Describe a typical day in your life


Well-known member
For me...

Get up at 5am for work :eek:
Go to work ::(:
Get home early/mid afternoon
Have lunch
Go for a kip
(After Kip) Surf internet for a while, check emails etc
Do any houesehold chores
Play videogames and/or watch a movie, listen to some music etc (this will take up the bulk of the evening)
Have shower, get ready for bed
Watch a tv show on dvd or something I've recorded
Around 11pm-12...bed!

Pretty sad I know ::eek:: As you can see I haven't included any social activities cos at the moment I simply don't have a social life! ::(: This is mainly thanks to "friends" who once married and have kids can't be bothered with you anymore (not that I'm bitter!) and I don't have a girlfriend. So apart from visiting my parents, getting shopping, or going out on my bike - I don't go out much.


Active member
- Get up at 8am
- Arrive at school at 9am
- Back home again at 2pm
- Do homework
- Surf the internet/Play videogames
- Work at my parttime job at 5.30pm
- Back home again at 9pm
- Chillax
- Go to sleep at 11.30pm


Well-known member
6:30 am - alarm goes off
6:30-7:30 am - hit snooze button every five minutes and promise myself i'll get up the next time the alarm goes off
7:30 am - get out of bed and stumble into the bathroom for morning bathroom activites
7:58 am - head out for the long walk to work
7:59 am - arrive at work
8:00 - paperwork, check emails, check Facebook, check SPW, drink coffee, etc.
8:30 am - greet staff and begin opening store
9:00 am-12:30 pm - walk around and tell other people what to do, greet customers, smile alot, and generally act like a nice, happy, confident person
12:30-1:00 pm - lunch, yay! walk to my favorite cafe, have the special and a tap beer
1:00-5:00 pm - walk around and tell other people what to do, greet customers, smile alot, and generally act like a nice, happy, confident person
5:00 pm - find something to do to keep me occupied for a few hours (internet, dvd, xbox, dinner at the cafe - or if i'm lucky, go out somewhere with my girlfriend and spend the night at her house)
10:00 pm-12:00 am - bedtime (depending on the above activities)

on my days off, i try to get outdoors, take a bike ride or hike in the woods

it's not so glamorous, huh?

there's a bunch of other stuff i'd really like to do, but i seem to have fallen into this rut and i'm having a hard time fitting anything else in
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Well-known member
7:00pm - wake up / take care of morning bathroom activities
7:30pm -take my dogs outside to play
8:00pm-9:30pm - eat some food, and get ready for work
10:10pm-10:55pm - drive to work, attend briefing
11:00pm-3:00am - argue with knuckleheads, chat with fellow officers
3:00am - eat lunch
3:10am-7:00am - argue with knuckleheads, chat with fellow officers
7:05am - leave work
7:10am-8:30am - arrive at recreation center, workout, shower
8:30am-9:10am - drive home
9:10am-10:00am - take my dogs out to play, eat some food
10:00am-12noon - kill time (internet, netflix, video game, reading, etc.)
12noon - go to sleep

That's pretty much the average work-day, Tues/Thurs I go to the MMA club, other than that, not a whole lot of deviation.


Well-known member
9:00 - Wake up, bathroom.
9:10 - Let dog out, feed dog, prepare breakfast, drink 1 litre of water.
9:20 - Check internet (emails, Facebook, SPW, Google News etc) whilst listening to music on random, etc...
9:45 - Strength work with weights for arms and chest.
10:15 - Eat Breakfast, then return to the internet.
11:00 - Go for a walk with dog and husband.
12:30 - Drink 1 litre of water, watch/listen to something/read/play game
2:00 - Lunch, and continue watching/reading/listening/playing game or load up internet.
3:45 - Cardio workout.
5:00 - Listen to music/read/play game, drink 1 litre of water.
5:55 - Check internet.
6:00 - Feed dog and cook dinner.
6:30 - Eat dinner wash up.
7:00 - check internet/play with dog/listen to music/play game.
8:30 - Stomach crunches.
9:00 - Watch a film/Music DVD.
10:30 - 11:30 - Go to bed/read a little
12:00 - 3:00 - Fall asleep.

Depending upon the exact day housework and gardening will fit in also... (Also, anything not including internet and exercise and cooking are all done with my husband - we almost never interact with any other people... Just family members VERY occasionally...)
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Well-known member
8AM: Get up
8:30AM: Go to work
9AM: Sit at computer
12PM: Lunch
12:30PM: Sit at computer
5PM: Go home
6PM: Sit at computer with dinner
10PM: Get into bed & watch DVD
12AM: Sleep


Well-known member
4:30/5 am - wake up, bathroom to shower
5:30 am - fix breakfast, take vitamins
6 am - nephew wakes up, I fix him breakfast and feed dogs.
7 am - 10:30 am - cook, clean house, keep nephew happy & occupied & give nephew a bath
10:30/11 am - wake brother up so he's not late for work.
11 am - til 5 pm - I will do laundry, or whatever household chores need to be done while watching nephew (and starting Monday, watching niece as well)
around 5 - sis in law comes home, takes over her kids.
6 pm - go to school
8 pm - get home, watch tv, check internet, read
10 pm - try to go to sleep ... usually awake til 1 am ...

rinse and repeat.


Super Moderator
Wake up, computer, drink coffee, computer, computer, computer, cafeteria time, come back, computer, dinner, shower, computer, computer, computer, sleep, repeat.


