Well what a shock that is. Just like with all the other people I try and get to know as more than a friend, the latest one has decided to change her mind about me. I can't remember a time when I've tried to get to know someone, and it's looking like it's going beyond being just friends, and they haven't ended it after a couple of weeks or less. The time it takes is getting less and less too. She gave some excuses this time that I'm not convinced about, and it just happened to be right after I sent her several photos of me. They were just photos of my head, and one of me standing up smiling. Nothing weird of offensive. She had already seen smaller photos of me though so why were these any different? People tell me there's nothing wrong with the way I look, yet this happens all the time. I almost know without any doubt that as soon as I get a little bit close to someone, that they will end it.
People say to me "Be patient" or "You'll find someone" or "They weren't worth it" or "Better to find out what they're like now". The facts are the facts though, and that is that everyone I get to know where it goes beyond being just friends, ends it within 1 or 2 weeks. It's been that way for years now. I don't even want to admit the last time that I actually met someone for real, as in face to face and not just on the Internet.
So I'm upset now and not in the mood for being funny like I usually am. I'll crawl back under my rock now and sulk.