It's early morning for me and time for a sensible post.

For anyone new to this thread, this is my diary (or journal if you're American). I just wanted to point that out as there is a link here on the home page so people may not realise (as was possibly the case yesterday!) what this thread is all about, and what section of the forums it is in. I'm actually really chuffed that this thread is or was number 1 in the top weekly threads list.

I have a feeling that this entry is going to be a little dull compared to some. It's too early to have a sense of humour! I'm writing it my phone though so going slow, so it won't be so early by the time I've finished it.
I'm enjoying using these forums since I rediscovered them recently. Like with all forums, there are a few people I've come across who are only out to cause trouble. In the past I would tell them what I think and try to do it in a non-argumentative way, which would somehow always still lead to an argument! I have done that a little recently but mostly I've kept my gob shut. However annoying and rude some people are, I know it's better to let them get on with it and not sick my nose in. If these people were to write their nasty posts in a thread I had started then I would probably say something still. Without wanting to give away who I might be talking about, someone new to the forums is worrying me going by some of his first posts. Some have already been removed, thank goodness, and I'm sure more will be soon too. I'll do my best to bite my tongue! Why can't everyone by kind and decent to others and accept their fellow forum buddies the way they are?
What's that stink? Hmmmm.... maybe my bedding needs changing! But I changed it last year for goodness sake. It really needs doing AGAIN? I need to hire a maid to do this sort of thing for me. Applications can be made to this thread. Just note one important thing though - You ain't getting paid! I'm an awesome British guy with a sexy accent - Isn't that enough payment for you?
Back to being serious. Well I was being actually in a way! I just don't think anyone would actually want to be my maid. Hehehe. Talking of women doing things for free for men, it reminds me of something that happened to me once. I was walking around this island just exploring, not being sure where I was. All of a sudden, this girl came up to me, kneeled down, revealed her breasts to me and said something similar to, "What can I do for you master". I didn't know what to say but was fascinated to spreak to her, so I asked what she was doing there and where exactly I was too. In all her sentences she would call me master or sir and I kept telling her that there was no need to say those things to me. Oh didn't I mention that I was in the online virtual world, "Second Life"? Sorry, my bad. *giggles* Oh no, this wasn't real! What sort of places do you think I hang out at?! Second Life is like an online multiuser game, although it's a lot more than a game to most people. It's like a different life where you can have friends, a job, a partner, a house, and all the things you have in real life. Everyone has an avatar and you can make it look any way you wish. I haven't used it for months but used to go on there for hours every day. It's a good way to escape real life and find friends that you don't have in real life. Your friends there are still real people of course and I had contact with a few people away from Second Life too. Many years ago I even met a girl from there and we had a 3 week relationship! She was a bit loopy so it didn't last. I did also meet the real Vin Diesel in Second Life and we used to chat in Yahoo messenger too. I was even his best man at his Second Life wedding! Vin (it's Mark really) is well known as being into virtual worlds, not only SL.
Anyway, I've been thinking about going back on SL again. I really need a way to have more contact with people. I have managed to start writing to a few new people lately though so I may not use it again, I'm not sure yet. Believe it or not, it's almost as hard meeting people there as it is meeting people in real life! People are just as critical about what you look like too. At least it's easy there to change your looks. You can get completely different hair and a new body shape with a few button clicks.
I feel like I'm mumbling about nothing so I'll end this diary entry here. Have a great Friday everyone.
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