Do any of you wish that you live in another time?


Well-known member
It sounds nice in theory, but living in the past would have been pretty bad I imagine. Rampant poverty, disease, lack of medicine, lack of hygiene, no real decent modes of transportation meaning you were pretty much stuck where you were born or the near vicinity, etc...

Still, this age isn't much of an improvement really when you look at the world as a whole.


Well-known member
That's also a reason why I'd rather go to the future. In hopes that equality is achieved for both sexes, all types of sexuality and those of different cultural origin.
Unfortunately I don't think total equality will ever happen.

UNLESS---- the Apes rule in the future.
I think cockroaches will rule before apes! Or maybe the spiders. Or aliens. Or unicorns.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
It sounds nice in theory, but living in the past would have been pretty bad I imagine. Rampant poverty, disease, lack of medicine, lack of hygiene, no real decent modes of transportation meaning you were pretty much stuck where you were born or the near vicinity, etc...

Still, this age isn't much of an improvement really when you look at the world as a whole.

Yeah, I sometimes think it would have been nice to have been a pioneer back in the old west, having my own land to work on away from other people, but I'm sure I'm just over-romanticising that period. The reality is I'd have probably ended up being murdered by outlaws or dying from some horrible disease.


Well-known member
Poverty, disease, inequality and crime... the majority of the problems we face today didn't start until after we started settling down and farming.

I still want to live back in the hunter-gatherer times. *dreams*


Active member
I'm pretty content with 2012... But if I could have a time machine, that would be the bees knees. I would go back before modern times to see all of the extinct animals. Definitely dinosaurs (as long as the time machine was also dino-proof).
I wish i lived in the 1800's
They wouldn't have gaming consoles (or "Red Dead Redemption") back then tho..

I've never "felt right" in this era, and always wished i lived in another, "nicer", "more romantic" era than our current one. I like how up to the 50s-60s, all the men dressed in their best suits/finery to "go out", everyone was perfectly polite to each other .. but with most eras, you'd have to be in the right country, place, time, circumstances .. and money has always helped, like it or not.


Well-known member
I would like to live in a time where there are more jobs available for the introverted and antisocial.

Agriculture living off the land and advanced technology combined would be my ideal way of living.


Well-known member
I can't think of a better time then right now, for all the talk of the good old days I'm inclined to think people have it easier now then at any other of time.


Well-known member
Yes, but I'm unsure of whether I'd prefer to live in the past or the future. Seeing as how I'm female and gay though, the future is probably the best bet though lol


Well-known member
i would love to be a white teenage in the 1950s. going to sock hops, driving those big ass cars, getting hot and heavy on make-out mountain with some girl in a poodle skirt and saddle shoes. oh happy days

Canis lupus

Well-known member
dont think that I would survive in a place like this,like if you wanted to kill someone they just would go there and do it,someone alone would pretty much die really easily just because they are alone.

That's just it, I don't think we would be alone. I think we would just be part of the tribe. Think we acted much more on instincts back then and wouldn't be judged by others like now a days. Look at animals, there is a certain hierarchy but the weak are still included and accepted by the pack. Ofcourse the chance of dying because of being killed by another tribe, an animal attack, some disease or just from old age by the time you turn 30 is much higher but you wouldn't know any better. And I prefer a short but a somewhat decent life than having to live 70-80 years alone and against my will.


I would like to live in a time where there are more jobs available for the introverted and antisocial.

Agriculture living off the land and advanced technology combined would be my ideal way of living.

Yeah something like that. I think the biggest plus of pre-civilization time was the unspoiled nature ::(: (and enough jobs for the introverted and asocials). I am not sure if swapping this for civilization conveniences was a good deal.


Well-known member
1940's britain. Could of joined the WAAF, maybe done something useful. Rationing would be **** but I'm not a fussy person when it comes to food.

Enough hygiene and comforts to keep me happy, unlike any earlier time but not too much modern stuff I don't get, like twitter.

Bombings would be scary but if I was in the same state of mind as I am now I wouldn't really care.

Plus no computers or mobiles and cars wouldn't have been as essential and there'd have been fewer of them so I could walk about easier.