cyberporn can be linked to depression and anxiety


Well-known member
In reality, someone to love and care about is what I'm actually seeking. Porn is only a warped fantasy of what I'm looking for. But letting down my guard to let someone in is nearly impossible because of SA.

My thoughts exactly.

And for the record, I have a longer history with depression and anxiety than I do with porn. So maybe it's really like a "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" type of thing?

Either way, I'm sure there's a sexual pun in there somewhere....



Well-known member
Well after a while of self figuring ( is that even a term) I discover that I'm not depressed because I watch too much porn, I watch too much porn because I'm always depressed, well not always but most of the time. It's my escape from the real world.

The problem is that I do watch it in excessive amount and just end up hurting myself in the process. I'm on porn addiction forums learning and seeking help, though I can't say I made any progress since I made this thread.

I'm not against porn, nor do I plan on stop watching it, I just want to have some self control over it. I need to deal with my loneliness problem as well