Cheerleader Gets A Flu Shot & Now She Can Only Walk Backwards

No but it shows what kinda character you have when you laugh at others misfortunes. Maybe you are so miserable and insecure/jealous person you like it when it happens to others to give you a pick me up. You may not think so but its basic psychology.


Well-known member
People have different ways of dealing with things. I laugh at funerals, I suppose that makes me a sick person too?

I've done that, can't help it for some reason...I feel bad, but it still happens.

And how can she only walk backwards, from having a flu shot?:confused:
Sounds a bit dodgy.

I'm getting a swine flu injection at work soon, I'll tell you if I start walking funny.
For someone with so many opinions you sure don't seem to know very much.

When I laugh at something it's because what I am laughing at is so bizarre to me that I don't know how else to react to it. Maybe if I had gotten a flu shot three weeks ago and could only walk backwards I might be feeling a little differently. But I'm not going to pretend to have empathy for something I don't understand.

Im talking about your comment about laughing at funerals. You wanna comment on that? If you find it funny, then if people laugh at the death of one of your parents or some one you know then I hope you dont mind.


Well-known member
yeah, shit does happen.. if that's your thought process, why are you on this forum to bitch about your own problems? don't be so ignorant as to put down someone just because YOU want to judge whether or not they're illness/problems are up to your standards...... people kill me thinking shit like that..

Thank you for saying that! I feel the same way - If someone doesn't feel emotionally moved by something, that's one thing, and it's natural to feel indifferent towards misfortune of people you don't know personally. If we didn't have that indifference, we'd constantly be mourning people all over the world.

But to say the reason you feel indifferent is because "someone out there has it worse" is stupid, IMO. There's ALWAYS somebody out there who's going to have it worse, and it doesn't change the fact that people in these "lesser situations" are in pain. Obviously, I'm not going to show the same amount of sympathy towards this girl as I would towards a starving child or someone who was being tortured to death, but I'm not going to be like "Oh whatever, you have it easy!" towards her, either. I'm pretty sure that anyone who uses that logic, would throw it out the window if this disease or whatever it is happened to someone they deeply care about.


Well-known member
the people saying they didn't laugh at all are full of craps
Well I'm certainly not laughing. I'm horrified after seeing that video. To think that governments are going to make swine flu jabs compulsory is even more worrying now.


Well-known member
this is for everyone who apparently watched the video and learned absolutely nothing:

no, getting a flu shot does not make you walk funny... her getting a flu shot TRIGGERED a (RARE) NEUROLOGICAL disorder in this girl and she was diagnosed with DYSTONIA.. which there is no cure for..... how do you not pick up on that?

so everyone can quit with the ignorant comments about not understanding, or thinking it's just stupid to say a flu shot caused this... i'm not saying every time someone gets a flu shot this happens, obviously.. but in her case, like the pointed out, it was just a one in a million thing that it triggered the disorder in her... shit! haha


Well-known member
Thank you for saying that! I feel the same way - If someone doesn't feel emotionally moved by something, that's one thing, and it's natural to feel indifferent towards misfortune of people you don't know personally. If we didn't have that indifference, we'd constantly be mourning people all over the world.

..thanks for backing me up, hq! :) lol


Active member
My heart breaks for that poor girl.. how devastating. Its things like this that make me realize there are alot worse things that I could be dealing with than having anxiety!


i saw the show...the girl is so beautiful...i'm so sad for her, but now it reinforces how i feel abt flu shots and other vaccines possibly being the cause of disorders like autism and stuff


Well-known member
It would be interesting to find out what has happened and what is going to happen to her mind, psychologically speaking. I feel pretty sure she's at least clinically depressed now... how will she get over it? It's fuking tough. It sucks.


Well-known member
i saw the show...the girl is so beautiful...i'm so sad for her, but now it reinforces how i feel abt flu shots and other vaccines possibly being the cause of disorders like autism and stuff

Please explain, any evidence for your claims? :eek:
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Well-known member
UMMMM i most definately did not laugh at that because i have something thats called a heart. Seriously anyone who would laugh at that is sick.

If I saw a heartless person like that screaming in agony after a traffic accident I would laugh. I hope they don't mind.
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Well-known member
i saw the show...the girl is so beautiful...i'm so sad for her, but now it reinforces how i feel abt flu shots and other vaccines possibly being the cause of disorders like autism and stuff

I think they are dangerous.

L Hilla

Well-known member
Wow... there so many diseases and disorders and shit out there that it's hard to keep track, then when you find a new one it's like 'damn...'. I agree man, it's things like that that make me a lil more thankful for what I have/am.


Well-known member
omg. :( this is heart-breaking. poor girl. although it makes me so happy to see that her husband is still always by her side. makes me believe that maybe true love isnt like they write about it in fairy tales, but its still amazing, i have so much respect for her husband.
ok, i just have one thing to say to those assholes who laughed or dont even care either way: why the hell are you on here to tell us about your issues? i wouldve thought that someone on a forum like this would be understanding, or at least HUMAN. some people disgust me. she looks like shes suffering & you laugh? people in poor countries have people that love them too. in doesnt mean that one person deserves more emotion than another.