Cupcakes! pics included. I'm evil.


Well-known member
So while my brother/sis in law were out last night, I was home babysitting my nephew. Like any good auntie, I decided to bake cupcakes and my nephew got to lick the spoon. Shh, don't tell anyone!

1 box of cake mix of your choice
12 oz. of soda of your choice
mix cake mix and soda in bowl.
stir, stir, stir to get all the bubbles out so you have smooth mix.
fill cupcake liners, bake at 350 degrees according to what box says. I baked mine for 15 minutes.
frost (optional) and enjoy!






Well-known member
Yummy! ^_^

I am not effected by your evilness, but then, I have a will of steel and can bake cakes and never eat a bite... So... I do feel sorry for others on the forum however... :p

x Will x

Well-known member
Awwwmgg they look delicious! Where's mine?;)

I want to start baking things.. being a student i kind of live on a diet of pizza and chips so a change wouldn't go a miss!:)


Well-known member
I'm jealous of your frosting skills! haaha. But, seriously how sweet! I bet your nephew really enjoyed baking with you. :) They look so goood.


Well-known member
I'm jealous of your frosting skills! haaha. But, seriously how sweet! I bet your nephew really enjoyed baking with you. :) They look so goood.

Thank you all. I used a 1 dollar frosting tip I got at Michaels and spooned the frosting into a baggie, cut a hole in the bottom just big enough to fit the frosting tip and it was that easy. This was my second time using the 'fancy frosting' tip - so believe me if I can do it, anyone can :)


Well-known member
Thank you all. I used a 1 dollar frosting tip I got at Michaels and spooned the frosting into a baggie, cut a hole in the bottom just big enough to fit the frosting tip and it was that easy. This was my second time using the 'fancy frosting' tip - so believe me if I can do it, anyone can :)

You'd be surprised lol. I tried to make Hello Kitty cup cakes once-:eek: That didn't turn out too well. But, I'm going to try this "fancy tip" I love baking- I just wish I could decorate haha.


Well-known member
You'd be surprised lol. I tried to make Hello Kitty cup cakes once-:eek: That didn't turn out too well. But, I'm going to try this "fancy tip" I love baking- I just wish I could decorate haha.

Hope you can see it, here's that "fancy tip"



Well-known member
No, I saw it on
It was an experiment, just wondered if all those pinterest recipes ever worked and this one did. And they turned out very yummy.

That's an interesting idea, really.
I wonder if it would still turn out as yummy with any kind of liquid, then?
Like maybe... coconut milk or fruit juice?

I might try with a white gluten free box cake sometime-- as I cannot have chocolate. haha


Well-known member
That's awesome, cowboyup. :D

I've heard of using soda in cakes before. Fast 2 ingredient dessert. (sugar overload! ::p:) I really want to try this myself too, using a gluten free mix and a natural sugar soda. (since corn syrup is the devil and my body hates it) Do you even taste the flavor of the soda at all? Coke with chocolate?

That's an interesting idea, really.
I wonder if it would still turn out as yummy with any kind of liquid, then?
Like maybe... coconut milk or fruit juice?
^ That's something to try too, it'll probably taste just as good (mmm coconut milk ^_^)! Although I'm not sure if it'll turn out as fluffy if you're using just milk or juice. I believe the carbonation of the soda takes the place of not only the liquids, but the eggs as well which offer more structure and volume. If you just added milk/juice I suspect it would come out kind of dense. Not that that's a horrible thing, as long as it's still edible it's all good right? ::p: