Are you afraid of dying?


Yeah, you are beginning to stink!

who rattled your cage! smart ass:D


Well-known member
I've always had a fear of the unknown, especially after scientists started doing experiments with atoms to break them down even further. One year, before the ocd got so bad, I thought about things so long that my stomach started hurting and it caused a slight case of insomnia. Then, right before my uncle died I started thinking about it again and how the world would end because of the LHC. My brother even reassured me a few times, and I searched frantically for answers all over the internet. Even when I found a few I wondered if people were just saying these things to calm anyone out there, as stupid as that sounds!

I have been very near to having fatal accidents when driving my car, I seem to drive like a maniac, I nearly always break the speed limit and have driven once at night after turnng all my lights out but I have not really cared that much and have laughed the incidents off much to the distress of the people I love.

I haven't had any accidents, but there have been times I've been driving where I start to drive off the road and I think, "If I had paid no attention for one second less I would be dead." I'm not afraid to drive, and I still love it. But I try to watch my speed and sometimes even go under the limit.

Curiously, I do have a bit of hypochondria or something. I am always thinking that I have cancer or heart disease or liver and kidney failure.

I guess I have that, too. It's not as bad as you stated but I've had bouts of such thinking over the years. I've felt like I had certain cancers or other diseases, but it was never debilitating. I think the worst thing I thought about was some sort of brain or heart disease. I would drink energy drinks and I felt as if they were causing me to deteriorate. I know they can be bad for your health, so I guess I should stop drinking them anyways. ::p:
I used to have this, too. I was always afraid of dying. Not afraid, you know, just something to worry about! But then I rationalized it thinking like: Oh buddy, instead of worrying about that, why don't you just enjoy the time you have? And stuff like: If you had like only 1 minute would you be worrying or enjoy it maximum? I was never totally convinced, so I kind of did repeat that to myself A LOT OF TIMES. Then I tryed chaning my plan, like: What could happen that would make me die soon? Etc etc etc, I just gotta watch for cars. Then I would be like: Now you gotta be REAL present. Now you have to REALLY enjoy yourself the maximum. But I just wanted normally, but my brain kept reminding me that I had to enjoy the maximum of the moment, very annoying don't you agree? It just went away with time tho, as all of my previous obsessions. If I don't think a obsession, don't solve it, it will stay on my mind. But then it will leave. First it will be there like 90, 95 per cent of the time, that's when I vulnerable to ruminate again, and got to remind myself. DO NOT RUMINATE, but i'm totally unsure, like I don't know if I should or not, my brain send massive informations in that time. "LIke maybe it's best to ruminate" "That's not gonna solve anything" "mabe it's gonna make you do something useful" "I can't ruminate it will make my brain chemistry screw itself!" stuff like that. So I try to just SHUT it off! And I follow my gut maybe. Or not. But I don't ruminate even if it is the worse thing ever! Chances are it's not even that big... It's not even a real problem, it's not a real problem that's causing me to want to ruminate, it's just my brain, it came because of a sitaution, but it's not realted to that anymore. I haven't ruminated for like months! But today I did it again, it over runed me. Anyways stuff used to be on my mind 90% of the time are now like... 5% of the time. Cool stuff! I'm not gonna ruminate anymore now! Most 1 minute, once a day, or before I go to sleep. STuff like that. It takes a lot of determination tho.. Does anyone have these kinds of experiences too?


Well-known member
Nope, not scared of dieing.

I'm affaid of not living. Everyday wasted is a day gone forever. Life is much too short for all this anxiety crap. Live and let live


Well-known member
I am affraid of the pain that accompanies death. However, just given the choice to turn my lights out I would, because my life is so painful I would rather feel nothing.


Well-known member
the only thing that i find scary about dying is what happens to your body afterwards. like one minute you are alive and functioning then you are rotting away somewhere. i know we arnt alive to feel it but the thought of that is terrifying to me. im not going go into the details of the obvious.


I dont fear death anymore. If someone were to pull a gun on me I would simply shrug and walk away.


Well-known member
I'm still too afraid to kill myself but I do often wish somebody would do it for me... The way I see it, you either:

1) Enjoy your life and don't want want to die, or
2) Don't enjoy it so much but still would not consider death, or
3) Really don't enjoy your life but fear death, or
4) Hate life so much that death is the only way out

I'm somewhere between 3 and 4


Well-known member
I'm afraid of dying but I'm not afraid of death. I know it makes no sense but I fear the physical pain that comes with dying, even though it only happens once. But the actual, being dead part, not continuing my life to the fullest, letting things go undone, never having another chance...don't mind it at all.


Well-known member
I'm afraid of dying but I'm not afraid of death. I know it makes no sense but I fear the physical pain that comes with dying, even though it only happens once. But the actual, being dead part, not continuing my life to the fullest, letting things go undone, never having another chance...don't mind it at all.

Exactly what I was going to say.


Well-known member
I'm afraid of dying but I'm not afraid of death. I know it makes no sense but I fear the physical pain that comes with dying, even though it only happens once. But the actual, being dead part, not continuing my life to the fullest, letting things go undone, never having another chance...don't mind it at all.

Hehe, yes. That's what I meant too :rolleyes: Well said