I see. Is it working? Are you noticing any results? Not just in looks, but energy levels, mental health, etc.?
Looks? I don't know. I always see myself ugly. I think I look slightly more decent now though.
Energy? mental health? I don't know. I've always felt tired and unfocused. I don't think it has to do with it. When I used to eat, I was like that too.
encouraging social phobics to maintain that outlook and support their avoidance is as unhealthy as supporting an anorectic's desire to become thin and encouraging them to take whatever action they want to achieve that goal
You forgot about the folks that give friendly advice.
I was told to give alcohol a chance, try weed, quit taking my meds, change who I am, have sex with random men...
How is that any better than a group of anorexics sharing their thoughts? You guys aren't saints.
There is a difference between encouraging a negative outlook and being realistic about the nature of world we live in
"You have to be outgoing, muscular, bad boy, macho man, millionaire, blahblah, to get a girlfriend"
"Nobody likes me because I'm shy" -doesn't realize he/she pushes everyone away-
"I will go meet the mother of my children in a bar. I shall approach her after a few drinks"
"women r betches baww"
"If a man has no experience in sex, he's not good enough" Yes, nevermind his personality.
"Looks are important" See above.
"Sex is the most important thing evur plz" Nevermind about love.
"You're a virgin at 25? ONHOEZ TEH HORROR"
"You have social phobia? Go get laid, that will totes cure it"
I can keep writing, but it would take me forever and I'm too lazy at the moment. And I would add a comment, but I don't want to get banhammered. I'm sure it would be taken in a majorly negative manner.
but why not visit a health forum? Loose weight in a healthy manner? Eat right and work out?
Same reason some people here resort to substances instead of a doctor.
the sites allow suggestions and tips regarding practices that could cause *physical* harm.
To me this issue is different. Of course any forum can cause psychological harm, but those that discuss and recommend strategies for doing something that can damage your physical body... to me, it is different.
No different than suggesting a fellow sociophobic to drink alcohol to loosen up.