do you believe in God and why/why not?

Dude Im not entirely sure what you're saying. Regardless even if I made a bad analogy, it still doesnt take away from the fact that the idea of "worship this god or burn for eternity" is all kinds of messed up. This world is filled with tons of religions. Thats a LOT of people headed for the cosmic furnace. And for what? Because they were born homo sapien? I personally dont try to attack people's beliefs because everyone holds onto something to get them through the day, but telling people theyre headed for hell is equally as damaging.
^ Well said, Megaten. :thumbup:

^I love this! :applause:


Well-known member
I don't believe in a God of any description, but if there was a higher power for me it would be mother nature.


Well-known member
I used not to,but now I think there is something,not sure I would call it a God,I also learned a very painful lesson that you should not say that there is no God or debate other people about this,something that marked me for life,you never know what someone is going through,if they are not the kind of dangerous religious person,which very few people are,you should just let it go.


It's amazing I clung to that belief for as long as I did, but right now I can confidently say no, and the margin of doubt I have in my mind as to whether or not it/he/she truly exists is very very thin.

I guess my reasons are:

1. There is a large amount of belief systems/gods that have existed throughout time but are now completely forgotten, and the fact that certain belief systems have endured doesn't mean they're any truer. It's all mythology and politics... it's not really surprising that a lot of churches in the US or elsewhere have devolved into right wing political organizations.

2. I'm comfortable with not understanding things and don't feel a need to use God as an explanation for everything.

3. I'm pretty sure that God is largely an outdated concept imagined by people who didn't have a sense of how large the world/universe is and how big of a role the human race has to play in it. The first religion evolved out of a series of stories because people needed explanations but didn't have the means to find one.

4. The existence of God can never be proven or disproven, which is exactly the point. But instead of trying to make the evidence fit the conclusion it makes a lot more sense to abandon the conclusion and look for a better one(s)... and until that time, we should just admit that we don't know and that's perfectly okay.
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No, because we are nothing more than elaborate apes with brains just big enough to imagine and believe nonsense. We are nothing special, there are no mysteries


Well-known member
I'm unsure. I used to be christian, then agnostic, then atheist ... now I don't even know.

Lately I've been questioning basically everything I know, thanks to some deep conversations with a friend and some book reading. How do I know science is accurate? How much about the world is kept from me? How many lies am I being told? How do I know the world didn't pop into existence a year ago, or even last Thursday? Maybe fairies are real. Maybe dragons did exist. How do I know anything even exists? If I don't know the answers to those questions, I don't know how I could believe a god exists or doesn't exists.

Only thing I can be sure of is that I exist in some way or another. I'm a conscious being of some sort, and I'll just live my life assuming that the reality I see is actually real.

(I'm not crazy, I swear)


idk..I was raised in a methodist christian family so i'v always had a general belief that people should at least TRY to be "good" and kind-hearted...I think there are a lot of good lessons in the bible (and also a few not-so-good ones) and I can't say for certain that ALL of them are true but many of the stories in the bible contain important morals...the bible was written by more than one person though so I think that MIGHT explain some of the contradictory stuff...all in all though, I think the bible is somewhat of a TEST....There are stories in it that people have used to push their sick agenda/as an excuse for starting wars and conquering lands, punishing people, ect...and there are also stories in the bible that people use to justify giving up their material wealth in order to travel to a ravaged 3rd world country and help take care of the needy...different types of people interpret the bible in different ways but only the RIGHT kind of person can glean its TRUE meaning... idk if all the stories in the bible are true but all of them together comprise a RIDDLE of sorts...much like the end of Indiana Jones:The last crusade where he has to pick the right grail...
personally I think its all about being "kind to thy neighbor", loving each other, forgiving, sharing, helping, and all that hippy stuff.

anyway, I came up with this whole "theory" one night when I was smoking a bunch of weed and then I slid across the kitchen floor in my socks to get some cinnamon toast crunch and its at that moment that I had an epiphany....but that was years ago.
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Well-known member
We know the universe to be at least 13 billion years old, and that's just how far we can actually see through current technologies.

Perhaps we're on the furthest edge out, and the universe is more like 100 billion years old.

If that's the case, and one singular conscience has been watching over the entire thing the whole time, just waiting for one specific race to come into being, then 'he' has been agonizing for over 99.99999 billion years.

After such a long time being absolutely alone, I would expect anyone to go crazy. Like, bat-sh*t crazy... and I don't need a friend/saviour/God that thinks he's a cosmic fruitcake.

Indeed, unless the One, Almighty God manifested right beside me, punched me in the nose and turned me into a nekomimi... I'm just going to keep playing it safe by being agnostic.


Well-known member
I'm unsure. I used to be christian, then agnostic, then atheist ... now I don't even know.

Lately I've been questioning basically everything I know, thanks to some deep conversations with a friend and some book reading. How do I know science is accurate? How much about the world is kept from me? How many lies am I being told? How do I know the world didn't pop into existence a year ago, or even last Thursday? Maybe fairies are real. Maybe dragons did exist. How do I know anything even exists? If I don't know the answers to those questions, I don't know how I could believe a god exists or doesn't exists.

Only thing I can be sure of is that I exist in some way or another. I'm a conscious being of some sort, and I'll just live my life assuming that the reality I see is actually real.

(I'm not crazy, I swear)

Scientific discoveries is of course constantly being updated with every new bit of information uncovered, but the scientific method is pretty solid. It isnt really so much like held beliefs are, but more like a way of questioning and testing things. After enough people have tested the same thing and come to the same conclusion it becomes a theory instead of a hypothesis. Once it gets to the point where it cant possibly be disputed it becomes a law. But anyways any good scientist isnt afraid to admit that they dont know the answer to some things, but that doesnt mean they wont be confident on what they come to a conclusion on. When it comes to things like Gods and magical beings just arent funded much because there's no way to test them. But anyways look at how much we've accomplished using the scientific method.


Well-known member
We're all going to fall into an existential crisis if we keep discussing this stuff. :bigsmile: