at what point in your life


Well-known member
can you say you were the happiest .... when you were a child , getting married , or maybe a particular event that happend ect ect ......


Well-known member
Hmm...probably since the time I accepted Jesus and met my husband (happened around the same time) I've been the happiest.


Well-known member
I was most happiest as a little kid. I didn't start getting depressed and stuff til' I was like 10 yrs old.

But to be honest, I never realize just how good things were until it's gone. For example, I hated high school. I literrally dreaded going to school. But once I graduated, I realized it wasn't so bad.. I still wouldn't re-live my senior year, though lol. I really didn't like that year.

I feel the same way about HS. Hated then but I really miss it now. Because when I was in school at least that afforded me some social interaction with people on a regular basis. Even if they weren't the most ideal people and some of them messed with me, lol. I STILL miss them. Thats how lonely I am now.

Honestly the only time Ive ever been happy was as a little kid. Just like you I started dealing with depression at about 10 or so. Its been a struggle ever since for me mentally.


Well-known member
This is a hard one. As emo as it sounds, I was never really truly happy. Not fully. I remember feeling completely elated at the two concerts I went to, though. Nothing stirs my soul more than good blues music.

Aside from that, probably just materialistic items that have made me a little joyful. And stuff. I wish I had a better answer. Hi.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well if I were to equate ignorance to happiness, it would have to be my dreadfully short childhood when I had no idea how painful life truly is.


Well-known member
More than likely I would say I was the happiest between birth and 5 years old... too bad I can't remember too much from it.
from when I was born till I was about 16 I was pretty happy, then everything seemed to crumble. And for a time some years ago..I was feeling pretty good. I was happy too when I got this job Im working at now..that didnt last long though lol.
And I did have a happy moment last christmas when my boyfriend proposed..I was very happy!
I can't say, I wouldnt assume as a kid, I never was super sad then, but those memories are to faded to recall. I can say the memories in which I remember aren't super happy.
when i first started college. at least that was when i was the most confident and content with myself. i really just didn't care what people though of me and that made me happy.


Well-known member
I was happiest up until I was 13-14... Then a brief period between 18-20 when I was working and in school. I kept busy, made new friends, and was enjoying life. I've kinda slipped back into a rut the past year though.


Well-known member
I would say now I am happiest, although it's not saying much. I didn't have a good childhood; my teenage years were even worse.


Well-known member
From when I was a baby (loved those 16 hour naps) until I was 11-12. All went downhill from there. Slowly improving now at 18.