cyberporn can be linked to depression and anxiety


Well-known member
Very true, megalon. If one keeps their feelings pent up, sexual or otherwise, then, eventually, those feelings will tear you apart from the inside out and they WILL find their way out, just maybe not in a form you would expect. I'm not trying to get you to like porn; if you choose to hate it, then that's your business and no one else's. Me personally (and I'm more than a bit embarrassed to say this), I watch it an average amount of time, usually when I don't have anything important to do::eek::. It's not a replacement for a real person though; I would take a real woman over porn any day.

I hope I don't get in trouble for this post::p:.

P.S. Coyote's playing the "innocent" card; he knows what it is:D!


Well-known member
I'm so gonna regret posting this later ::eek::
Mind you this is coming from a raised Catholic (a terrible one at that).

But yeah, let's all be realistic here: who in their God-given mind hasn't watched porn? I find it a bit impossible to keep away from it when you have a computer sitting there in front of you with literally a world of possibilities. I could understand why they say porn and all that magical stuff might be connected to depression. I mean, you see people doing their thing and you can't help but wish you have someone there with you to kill your loneliness with. I guess...? Eh...? Haha sorry, this is just a really awkward and rather uncomfortable topic for me to discuss.

A-anyway... I also find it kind of funny how in both articles they refer to wanking and all that as if it's only guys that do this sort of thing. Girls need their relief too ya know...

*blush* Oh yea, definitely regretting this already... Yeah. I'll just go crawl somewhere and die now <__<
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^Hey when you think about the number of dirty things that girls will do to guys in real life just to get an "I love you" out of them, looking at porn is a pure as fresh driven snow haha.

Anyways as long as you're not addicted to it I dont see a problem really. Now I can understand how a socially phobic person could become addicted, but I would say it's the social anxiety thats the problem and not the porn. Were it not for your anxiety you would probably have a normal sex life with women and porn would just be icing on the cake, and not the whole cake itself. Man that sounded really strange...


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
The article linking cyberporn to depression and anxiety is sensationalistic poop.

This is from the original article it refers to:

However, before you toss that bottle of Xanax, remember that correlation does not always imply causation. Is the reliance on online sex responsible for the depression and anxiety, a symptom of those feelings, or a relief mechanism? It's certainly possible that underlying psychological issues in the users' lives are driving them to reliance on online sex.

It's also pretty obvious that someone with social anxiety or depression is likely spending too much time indoors and away from people, as well--and sitting in front of a computer is easier and less stressful than dealing with real people, which can often and easily lead to porn.

The second "article" is pure speculation, done in a leading manner, and posted on a pick-up artist blog.




Well-known member
That explains my deep, deep, deep depression.

Because, I mean, it's really deep... It's like I'm fine and all of the sudden... Bam!, it comes right to my face.

Ok, I suck at puns : P.


Well-known member
I'm so gonna regret posting this later ::eek::
Mind you this is coming from a raised Catholic (a terrible one at that).

But yeah, let's all be realistic here: who in their God-given mind hasn't watched porn? I find it a bit impossible to keep away from it when you have a computer sitting there in front of you with literally a world of possibilities. I could understand why they say porn and all that magical stuff might be connected to depression. I mean, you see people doing their thing and you can't help but wish you have someone there with you to kill your loneliness with. I guess...? Eh...? Haha sorry, this is just a really awkward and rather uncomfortable topic for me to discuss.

A-anyway... I also find it kind of funny how in both articles they refer to wanking and all that as if it's only guys that do this sort of thing. Girls need their relief too ya know...

*blush* Oh yea, definitely regretting this already... Yeah. I'll just go crawl somewhere and die now <__<

Aww, don't feel that way; it's natural and there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. I'm a born and bred Baptist, yet I don't agree with everything, so I became an omnitheist. I'm still a Baptist by record, but I don't let my religious beliefs interfere with my life. But, I do wish I was there with you right now, seeing a cute girl blush is the cutest thing I have ever seen and will ever see;).


Well-known member
Ok, so yeah. Erm, I watch porn a lot to. I am married and have a normal sex life, but, and I have no idea why, I can't not look at it. I hate myself for it. I get feelings of immense guilt because I know it would upset my wife and put a huge strain on our relationship but I can't stop. I have tried and failed many times. My therapist puts it down to a coping mechanism for my OCD so it happens when I'm already stressed, but then it leads to depression. It is kind of a double edged sword.

Just a bit Embarrassed now.......::eek::


^ Also, feeling really guilty about looking at it makes it really hard to resist looking at it again. Kinda the whole forbidden fruit thing. When I was very religious and trying to stay "sexually pure" porn was the hardest thing in the world to turn down. I'd look at it, then feel bad, and then look at it again to ease the pain of feeling bad. The funny thing is, the moment I stopped caring, the less addictive it got. Don't feel bad though, you gotta think, the people that make this stuff spend a lot of time trying to figure out just exactly what gets a man motor going. Though you're married so its a different situation I suppose. It doesn't surprise me that the adult film industry has more money than the NFL.
Is cyberporn porn for cybermen?


What? Why give up one of the few good things we have in life (or at least that's how i see it). I'm a chronically depressed person but then again i'm also bipolar with SA... It wouldn't make a big difference. So, no thank you i ain't giving up my porn ::p:
Well, I'm a fairly happy person at the moment, just sayin'. Perhaps the secret is to never really stop watching. ~w~


Well-known member
When sexuality is an extension of low self esteem then perhaps some porn is unhealthy.


How about saibamen?
...anyone? anyone? no takers?

Now there's some freaky people in the world, but I dont think anyone likes tiny green aliens with their brains on the outside of their heads. At least I dont think


Well-known member
Okay, I'll try that. And... tell you guys how I feel in a month of porn-free living. Do I still get to masturbate though? (to relieve sexual tension although there's less of it when you watch less porn) The problem also stems from seeing attractive females each day, dressed in skintight and revealing clothing. At college I have total babes walking around that I want to ... Bad, females, bad.


Well-known member
porn it's awful wether one recognizes or not. it's as awful as hearing stupid "men" talking **** about women...
these two can cause in your mind a stupid perception, at least in my case did.
the perception would be that if you don't **** the girl you're dating fast and treat her like're a loser. which is a STUPIDITY
also it creates a stupid way to see women's start to look for abnormal big breasts, I don't know what kind of ass and so on other way said you see woman as an object that may satisfy your stupid fantasies..
good luck to all that try to cure this bad habit and congrats to the starter of thread. it's a really good one