No you're wrong; girls like nice guys. Girls do not like OVERLY nice guys. There is a difference. This is a random example but once I was hanging out with a guy and he practically ran me over trying to get the door so he could open it for me. It was the "right" thing to do, but it is like, if I am in front of you I can get the door myself. Especially if you have to practically run over me/passed me to get it.
If you are a doormat or you are overly nice (not really saying you are a doormat) but that shows a lack of confidence. That is one example of how the "nice guy" gets passed over. Also, I have noticed that a lot of nice guys do things that they believe to be the right thing to do. Sort of like, pampering the girl and treating her like royalty. Like she is some dainty little flower that can't be harmed. Some girls absolutely LOVE that but some girls hate it. I personally am the type of person that hates it. I am way too independent for that. I don't want to be treated like trash, but I don't want to be treated like a princess either. We are equals and things should be equal. No one should have to sacrifice more than the other, and sometimes the "too nice" guys seem to sacrifice more than their fair share. It seems weird to say that behavior like that can be a bad thing, but some girls like a guy with a backbone.
Please for the love of god don't become a jerk. Girls do NOT and I mean do NOT like that.
Some girls like the really, really nice guys. If you are a really nice guy you have to wait for that girl. The girls who are going after the jerks have other problems. Why do you want a girl who is going to like a jerk? Why not hold out for one who likes nice guys, instead of trying to change yourself for girls who aren't right for you anyway.
I don't mean this in a rude way or to put you down. Because you are a great guy with a great head on your shoulders (aside from the negative thinking

) You WILL find a girl who likes you for who you are and that will be the girl will enjoy all the niceness that you bring to the table. She will be looking for those qualities in a guy and you will be her match.
You must, MUST MUST MUST MUST learn to love yourself before your can go after a girl. Once you believe that you are awesome, so will others. You can't find someone to love you for you if you don't love you for you. Also, it isn't wise to try and date or pursue relationships while depressed. If one bad thing goes wrong it kills you and knocks you down far. But if a good thing happens, it makes you feel positive (if only slightly). It is better to find happiness within yourself first, instead of your happiness depending on whether or not you can snag a long term relationship or who likes you or what kind of friends you can make.
I am sorry if this isn't what you are looking for, but I really am just trying to give you some useful advice. Please, please, please don't take what I said and put a negative spin on it and feel like a bad person or anything related to that, that is not my intention. You are right to be frustrated, and I can understand your frustrations and sadness. I just want you to be able to see what everyone here can see, and gain confidence to realize you are worth it.
Also, I just remembered. I was thinking about the whole trying to explain why girls stay in abusive relationships thing and I had an idea that might help. When you are in an abusive relationship you feel like you aren't good enough. It is, oddly enough, terrifying to leave. Now, when you are depressed, you constantly beat yourself up, you constantly say you aren't good enough. You stay in the depressed state of mind because you feel like that is all there is, that is all you deserve. In a way, letting go of the "comfort zone" of depression is terrifying. Taking chances, taking risks to beat depression/SA is terrifying.
So in a way, being depressed and being in an abusive relationship are kind of the same thing. Your abuser in this relationship is your depression and you stay with it, despite how cruel it is to you.
If anyone actually read my entire post (I always type too much) I hope that last bit makes some sense. I am not sure, it was something I was thinking about.