Describe a typical day in your life


Well-known member
Most things happen at random. I get bored with routine. The basics would be:

Get out of bed
Stumble about like a zombie (a morning person I'm not)
Go skating
Go to my uncle's to use his elliptical
*place random activities here (not social ones, I'm afraid, but I do love the outdoors)*
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I work.
After work I go home and either watch tv or go on the computer (mainly lotro)
Sleep and food are optional.
Wake up early.
Dread the day ahead while getting breakfast.
Go through the motions of what I have to do with a fake smile.
Have Lunch.
Think about the life I would have if I had done the things I regret not doing in my life.
Have Dinner.
Go to sleep thinking about what my life would be like now if I did not have Social Anxiety and Depression.


Well-known member
Up at 8:30/9. I graduated and don't work lol
I PLAN on working out but I rarely do. If I do I end up doing it later and regretting it/beating myself up over it.
Then I look for jobs
look for more jobs
surf tumblr
Regret my day
Go to bed


Well-known member
7:15 - wake & shower
8:25 - leave, get road rage sitting in parking lot/traffic
9:00 - slavery "begins"
5:35 - slavery "ends," get road rage sitting in parking lot/traffic
6:00 - sometimes stop at grocery store. used to go to my boyfriend's house. sorry, ex-boyfriend. now, i go to mine. surf nets for the rest of night.