anyone have **** said to them jus coz ur quiet?


Active member
Yeah this is pretty sad how cruel people can be. Well I am not so shy anymore, growing up i was and people thought it was cute. And now that im older i have people tell me i am outgoing , a lot, actually, but i know i am not exactly a social butterfly. Anyway, i used to absolutely dread presentations. Like i would rather do anything on a given day than presentations. Well in a lot of my classes lately we have to get up in front of the class (sometimes 60 or more people). When it first started i took meds before and it helped calm my nerves soo much. After a while i didnt need medication. And i began to do quite well. So this one semester, our group was the first team to present. And i was the last person to speak for our team. I liked my teacher and I think she liked me. Well we had only one boy in our group and he plays baseball for our school. He was pretty laid back and i got along with him a lot better than the bitchy girls in my group. So its me and him on one side and the other girls on the other. We are waiting our turn to talk. And before he has to talk he says to me, "I need to go to the bathroom." And i said, go i think you have time. So he leaves. When he gets back he says to me, "I just threw up." I was like, ohhh wow. As nervous as i thought i got i've never thrown up. And the first thing he says was, "Sorry im so nervous!" And our teacher reassures him. And then its my turn. I never feel comfortable enough to say im nervous. And i acutally wasnt anyways, just jittery/kinda excited. Well so i begin and realize it is kind of fun! I was getting really into what i was saying, and even adding funny comments i didnt even plan on saying. It came natural. And i said something our teacher apparently loved, cause she stops and goes, "Now that deserves some snaps!!!" haha, its a thing we do when we like what some one talking has said. I felt comfortable in that class from then on. In fact, the teacher asked me to explain something else to the class.. i had a good feeling about the class, until one day the teacher completely humilates me in front of everyone (though the one guy in our group wasnt there that day, I don't think). And I never spoke up after that. Who would? What motivation did she give for me to be involved anymore? What she did was so horrible. I told my advisor about it and she had tears in her eyes. ANYway, Towards the end of the semester, we had a guest speaker talk to us. And we were getting ready to start, and the guy (who i thought was cool... i guess. kinda thuggish to me, but cool to just talk to) he goes, "are you psycho?" I was like what the f***-- honestly , you of all people should be the last to ask me that..
Anyway sorry this example is so long. But yes, people are cruel, they dont understand some ones comments can be taken with them for LIFE thats why we should make them POSITIVE not something to hurt their self concept. Pretty much if you arent a bitch or a hole, people will say things to you. Outgoing or not.


I can't count how many times people tried taking advantage of me for being quiet.They usually assume you can't fight or are intimidated by them.It was mostly the arrogant, loudmouth type talking trash.

I guess they are insecure inside and they have to put on a facade , acting like they are the alpha male.I love the look on their faces when all of the sudden this quiet nice guy turns red saying shut your Fing mouth or I'll kill you!They look like they are about to have a heart attack because their fake manhood has been exposed.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
It has happened since I ever had any use of reason...the usual thing such as pieces of s*** or I dare say, "kids" who did nothing but making my life a living hell just because I didn´t say much, or wanted to participate in the same displays of idiocy [read: football] they enjoyed as if it were the best thing ever invented.

People can be cruel as hell...I wondered many, many times why they had to act like that. Could it be they completely hated someone just because that person didn´t say much? it seems they did, for things were so bad I considered either killing myself or them. Of course I didn´t want to involve myself with them to any degree whatsoever, just like it has always happened with my family.

You see...I have always dreaded Christmas, New Year and such occasions because of the family reunions. It was always the same; since my brother has always been the outgoing, confident and everything else one everyone praised him every year, while commenting on how I was a freak and acting like I could drown myself in the bathroom for all they ever cared.

If I ever tried to say anything, they just either didn´t even answer or tried to humilliate me as much as they could; which could be one of the causes of me not saying almost anything nowadays.

Do I hate them? of course. But I hate myself a lot more for being like this.


You see...I have always dreaded Christmas, New Year and such occasions because of the family reunions. It was always the same; since my brother has always been the outgoing, confident and everything else one everyone praised him every year, while commenting on how I was a freak and acting like I could drown myself in the bathroom for all they ever cared.

Do I hate them? of course. But I hate myself a lot more for being like this.[/I]

I can sister was always the one that everyone was enamored with because she was so outgoing while I was uninteresting because I didn't say much. It's really hard...I mean, many people don't understand it, but being quiet is usually a trait that you're born with and really hard to get out of. That being said, "being shy" is considered to be a bad thing so most of the time you grow up feeling like you're not normal. You want to get out of it, but you feel trapped. It's hard to explain this to people who aren't shy and I think people should be more sensitive to it.


Well-known member
I don't get a lot of shit directly said to my face, but I hear people say things about quiet people in general that bugs me pretty hard.

One big one is that a lot of people think that being abnormally quiet means that you are boring; that you have less of a personality. As far as I'm concerned, that's just a total cop-out for not bothering to get to know people or at least give them a chance.

Another big one is that being quiet is creepy; this one comes up a lot in conversations about school shootings in the context of "it's always the quiet ones". While most of the time it's meant in a more or less sarcastic way, most people definitely believe it to a certain extent. A lot of outgoing people are creeped out when other people go too long without saying anything.


Well-known member
naww another one of these posts. makes me sad reading all these and how people are given so much shit just because they are quiet.. people are so cruel! I've been given my fair share of cruelty because i've been shy! I guess i learnt from it i've always been one to stand up for myself because i know no one else will but its hard when theres like a group of people or those people feel so controling or so much better then you, your scared to defend yourself.

it took me about a whole year of one guy going on and on about me being shy for me to just snap and yell at him.. it felt great! - he was nice to me after that... not that we talked much but he never once said anything about me being shy

i don't care about it so much anymore. I've heard it plenty of times, where it just becomes boring and lame and find a new line. lol.

my mom says smile to me all the got to the point where i just said no, ill smile when theres something to smile about. she goes,"it doesnt look good" i was like i dont care how it looks. smile is def the ost annoying one. whats wrong isnt the best either but smile is awful. A cute girl told me to smile once. i told her to bend over. she was lie exuse me


"cheer up"
the usuals.....
One extremely rich, loud, spoiled girl shouted "YOUR SO STUCK UP, MISERABLE AND BORING!" to me at a small party where I knew one person out of 15/20 people.

I walked home immediately afterwards.
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Well-known member
I can't count how many times people tried taking advantage of me for being quiet.They usually assume you can't fight or are intimidated by them.It was mostly the arrogant, loudmouth type talking trash.

I guess they are insecure inside and they have to put on a facade , acting like they are the alpha male.I love the look on their faces when all of the sudden this quiet nice guy turns red saying shut your Fing mouth or I'll kill you!They look like they are about to have a heart attack because their fake manhood has been exposed.

omg exact same!!!
and i did just that and thats exactly what happend
i didn't say the same words but in same way
yes, they look weak once the 'nice guy' opens up


Well-known member
also i forgot to mention, that because of my quietness, people just for some reason asume that i think highly of myself, its really weird


I have noticed that people think you are stuck up and better than them if you are quiet. It strikes me as ironic because the exact opposite is true.

They also tend to walk over you - one chick at school with me actually expected me to do her homework for her - needless to say that is probably one of the only times I have stood up for myself (never spoke to her again once I left school).

People seem to get uncomfortable around me sometimes coz I am not like them - I don't have a million things to talk about. Its much easier to keep to myself. I do however envy extrovert people who just seem to walk through life without worrying about every little thing.


Well-known member
humans are social, pack creatures like wolves and lions. anyone that is quiet is seen to be not contributing to the 'pack' and so are looked down on.


Well-known member
I've had it so many times, people trying to call me out on being too quiet. It doesn't seem worth getting upset about any more. So these days if it happens, I just shrug, smile and let them get on with thinking I'm too quiet. That's their prerogative; it's not up to me to make it more acceptable to them. I don't think there's anything I can do that will make such a person accept quiet people more, apart from just being an alright person.


Well-known member
I tend to be okay if I'm with friends but most of the time when I'm at work I keep to myself which is problem because most of the people I work with are females and all they do is talk :D ,and when I don't want to talk they think I'm in a mood or something-sigh! All I want to do is get on with my job-listen to my favourite radio stations (planet rock and bbc6 music) and not talk non-stop about nothing, not too much to ask is it :)


Well-known member
I know this is old..but new to me:D

How about when you miss something (ie. school) and someone goes,
"It was so quiet without you!"

I can't say I have ever been taken advantage of..But people say stuff all the time that they probably don't realize bothers me a lot..But I try to give them the benefit of the doubt because if you have never dealt with shyness you might not understand.


People have been forever telling me "You're so quiet" or something like "Life isn't that bad". It just makes me mad sometimes to hear that. :(


"You need to be more confident"
"Why are you so quiet?"
"You're so shy"
"Speak up!"
"Do you hate me?"
"Are you afraid of me?"

And many more... I wish I could just tell them what's wrong with me!