But at least I didnt wake up to it being super duper hot. Im actually a bit cold :D

Oh and also, I didnt take out my trash last night :( I just kinda forgot cause I was too busy being depressed and shit. I really wanted to throw out my cigs and get rid of them FOREVER! But now I have to wait another week before they are REALLYY gone! :(


Well-known member
I'm really pissed right now because the girl I sit next to in one of my classes seems clueless as to what's going on around her. She's so inconsiderate, she always puts all her crap on my desk and doesn't even appear to notice when I try to nudge it back over so I at least have enough space to do my work.

It's just so annoying when I know how I bend over backwards to please other people and to not be in their way, and they never notice, and then I always run into oblivious, self-centered people.


Well-known member
Regarding the title of the topic, I ussually don't enjoy complaining, but for this moment now, it's all i can do.

Just went to check my online dating service to see the messages i recived. So i got a message from a hooker, of course escorts thrive in these enviroments. The 2nd was from a fat ugly girl, BUT inteligent, a quality witch didn't helped her much in her situation.

And i was particulary interested to see the response to ta message i sent to an ordinary girl, geeky i would say, with glasses, but neverthe less pretty, cause i like glasses, 3rd year at psychology. I must say she was below standards, considering the society standard, not mine. So, no respone, she deleted my message and replyed nothing.

Of course, as we SP-ers know, we sometimes put all our hopes and efforts in a message that could sometimes mean the world to us, and we know it's wrong , but we still do it. I would not like to generalize here. So i made the same mistake and got that beautifullllllllll rejection that made my day :lol: I'm being sarcastic i know, but it fu*ked me up. So i'll just take an Seroquel overdose again and sleep for...24 to 48 hours , AGAIN.

Have a nice day everyone, i'm going to dream land 8)


Well-known member
Actually complaining provides leaving our responsibility and assume that it is not our fault.It is a trick that our brain make do us.
We must have all responsiblity of our lifes.But is is too heavy to carry on our shoulders.


Well-known member

omg.... i cant freakin believe this crap. I got another trojan. This is so retarded. And my norton is about to expire or something. i have a bad feeling im gonna be stuck in stupid safe mode for a long long long long time. lameoooo


Well-known member
Re: boing

SleepingBeauty said:
omg.... i cant freakin believe this crap. I got another trojan.

...hahaha. when I first read that I thought you meant something else.

Actually I don't think I complain very much generally. However, a current gripe is that I have an exam drawing ever closer, and I can't get my brain to actually wake up and realise that if it doesn't start working, I'm gonna be screwed. I need the fear but don't seem to be able to get it. I guess I'm complaining about being too goddamn tranquil :?


Well-known member
I don't have anything specific to complain about, i just feel like crap in general, hating everything and nothing, most of all myself.

Wish i could find some peace of mind.