Be careful because I think this is pushing the rules of the forum a little. Just saying.
He didn't say it was, he said he felt like it was. I know I feel the same way about my own as well. I think it becomes a problem with the mods when people start to try to one-up each other, and belittle others struggles.
As far as work and school are concerned, I've been able to do both. In order to do them well and get the most out of them a level of socialization is needed, but you're really be surprised how little of it is needed,at least at places I went to school and worked. Usually, I can go an entire shift at work (I'm a dishwasher) or an entire day of school (high school and now college) without saying a word.
Basically I didn't have an option (I felt)
not to go to school, or to not work. So in doing so you're able to find ways to cope with it. My go to coping mechanism is just shutting down, and not talking to anyone or interacting beyond the absolute bare minimum, which is a lot less than you'd think.
I wouldn't recommend going through life like this, but it's better I feel to get yourself to do things than to do nothing because you can't do it they way you'd like to. But that's just a life philosophy of mine, I think it can be seen in the way I exercise. When running, if I'm exhausted I would sooner jog at an extremely slow pace until I finish rather than walk (at what may be faster than my jog) and regain my strength. Or to quote
Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming."