Are you afraid of dying?



I would have preferred to open this thread in the hypocondria session but there doesn't seem to be one apparently so i put it here

Do you worry excessively about death, old age and diseases?

I don't do it all the time, but i have my periods and when it does happen it's very unpleasant because i get very depressed.... i wonder what would i ever do if one day my worse fears come through and i do end up having one of those diseases i dread so much?


Well-known member
Hmm, death.. I'm afraid to die too soon, or to die because I was careless. I'm afraid of getting really old. I'm afraid of dying from some freak accident.

I wouldn't be afraid to have cancer or something else that I had no real choice over. I think with diseases like that, you can learn to come to terms with it, fast.

It's good to be aware of your own mortality, but try not to focus on it so much. There's more to life than death. Make the best of it.


If someone pulled a gun on me I'd simply shrug and walk away. I dont care if they shoot and kill me.


If someone pulled a gun on me I'd simply shrug and walk away. I dont care if they shoot and kill me.

You might be suprised,its suprising how your..instinct can kick in,especialy in life threating situations.I feel the same as you and often wonder if life is even worth living,but I nearly drowned once and I fought like crazy to break the surface.

So i obviously wasnt that sure :D


I often imagine myself as a old man dying in my bed, I can acutely feel death coming to me. I cant believe a day will come where its going to be my last on this planet and weather I want to or not my eyes will close and never open again. Its worst fear I have.


You might be suprised,its suprising how your..instinct can kick in,especialy in life threating situations.I feel the same as you and often wonder if life is even worth living,but I nearly drowned once and I fought like crazy to break the surface.

So i obviously wasnt that sure :D

Drowning is something different. You cant override your body's will and instinct to not suffocate.


Well-known member
I often imagine myself as a old man dying in my bed, I can acutely feel death coming to me. I cant believe a day will come where its going to be my last on this planet and weather I want to or not my eyes will close and never open again. Its worst fear I have.

Same here.... I'm old in my 40's now... and honestly it freaks me out a bit knowing that I lived half of my life or maybe over half??? I mean with my depression I don't want to live another day, but at the same time I'm scared to die.


Well-known member
Well I've actually been in the gun situation, and the fight or flight response really kicks in. But no, I'm not afraid of dying. It either happens unexpectedly in which case you don't have the opportunity to prepare or be fearful of it, or else it's something ultimately terminal which gives you the necessary time to process what's going to happen and deal with the emotions that come with it. So either way it seems fairly manageable.


Well-known member
I'm not scared to die at all...once it happens I won't be aware anymore so it won't matter.

Which is why I don't understand why i'm so scared of so many activities that I want to do eg extreme sports...because I'm not worried about dying, but still worried about doing them.

It's almost like im scared of being scared. frustrating!
I'm glad someone else is talking about this...because I have had all these weird quirks about myself that I thought were all separate issues, but it seems like ALL of it is tied in together.

This is one of the worst issues for me. I can't go to sleep at night without being terrified that I won't wake up in the morning so I suffer from insomnia. Really. I'm only 32. I don't know if this stems from me losing my dad so young? He was around my age when he died of a non-genetic heart condition. Yet, every time my heart skips a beat, I swear I have it. I'm always convinced there is something wrong with me. I was reading somewhere that this isn't considered hypochondria, but that it IS part of OCD and Panic Disorder.

I'm secretly obsessed with death and dying...and I hate it. There is a website that announces the deaths of very young people regularly and I check it sometimes and then purge my history I was looking at porn or something. I don't check it for sick pleasure or morbidity or anything. I check it out of fear...because these people died young, I could too. I'm scared of death the most because I'm not quite sure what comes after it...and then there are the fears of what happens to the body after death.

Yes, then there are the "I wish I could just get it over with so I can quit worrying about it" days...I'm really uncomfortable talking about this, but it's really bugging me lately. Especially being that a family member was just diagnosed with terminal lung cancer.


Well-known member
I don't want to die young any more. This time last year I was pretty indifferent about living... if I knew someone was going to shoot and kill me that day, I wouldn't have cared. It wasn't really depression, but because I had very little of a life, I felt it wouldn't make much difference to me if I were here or not.

Now, though, I have things worth sticking around for. :)

I've never overly worried about dying, though.


Well-known member

I would have preferred to open this thread in the hypocondria session but there doesn't seem to be one apparently so i put it here

Do you worry excessively about death, old age and diseases?

I don't do it all the time, but i have my periods and when it does happen it's very unpleasant because i get very depressed.... i wonder what would i ever do if one day my worse fears come through and i do end up having one of those diseases i dread so much?

I'm terrified of death and diseases. That's mostly what my OCD is based upon. Obsessively worrying that I have some sort of disease/illness, and it's going to kill me. The smallest odd feeling I get, I freak out over. I become paranoid and begin to panic. So, yes, my diagnosis is OCD with hypochondria. Along with other stuff.

Death is something that I really can't deal with. Whether I'm thinking about my own mortality, or someone else's. For example: one of my fish died yesterday. I watched her die. She was half-alive, pretty much, and just floating around the tank. Finally, she died and I couldn't bring myself to flush her down the toilet. I just can't do that to an animal, no matter how small. So, I took her out to the backyard and buried her. Probably stupid and lame, but I don't care.

I was pretty upset that she died. I think anybody would be at least a little sad that one of their pets is dead. But I think I over-do it. Not on purpose, though. I'm just extremely sensitive when it comes to death...


Well-known member
I really dont know, this is an interesting topic. The only things that keep me going are my mum, my brother, my dog and a few close friends. I guess I would be terrrified of loosing them and horrified to think of them living without me but I dont know how much i really care about my own life. I have come accross a few things in my life that I thought could be related to cancer or something else serious but I havent cared enough to look for medical help. or seeked help from a doctor. Havent seen a doctor in 8 years

I have been very near to having fatal accidents when driving my car, I seem to drive like a maniac, I nearly always break the speed limit and have driven once at night after turnng all my lights out but I have not really cared that much and have laughed the incidents off much to the distress of the people I love.


Well-known member
I will welcome death with open arms when it comes. My whole life is filled with uncontrollable anxiety and its been like this for many years.

Curiously, I do have a bit of hypochondria or something. I am always thinking that I have cancer or heart disease or liver and kidney failure. I have this catastrophic thinking on a daily basis. Its not only about health issues though.

I guess I am afraid of suffering before death. I would rather it be quick and painless.
I’m not afraid of death – even though I don’t believe in a afterlife, I have this strange philosophical mindset about it, that’s hard to explain, so I won’t.


ive been dead for ages, but someone forgot to tell me! i bet its them axxa life insurance c*nts, not wanting to cough up the dosh!


Well-known member
ive been dead for ages, but someone forgot to tell me! i bet its them axxa life insurance c*nts, not wanting to cough up the dosh!

Yeah, you are beginning to stink!