Daily Adventures with Weirdy


Well-known member
Today is a sick day.
Sun is shining, birds are chirping, my ASS hurts so baaad!


I haven't gone to the hospital yet.
The pain is worse than it was yesterday or the day before... or the day before-- so it's getting better, I suppose?
Probably just an odd pulled muscle.
I can't think of what I must've done to hurt myself though.
Picking up leaves...?

So... I can run 16km but I can't crouch and pick up leaves for an hour without pulling muscles.

Since I can't think of anything positive to say right now and I've been struggling with suicidal thoughts for weeks, I think I'll take this chance to get something off my chest.
There's alot of negativity on the forum-- which is to be expected.
We all have had bad experiences with people.
We've been bullied by others or ourselves.
One thing that makes me feel terrible is the negativity towards the sexes.
Men towards women, mainly.

I can say from my experience that men can be abusive, they can be hateful, they can be self conscious and weak and lash out because of their insecurities-- but I don't think for a moment that all men are like this.
I raised my brother specifically to NOT be like this.
My father is not like this, despite his self-hatred, he has never lashed out at me for being a woman although he feels that it was my mother who ruined his life-- he knows it's not true.
He has had therapy over this issue but as I have felt that my ex was what ruined my life; he feels the same about my mother.
We have similar histories with our *only romantic relationships*/ childhood friend turned long term partner turned end of the world.

What bothers me often, is the whole competition aspect-- the belief that women have it easier in general.
All we have to do is dress sexy and look nice and catch a man with lots of money?
Is that not a stereotype? A really REALLY bad one that is widely believed to be true?

I had a career where I was expected to look good ALL THE TIME. From the moment I woke up in the morning-- until I locked my door at night and closed the blinds.
If I didn't look amazing and completely flawless, I was bullied and shunned and would often times be fired.
Had to wear 12 pounds of makeup to cover my acne and my jaundice.
I had to diet and be thin, I had to exercise, I had to pad my bra so that I wouldn't get called flat chested.

As a modern woman, I'm also expected to 'have my cake and eat it too'-- in being a long term partner/ a mother/ a housewife AND a business woman.
I had to deal with sexual harassment every minute of every day from every angle.
My job didn't pay alot unless I worked 100+ hours/week.
20 hours some days. No breaks. On edge the entire time.
And I got paid less, automatically-- than a man would have been paid in the same position.

Because of the way I looked for my job, I was judged and called a whore, called a slut, called a snob, called a bitch.
I've only ever dated one person.
I am very much a person filled with morals and I don't cross that line in my life or do anything to step on anyone or to stab anyone in the back or to say mean things or give the wrong impression with my body language.
And yet, I was called a whore, constantly... by 'jealous' people, I suppose.
People I would beat out of the job because I had more credentials or more enthusiasm or more charm-- all of which I only had because I worked so hard to be this person I wanted to be.
To use my only talent to entertain strangers.
I was never credited for my hard work - men tend to get credit- I have yet to get credit.
But I did it anyway.
Up until I lost my relationship and he left me, I did what I could to make everyone around me happy because that was all that made me happy.

Because the woman is expected to be the glue of a family.
The one who holds everything together.
Work/cook/clean/give birth/raise children/never step out of line/don't speak up.

We can cry, sure. That's allowed.
We can't be treated equally, though because we're weak and we're stupid.

I've really lost my train of thought...
What I was trying to work up to, though-- is that today is today.
It's not 50 years ago.
Social 'standards' are what you make them to be. They aren't set in stone anymore.
Gay couples are allowed to adopt now!
They can get married and do what they like-- and that's 'socially abnormal' to some people, isn't it?
But they should do it anyways, if it's what makes them happy.
And they DO do it.
You should do what you want to do with your life. What makes you happy.

What makes me happy?
I don't know...
Sitting in my room and being miserable and fantasizing about new ways to kill myself sure doesn't.
So, I'll work to change that.
Work to find things that do make me happy.
I'll have to start from scratch again and I'll probably never act again, but that's okay I guess...
I'm just not cut out for it.
I'll find something else that makes me feel like my life is worth living.

so sorry to hear all of this.

i must say tho, the gender sterotype thing you were talking about is kind of true with some people, not me, i treat others how they treat me..well i tend to be a bit nicer but anyway i was bought up by my mum and sister so ive never thought woman to be weak or anything like that, granted i wont let my sister use the power drill after she tried putting a shelf up and put a massive whole in the wall and burst a pipe :/
i also learnt the hard way when i was younger that women are strong, my sister can still kick my arse to this day...she may be small but she bites damnit! (no joke she bite my cheek once, drew blood and everything)

on saturday i was out celebrating my 21st had my 2 of my dads girlfriends sisters with us and they are incredibly good looking, anyone would agree if you saw them,
anyway they spent the whole night flirting with other people getting all there drinks bought for them and acting like well sl**s,
then when they chatted up this really drunk bloke and walked off with him and wandered why he wouldnt leave when they was bored, we almost got into a fight with him the police was called and got out of control, ruined the night...anyway yea..
the sterotype is true only for a few people that actually use there looks as a tool, flash of the boobs, flirty, being all touchy and that crap and because of those sl**s (as im going to call them now) do this it makes alot of men think thats how all women are.
its a shame to say its true but nothing we can do stop it.

loving the blog, good to see your getting out and about and there also quite funny, loved the darth vader and unicorn pic :D



Well-known member
^ ahaa... well, that's one of the problems with alcohol.
It changes people; gives them impaired judgement... but perhaps that's what they want to happen ad if it is then it's their choice and they are free to do it.

I belong to a family of 'partiers', so as a teenager living in a very small town, people would group me with my more alcoholic, irresponsible, violent, stoner relatives although I have never been drunk and don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs, don't party.
People at school would track me down to ask if I could give them a joint-- which for me; as an anti-drug/alcohol person, was absolutely humiliating.

Because I don't drink, don't smoke, don't do drugs; I'm seen as a boring person.
I MUST be, right?
I mean... you can ONLY have fun when you're drunk and stoned, right?!
Of course... that's sarcasm; but if anyone believes that as an actuality, I'd feel bad for them.
To think you have to be under some sort of influence and have impaired motorskills and judgement just to have fun...? That's ridiculous.

I have this conversation way too often, though... that's just my opinion ^ all of that.

If someone wants to go to a bar and use their breasts to manipulate some people into buying them booze-- that is their decision.


Well-known member

I'm having a terrible time lately...
here are some pretty flowers.


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Well-known member
my dad auntie and uncle all drink and do drugs and pretty sure my cousin still drinks and smokes.
i dont smoke or do drugs anymore, i did smoke for 8 years and smoked alot of canabis but after my lung collapsed i kinda had to quit, been clean for 1 year from drugs and smoking now.
i drink very rarely i havent been drunk in 2 years, when i drink its because i enjoy what im drinking not to go get drunk and make an idiot of myself, i stop when i start to feel tipsy now tho. but i do love a vodka and redbull every now and then :)

im the same as you when comes to party, i hate it, always get bored. on saturday i had people trying to get me too dance even had a stranger ask me for a dance after we got into this awesome VIP section, but i refused, even after getting pulled onto the dance floor i just stood there and felt stupid.

i often did and still do get asked if i can get drugs for people its really annoying and humiliating when im with my family.

drugs and alcohol only make problems and smoking is very exspensive.
i think its awesome you dont do any of the 3.

ive had this convo too much aswell dunno why just one of those things that gets bought up alot lol


Well-known member
I am always the villain!

The thread: 'are people intimidated or afraid of you' reminded me of something I haven't been able to escape easily.
I was born with this face.
As stage and theater and the silver screen are all so visual, people are often type-cast based on their looks.
You're either the blonde popular girl or her 'ugly' brunette best friend who is a bit overweight.
That can change as an actor's career flourishes but usually the roles are given to a person who suits it best.

I was in 18 productions all through school, more later on as well... but I've never been able to escape the role of the villain/the anti-hero/the bitch.
All based on my face.
I would always audition for lead and ALWAYS told I look too 'scary' from a distance to play anything other than the villian.

This is the face I was born with, unfortunately...
Oh, well.


Well-known member
Like Jones, I like your face, too. You're quite striking, in a good way.

I wouldn't put too much stock in what movies tell you, either.


Well-known member
Taking part in so many productions is impressive, Weirdy. I don't know if I would have the confidence to do that. Maybe it's the thought of forgetting my lines or my inability to control my nervousness. Either way, I would probably talk myself out of doing it. I guess that's how SA manifests itself. You begin to find faults/reasons/excuses/past experiences to justify your decision to quit. A way to convince yourself that not taking part is the right thing to do.


Well-known member
I only saw your picture once,if it is anything to confort I thought you were pretty!
Even if you were half as pretty in real life and that was a good picture,you would still be very pretty.


Well-known member
Taking part in so many productions is impressive, Weirdy. I don't know if I would have the confidence to do that. Maybe it's the thought of forgetting my lines or my inability to control my nervousness.

When I was 5 years old, I decided I wanted to act.
I practiced soliloquies and monologues and rehearsed lines from books or poetry or movies; practiced facial expressions in the mirror- learned to cry on cue and imitate different voices, sing, studied people and characters
When I started school, I was bullied alot and other kids hated me; I hated being me-- I've always preferred being someone else.
It was always so much easier to be on the stage than to be myself.

Having a script to speak; a specific way to act, to look, to think, is much easier for me to do than to try and 'be myself'; I have no guidelines for how I should act, what I should say--- and even if everyone in 'real life' hated me, the characters I played could be revered for their good traits; they could have friends and partners and lovers and be adored and could touch people off stage.
That's why I liked acting.
Being agoraphobic though... I can't do it anymore.
I don't think I'll ever be able to do it again and it kills me that the only thing I've ever been any good at is something that's out of my reach forever.

