Do mistakes haunt you?


Well-known member
You are certainly not the first or last person to say "stupider" nor are you the only person who has ever made an honest mistake. Doesn't make you stupid at all! If someone thinks of you as an idiot for making a mistake then they should probably look in the mirror first because they've probably made mistakes before. People of substance will not write you off as an idiot for making an error. If it makes you feel any better...I forgot how to spell 'shoe' once! I turned to my friend and asked her and she we had to turn to a third party and I've been able to spell 'shoe' with no problems from then on....::p:

I used to let mistakes haunt me...I'm pretty sure that I could still let them, but I just Chuck Norris on their @ss. There is nothing to fear except for Chuck Norris himself! Remember that.

Haha, thanks for the pep talk. Funny story, btw.
I have moments in which past mistakes bug me. Most of the time I don't like about them, but there are times when many flood back and I regret them. It can be annoying when it happens, since you can't do anything about it.
So, I was at work yesterday and I was conversing with someone in the break room, asking "What is stupider?" when of course the proper grammatical thing to say is "What is more stupid?" (someone else in that room also politely suggested that, and of course they were right). Now I'm just worried that they will think *I* am stupid. Anyway, I guess the question I want to ask is: do mistakes haunt you?

If mistakes within language bugged me, I would be freaking out about the mistakes I make all the time. I am horrible when it comes to saying the right words, or in the right way.