I know I can't expect anyone to accept me...
Last night, I was really hurt to find out that a girl I thought was a sweet person who-- despite not being in the same situation as I; understood me a bit.
But, like every other person on the planet; she called me out on my shortcomings.
The fact that I am unemployed and useless and damaged goods.
She seems to truly believe that being in a relationship and being married and having money are all that mean ANYTHING in life and because I don't have and don't want any of those things, I AM GARBAGE.
It really hurts to hear that from someone I believed in but I should know better than to believe in anyone.
People are all the same.
All just silly little sheep who have to stay with the flock or they're called out for being different.
I may be agoraphobic but SHE is the one who is scared.
'normal' people are the ones who are really afraid of eachother-- denying their happiness for a job they hate; for a marriage they're unhappy with to a person they despise, going through the motions and doing things they believe they have to do just so that they blend in.
Really, really sad...
If I can ever be 'cured'-- can ever leave my house and work and live, I will never be a 'normal' person because I will never do things that make me unhappy just for the sake of a ****ing facade to disguise myself and blend in with everyone else.
Today is a really sad day.
Today, an 18 year old girl is marrying a boy who treats her like garbage just so she doesn't have to worry about money.
Today, she shut out 2 people who would have loved her unconditionally-- in exchange for 'being normal'.
Really, really sad... but she's a child. Hopefully one day she realizes that this way of thinking was immature-- that she's not being 'a grown up' just because she's deciding to marry someone.
Getting married doesn't magically make you an adult.
And getting married to 'start over' will never change where you came from and won't fix your problems... just put a bandaid on over that gaping hole in your chest and hope you'll 'be fine forever'.
I'm messed up but at least I know I am and I'm not trying to paint over my past because I know a person will never heal that way.
All you can do is add onto the past-- you can't change it; learn from it.
This post probably makes no sense since it's all taken out of context but after a sleepless night and a day of crying and feeling like crap, I had to get it out somewhere.
Today is a sad day for girls everywhere.
Opposite of empowering.
Saddest thing is that I know what she thinks she knows is what 90% of the girls in the Americas think and they are totally wrong.
The world is more than money.
There is SO much more a girl can do in her life than marry some rich guy and have a loveless marriage.