Can you work? How Bad Is Your Social Anxiety

I feel my social anxiety is much worse than everyone elses.

I feel my social anxiety is very extreme and I possibly have AVPd

I feel nervous and self conscious even while walking down the street. I cant even maintain a job or go to school because im too nervous and uncomfortable

Can u hold a job or attend school? Do u get nervous on buses and trains/

How bad is your social anxiety because im even nervous around freidns and family sometimes that i've known for years


Well-known member
I used to be able to attend school offline but bullying made my SA worse. Now I take online courses.

I do get nervous on buses. Underarm sweating makes it worse especially when I have to stand on the bus and hold on to the clasp at the top.


Active member
Its very very difficulkt for me to work.........but I can't get out on disability even at 50 years of age. So I have to suck it up and suffer.


Well-known member
Work is very difficult but possible. I've only gone one 3 month stretch and those months feel like every day is "I can make it 10 more minutes... okay those 10 minutes are up i can make it 10 more minutes...". Just got a new job that is so labour intensive and the people there are all very .. well they don't seem all that welcoming apart from 1.

I would say that working can maybe harden you and you won't have anxiety but i don't think you won't have any anxiety, just that it'll be more natural to go to work, work it out and come back, repeat. Even while I say that, I don't know what positive words to give because the 'hardening' process is a destroyer of idealism and sometimes joy and that's tough.


Well-known member
Anxiety is usually horrible at fast-paced places where it is normal to rush and you feel that you can't even take a breath to relax, that creates anxiety in itself. but dealing with egos and louder supervisors is difficult because they often become intense in that role. For instance you can have one manager/supervisor ask you one thing and the other supervisors/managers either disagrees with the previous manager or gives you conflicting requests/information. So it becomes a cluster of information that clashes, then you get yelled at so you have to be assertive and say "so this supervisor just said this; this is why i performed this said task". Then you think "should i mention that they said this".

Essentially if you can learn good assertiveness you'd be well on your way, but its not easy and that can be a complex thing.

Also training, i just think there are places you can work at where the training is poor, because they don't have the time to train people, you just end up figuring it all out through asking, trial and error, asking, watching, learning. But that can bring up safety and major error issues in my opinion.

Yeah you do it anyway, but alot of work places you will be anxious because the environment creates an anxious and unnaturally fast paced atmosphere.

I ask you this? After you finish at work, wherever that is, outside of that, at home, working on a personal project, even during education, fixing something in your own time, do you go as fast-paced as what you see at alot of businesses? No. You go at your pace, it natural, it flows, it's normal. But because there are so many products waiting to be made, sent out, the environment is just naturally uncomfortable and anxious enducing at work. It's not about the people and the comfort it seems, its about the product, its about KPIs, it about numbers and its about profits.


Well-known member
^Sorry Kiwong :(
Or if you have enough spare money for your retirement... Enjoy your free time ?

Thank Pacific, still have another ten years before I can think about retirement. Redundancy would only cover me for a year and a half.

I'd like to work for myself, but not sure I could earn enough.


Well-known member
I am 99% of my time now bedroom bound that's now bad my life has gotta not been on a bus in years not been on a train since I was something like 6 .. looking back now being 24 I have never really been out alone always beenout with others so I have never really gone into by myself ect ... Don't really care what's wrong with me as I have been like this for so long this is me I have always been like this I am remember being about 5 and crying in school and mother having to come and pick me up and take me home as it was to scary for me so have always lived with a messed up brain but about 18 things changed went out clubbing ect then things went back to the same old ways ... Lol friends what are those .. I am totally isolated from reality life outside world .. and tell you the truth I'm not to worried I'm happy with a good book odd person to talk to online as get times when just don't wanna even say a single word for a whole day I'm a total loner and I'm not really worried by it


Well-known member
As a fellow sufferer, I strongly, strongly, strongly recommend you go out of your way to sign up for dahn yoga relaxation classes. You should try any form of yoga/meditation whose aim is to relax the body and improve circulation. I am taking yoga classes now and my instructor says I have bad circulation to my brain due to stress and that I don't exercise enough. She told me to buy a wooden pillow for my neck and jog 30 minutes per day. I feel less irritable than usual and I think it is the natural way to approach curing SA without using medication which she claims is poisonous especially if you're not a senior citizen. If you are unwilling to do anything else, PLEASE give this a try. I know your thoughts might be a downward spiral/vicious cycle but try to get a family member to sign you up.
Its very very difficulkt for me to work.........but I can't get out on disability even at 50 years of age. So I have to suck it up and suffer.

That's unfortunate... im on disability as of now but I don't know how long I will receive it so I think it's time I do prepare myself for some type of work
Work is very difficult but possible. I've only gone one 3 month stretch and those months feel like every day is "I can make it 10 more minutes... okay those 10 minutes are up i can make it 10 more minutes...". Just got a new job that is so labour intensive and the people there are all very .. well they don't seem all that welcoming apart from 1.

I would say that working can maybe harden you and you won't have anxiety but i don't think you won't have any anxiety, just that it'll be more natural to go to work, work it out and come back, repeat. Even while I say that, I don't know what positive words to give because the 'hardening' process is a destroyer of idealism and sometimes joy and that's tough.

What kind of work do u do? And yea I just don't think im strong enough to get through it especially if it's a job involving a lot of people of course or social interaction with people


Well-known member
I receive disability. I wish I wasn't so anxious so I could work. I would feel better about myself and my life.


Well-known member
I feel my social anxiety is much worse than everyone elses.
Be careful because I think this is pushing the rules of the forum a little. Just saying.

I could lose my job in June. I'm not sure if I will get another one.
Wow, why? Becoming redundant?

I'm luckily okay to work, and actually am sociable there. My depression has always been worse than my social anxiety, so for that reason I am able to work with little anxiety. is such a soul destroyer for me. it takes me at least 3 months before I can even remotely begin to relax in a new job (just started a new job). Its like after not working for anyone for ages I begin to convince myself I can handle work, and then I take on a new role only for anxiety and depression to come flooding back in a big way. I then resort to alcohol and medication to get me through, as even on my days off I feel depressed and anxious because of the job in the back of my mind...but like others, I have to grit it out in order to get the bills paid.


Well-known member
I'm luckily okay to work, and actually am sociable there.

As amazed as I am to say this I have had times that I have actually enjoyed working, and working with people.

And there are times I struggle to leave the house. I'm a living contradiction.


Well-known member
As amazed as I am to say this I have had times that I have actually enjoyed working, and working with people.

And there are times I struggle to leave the house. I'm a living contradiction.
Yeah, I see what you mean in the fact that I want to curl up and go to sleep instead of going to work if my depression is flaring up.

For you, you know the good days exist, so hopefully you can make it so every day is a good one. :thumbup:


Well-known member
I have had jobs that were so difficult for me (anxiety) that I had to quit after only a few days.
And I have had jobs that were less horrible.

At the moment I don´t work. I haven´t been able to find any job that I can handle.