Yes I am, and I don't mind waiting. If it never happens, so be it. If it does -- and I'm sure it'll be with someone special -- then it'll be worth the wait. I'm looking more forward to loving someone, instead of having sex; beautiful as it can be. Sex should be an after thought, of the true feelings you feel towards that special person. That's how I view it -- even if it seems a little old fashioned.
I voted 'Yes' on this months ago.. funny how things change. But 'No', not anymore. But the circumstances were bad, so I can't say I'm proud of it, tbh.
Can we focus on the positive"s. Let me know????
No std's
No unwanted pregnanices
No expense of buying condoms
Hopefully if we find a special person one day they will appreciate our virginity
I have the unfortunate combination of having schizoid and social anxiety, so I've never really had a girlfriend/boyfriend. I do, however, have lots of stranger sex in order to satisfy my sex drive with minimal commitment. I still don't like being single, though...
Okay.... I have heard this many times from others who HAVE SA and can still have sex...??? If you can't have a gf/bf then how can you get past the SA to have sex? Just very curious??? Because I also have a very HIGH sex drive, but there is NO WAY I can get past the SA to ever engage in a sexual act, approach a stranger or friend, or ask a girl out on a date... You must not have acute SA?![]()
my answer to that question is alcohol !! when im sober , theres no way on earth id able to even have a conversation with a bird, but with enough drink consumed , my issues go out the window.
Right on! Good for you though! I have heard this explanation before, and I guess it could work for some. Even when I was a young guy around my early 20's when I was drinking allot, there is no way I could even talk to a girl, even falling over drunk. I just became very depressed and wanted to kill myself, and felt even more inferior to everyone else and figured that nobody would like me so I would just go home and cry into my pillow... I have talked to others who say that narcotics help in extreme situations when the anxiety gets to be too much for them to handle. I am about to go to the doc to ask for some low dose ativan...since none of the antidepressants work.
I am about to go to the doc to ask for some low dose ativan...since none of the antidepressants work.
You may need more than a low dose, but think it will help (help, that is, not cure) and I truly hope it does. I wish you luck, sir!