I don't have passion anymore.
I don't have it in me anymore.


Well-known member
I don't think I'll ever be able to do it again and it kills me that the only thing I've ever been any good at is something that's out of my reach forever.
Forever? Maybe not. You could still do that if you really wanted to.

That's some impressive acting skills, I must admit.


I am always the villain![
The thread: 'are people intimidated or afraid of you' reminded me of something I haven't been able to escape easily.
I was born with this face.
As stage and theater and the silver screen are all so visual, people are often type-cast based on their looks.
You're either the blonde popular girl or her 'ugly' brunette best friend who is a bit overweight.
That can change as an actor's career flourishes but usually the roles are given to a person who suits it best.

I was in 18 productions all through school, more later on as well... but I've never been able to escape the role of the villain/the anti-hero/the bitch.
All based on my face.
I would always audition for lead and ALWAYS told I look too 'scary' from a distance to play anything other than the villian.

This is the face I was born with, unfortunately...
Oh, well.

Well thats a pretty interesting thought - if we removed the context of stage and theatre production and instead used the real world - would those sentiments and ideas still be valid...? Does our face (whether or not we can help it) determine what kind of people others think we are.... I think they do, and you will be treated accordingly. I think we are all typecast in the real world too, at least ... until you get to know a person better.

I have only ever seen you once too weirdy... briefly, and at the risk of hypocritically negating what I just said... I didnt think you looked scary or anything - pretty easy on the eye if you ask me. Despite your agoraphobia, participating in stage productions is a pretty mean feat. One that I would not in a million years do - too much of a wuss and I would probably trip up or accidentally fall on the audience. You should feel proud that you managed to do something like that in the first place.
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Well-known member
I am always the villain!

The thread: 'are people intimidated or afraid of you' reminded me of something I haven't been able to escape easily.
I was born with this face.
As stage and theater and the silver screen are all so visual, people are often type-cast based on their looks.
You're either the blonde popular girl or her 'ugly' brunette best friend who is a bit overweight.
That can change as an actor's career flourishes but usually the roles are given to a person who suits it best.

I was in 18 productions all through school, more later on as well... but I've never been able to escape the role of the villain/the anti-hero/the bitch.
All based on my face.
I would always audition for lead and ALWAYS told I look too 'scary' from a distance to play anything other than the villian.

This is the face I was born with, unfortunately...
Oh, well.

I don't understand why would anyone call you scary. I've seen you and I think you're beautiful.
Btw that reminds me I've been always told that I've a stupid face and I look like a fool.
I agree with Kia, I'd never have the guts to perform something like that. You should give yourself credit for it, I hope you can do it again Weirdy.


Well-known member
Snakes are people too! (not really)

I haven't seen a snake in years.
I used to see them all the time in my hometown; in the yard, on the road, in the bush, on the trails, in the water at the beach...
But I haven't seen one in a long time-- not since I left for college.
Even visiting at my grandma's house which is in the middle of nowhere-- and living in the boathouse for a few months; I didn't see a single snake.
I saw a few bears but not a one snake.
Maybe snakes don't exist anymore?
Maybe they went into their holes and warped into a magical world where they wear tuxedos and monocles and live in castles?

I told mom we had to go for a walk.
I'm just too panicked to sleep, so I figured some exercise and maybe a shower would do some good.
So, we took a walk and she pointed out an attic window on an old Victorian house that she thought was creepy and I began to list all the things they must have in their creepy attic...
Things like: dolls with broken eyes that don't close and clown marionettes and empty cribs and rusty chainsaws... you know? All the creepiest things you can think of.
Jars of mutated fetuses in formaldehyde, headless mannequins...
Those are all things I would put in my creepy attic if I had one.

We have an attic, actually-- but it's a connecting one with all of the other row houses and you can't actually walk around in it. Some people use it for storage but I wouldn't recommend it-- I head squirrels scurrying around up there in the spring.

On the way home, we passed the basketball court and saw some lovely chalk art.
That's what it says... it's not my personal opinion or anything.
Now, I'm wondering if one of the small children in the neighborhood wrote it or if it was a stupid teenager?
Either way... disturbing.
And I'll bet no one will care that it's out there for all the small children to see... as well as the accompanying artist's chalk depiction of a penis and some-- what looks like... rain drops.

So glad I am alive this day to see such wonderful artwork.


Well-known member
A poem for people who dislike me:

I'm sorry that I'm useless.
I'm sorry that I'm an eyesore.
I'm sorry that I'm scared of you
and sorry that you hate me.

I'm sorry that you hate yourself.
I'm sorry that you take it out on me.
I'm sorry that I'm sorry because I really shouldn't be.