Do mistakes haunt you?


Well-known member
So, I was at work yesterday and I was conversing with someone in the break room, asking "What is stupider?" when of course the proper grammatical thing to say is "What is more stupid?" (someone else in that room also politely suggested that, and of course they were right). Now I'm just worried that they will think *I* am stupid. Anyway, I guess the question I want to ask is: do mistakes haunt you?
they used to all the time, but i think aobut th future more now... eventually ull see there is no use in dwelling :)


Well-known member
They used to all the time but now I realise that everyone else makes mistakes and it happens and it's just part of life and you need to move on from them and not dwell on them.
Yeah, don't even let me catch myself with a typo. It makes me incredibly embarrassed, and as if every user is pointing and laughing.


Well-known member
Yes mistakes do haunt me. I tend to dwell on things and over analyse them far too much. Even small mistakes can take me a long time to get over.


Well-known member
I dwell far too often on past slip ups, mistakes or regrets... even silly/small ones.


Well-known member
English is by no means my mother tongue, but I'm frequently bothered by grammatical errors in Norwegian. ;)


Well-known member
I am not great with mistakes. I used to be very very bad with them, to the point that if I tried something, and made even the slightest error, I would never try it again. Suffice it to say, I ended up doing nothing.

I am much better with it now, though I have to pick and choose my battles. When I try something new, I do it on my terms, when and where I can manage it. I also let myself "feel" the pleasure of doing it when I find something I can do reasonably well. I have difficulty stopping all the negative chatter going on in my head. Trying to "talk" your way out of the negativity is hard but works to some extent sometimes. I have found the best way is to "feel" your way out of it. A feeling of happiness will cut through the negative chatter like the sun burning up fog. The problem of course is being able to "feel" happy, which I think was my problem in the first place. It takes practice, but I do much better with it now, and I am always looking for little things to make me feel a bit of happiness. The slightest little good thing can work, just making my bed in the morning helps sometimes.

All the bad things used to wash out any feeling of happiness, even if there were some good things in my life. Now I take just one little good thing in its own context, and let myself feel a little bit of happiness. I don't have to feel it all day, just for that moment. Sometimes I think its futile, but I've come to trust that every little bit of happiness will help, even if it doesn't feel like it at the time.

Of course if your mistake has affected someone else, then that's harder to overcome. Most likely you will have to make amends in some way before you can believe you deserve to be happy and move on. But keep in mind that everyone does this from time to time to some extent or another, so try not to be too hard on yourself and keep things in perspective.

I also have come to realize that everyone else tries their best to hide their own mistakes. So do not fall into the trap of trying to compare yourself to other people, because you do not, and will not, know exactly all the mistakes they have made. The old saying that the grass is not always greener applies here. I used to think everyone else had it easier and they do everything so much better than me. NOT TRUE. Not true at all. I don't care who you are, it is simply not true. The longer I am around this earth the more I am convinced of that and thank my lucky stars. Of course people told me this a long time ago, and I didn't believe them. So all of my ramblings here will probably not make anyone believe it. But saying it helps me, which means I've helped at least one person, and that makes me feel happy. :) Whoo hooo!!!


Well-known member
Yes, they do. But they haunt me more when it comes to writing than anything else. Even typing replies like this to forums. Sometimes I edit & re-edit them if I reread them & notice there was an error.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Always. A never ceasing barrage of painful memories and failures always follows me throughout the day. There are times when it may be triggered by a mistake I made in that moment and other times, it may just arise from nowhere. But it always pains me to have to think of them again.


Well-known member
petty things don't bother me... really the only big deal 'mistake' that still comes to mind is my car, lola (that's her name) 2008 a stupid bitch ran straight into me and totaled my car (1 month before it would have been paid off!!:mad:) ...anyway, i got about $12,000 back from it and paid some of it to my dad that i owed him, and some of it i paid off a little debt (turning 18 and getting credit cards and never looking back is a whole different mistake :) haha) so i had like $7,750 to spend on a car... well, i SHOULD have just bought a little 2000-2004 honda or something for under that amount and had it all paid for, but i didn't.. i wanted a 2007 honda! lol, so i bought one from the dealership i worked at and they made me a good deal and all, it was about $15,000.. BUT my credit sucked so bad that my interest rate is like 18%! AHHHH! lol.. i just went with it, because the economy sucks and i KNOW no bank would have given me a loan, so i let my guys at the dealership talk their people into doing it, haha... anyway, i'm paying an assload in interest :) was super stupid on my part, but i do love my car! haha i guess i think about it sometimes and i'm like "ugh, i'm such a dumbass..." but then i just make my brain move on to something else, cause i damn sure can't do anything about it now, lol


Well-known member
Yeah, mistakes haunt me. Especially things that make me seem as if I lack intelligence or common sense. But everyone makes stupid mistakes...


Super Moderator
Often, not only mistakes and embarrassing moments, but things that my mind registered as failures when they probably weren't. I often think about things that happened days, weeks and even years ago... I still beat myself up over them.