Well-known member
I wake up. I turn on my laptop and check my messages, new forum posts, updates for my laptop.

I either stay for awhile, or go upstairs and get something to eat. I do errends for m Dad from time to time, such as delivering messages, putting up, taking down sold signs and lockboxes. I usually go driving different places when I'm out. After Awhile. I come back here, maybe look for something to eat, back to my room and relax. I stay in my room most of the time when I'm home, becuase it's where I'm usually comfortable and there is nothing else to do. Also, I don't like to wear clothes, and it's ricky to be upstairs clothesfree as people are often coming to the house.

I usually have a canker sore due to the stress of my social anxiety and stuff, so in a lot of pain. To miserbale to do anything or even eat.

When I don't have a canker sore, I am enjoying the pool when I'm home alone during the day or outside reading a book.

When I'm in my room, I check for new messages and stuff, read what everyone is upto, watch movies, TV shows (especially when I have a cankor sore, as it gives me something to do). Other times I lay in bed and tink about things.

Sometimes I my Sister comes out to the house. She lives in downtown Halifax. I usually go and pick her up. When she is here, I'm upstairs more, depending on what's happening. If she and my mom are in the pool, I am in my room, doing whatever, on the laptop and by by my window. I don't go swimming becuase I can't swim with clothes on (yuck!) and they are not Naturists, so they were clothes in the pool (silly people). My Mom and Dad don't mind my nudity but my sister is very, very modest (right word?) loves clothes and dosen't like nudity. She is not really against it, just dosen't like it.

I usually take my Sister back into Hlaifax for her work. Then maybe drive somewheres and go back home. After about midnight, if I don't have a cnaker sore. I go swimming, if the water is warm. I can't enjoy the pool with a canker sore, as it's too painful, to enjoy the pool. If I have a canker sore, I just goto bed.

When I goto bed, I lay awake a couple hours thinking about stuff. My mind is very active and wonders. Also, if I have a canker sore, the pain keeps me up awhile.

That's a typical day for me.

x Will x

Well-known member
Force myself out of bed
get shower
dry and straighten my hair in case i see anyone
have snack (usually a yoghurt or cream cracker)
Get a decaff coffee or peppermint tea (giving up caffine)
lay on the lawn (if its sunny) the sun is like.. the best antidepressant ever for me!
go inside and go on my laptop
go to the corner shop
have dinner (if my dad cooks it its not very good)
watch tv
go on laptop again
go on a really late walk (early hours of the morning to help me sleep)


Well-known member
Get up
eat dinner

This is my daily worthless life.


Well-known member
I wake up rather early, make some breakfast, get a shower, get dress and then go to school.

Go to the morning class, then have some small lunch alone and then I go to the library or just wander around the city until the next class and then I come back to my apartment in the night.

Rinse and repeat.


Well-known member
Every day is different. If you like, I could describe each day as it happens and maybe we can pick out a pattern.


Well-known member
Sunrise: My bedmates; the dog and cat must be fed, watered and out, out, out. Check temperature/weather. A big pot of coffee, toast, check phone messages and email. Run bath slowly, read news and click around the web, checking in here to see if anyone has any interest in me and/or my musings. Let furry friends in and into the bath (me not them), wash hair, think about my work schedule for the day - remember to buy a lottery ticket, dress, make lunch, blowdry hair, fill up purse, lunch bag, briefcase, car keys and house keys in pocket, make sure stove and coffee pot are turned off, throw doggie cookies over the head of my anxious pup and flee out the door.
8:30 AM In car - dog and cat at window watching me. Glad they have each other Driving down country roads in neutral whenever possible, listening to the news and going wherever they send me, arrive and work my magic.
12:30 On the road again, eating lunch in the Jeep and arriving at the afternoon appointment - need coffee, try to work some more magic, feeling envious of people who
can hire people to do the things they could do themselves if they wanted to but they don't have too, remember to buy a lottery ticket, work a little past the alloted time to show I am not clock watcher. Would love to hear a compliment but thanks will suffice.
5 PM On the way home, wonder why my good friend and I never got past the talking stage of that multi-million dollar business we planned to start, stop by the mailbox, dream of the clean house and hot dinner I would love to come home to. Put it in park, grab my bags, my dog and cat greet me, feed, water and out, out, out. Make tea, pee, check phone messages, don't sit down or I won't get up, turn on computer, strip off clothes and throw them in the kitchen sink, throw on my comfy clothes, start dinner,
wash clothes, rinse and hang up, read mail/bills, pets inside, sit down and eat dinner in front of the computer, make phone calls, give dog the plate to lick, smoke cheap Indian cigarettes.
7 PM The dog needs a walk and I force myself onto my feet and count the steps as we walk away from the house. Counting to 1000 steps and we turn around to head home. I used to count the steps on the way back until I realized it was the same amount. Oh well. My cat meets us at the end of the driveway and we all go inside. Another day, another dollar and not one of us is getting any younger. It is getting darker earlier.
8 PM In front of the computer in a dark room with the hall light on. My eyes are tired. My dog under the desk. Bills that must be paid...tomorrow. Dirty dishes in the sink...tomorrow. Waiting for the day I can tell some wonderful person who truly loves me, what life was like before we met; It wasn't bad, it wasn't good, it just was.
9 PM Beddy bye time.


Well-known member
I wake up in the morning and go to bed at night. Any and everything in between is just pure randomness-ness. So goes the chaotic nature of my universe - it's like Spaceballs.