Accepting compliments


Well-known member
Today at work, my coworker came up to me and said "You are by far, the best lemon-cutter I've ever come across. They're so perfect!"

I was all "......*crickets*...thanks!" lol. That's another one I find weird. Besides receiving compliments that I feel I don't deserve, sometimes I get a bit taken aback at compliments for things I consider really menial, like lemon-cutting. Cause my immediate response is "So? Big deal."

That's the second time I've been complimented for cutting perfect lemons. It feels rude but I can't help but think "What is with you people and lemon slices???" Still makes me feel good to hear it, though.


not actually Fiona Apple
Also Im a perfectionist, in the sense that I can't ever accept that Im good at something :(

Yeah that sounds right. Either it's "no, I really didn't do that good" or "I did as good as I should have.


Well-known member
I used to have a lot of trouble dealing with either compliments or criticism. Any comment made about myself basically, no idea how to have a conversation with me being the topic. It still feels quite uncomfortable. I take compliments with 'thanks' for people in general now and criticism, unless it's something constructive at work, it still hurts my feelings.
yeah i got a hard time, im usually very modest around strangers

when my boss compliments me, i just sorta nod or say mhmm... not like yeah im the best!
when girls compliment me, i sorta am the same way... also i almost never compliment strangers, and i really have to start. i heard compliments are a big part of flirting

Why, why?

Same. Sometimes feel they linger around waiting for a greater response.
Had someone tell me I look thinner. 'Uh, yes.' That was it. Not nervous, just don't know how to accept.

Revelation: I think I shut them down. They cannot be true.
I used to be shocking at accepting compliments::eek:: I used deny what they said..."No I'm not"!.
As I have gotten older, I realized when you deny what they say, it only makes them repeat what they've said and keeps the dreaded attention on you longer.
So now I acknowledge what they have said very quickly and immediately change the subject!::p:
I find that is the best/quickest way to get the attention on something other than you.


Well-known member
*hoping someday that BlueDays posts or sends us her picture so we can see how hot she is*
*hoping someday that BlueDays posts or sends us her picture so we can see how hot she is*

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. I don't think I could ever have the courage to put a photo of me in here! What if someone from my past sees it!:rolleyes:::p:

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I find it awkward and irksome. The majority of the time I believe the person to be joking, thus I respond with a sarcastic remark. I never really did like compliments as it always seemed to be some sort of flattery to me.


Well-known member
I have the same problem. Whenever someone compliments me my face turns red and I smile awkwardly and say "thanks" very quietly. Most people don't hear me when I say thanks and I feel bad because I don't want them to think I'm conceited or something.

The other day I was talking to this nice girl I met in Government and she randomly said "I'm your friend" and I didn't know how to respond. All that came out was awkward silence for a few seconds followed by a straight-to-the-point "That's nice." Even though she didn't really seem to mind I still felt terrible afterwards. I confronted her in class earlier today about it and apologized to her and she understood so I feel better now, but I still can't get over the fact that I act and say things so nonchalantly when I get anxious. I really feel like kicking myself in the a** sometimes.


Well-known member
Erm it depends tbh.

I have a hard time accepting compliments of people who i like/care about or even just people who are close to me. Its just because in the back of my mind i now have an image of what i look like and its not nice anymore so i just think they're lying.


Well-known member
If it is a compliment about me personally, I am always grateful for it, and I feel like squeezing them tight while saying a thousand thank you's :D but since I don't know what the proper reaction is, I usually just blush and look down awkwardly or say a downplayed thank you. If it is a compliment about my looks, I get instantly shy, and just want the moment to end as quickly as possible, because I feel like my looks are now being scrutinized :eek: *psychologically running and hiding* If it's a compliment about something I'm wearing or something superficial like that, it's easy to say a quick thanks, but even then it's still uncomfortable for me because it means someone was LOOKING at me, and JUDGING, comfirming my fears :rolleyes: