A posed question..


Well-known member
I was raised as a catholic, went to convent schools, church 3 times a week, but i was never a believer. I just can't believe there is some sort of higher being out there, when life is so shiz lol I've never got comfort out of thinking that someone is looking over me, i just thin well where are you when i need you lol


Well-known member
I don’t believe in a god but I don’t rule out the potentials that it may exist. I believe if it did exist and it was good, it would understand why I had my doubts. I believe there’s an afterlife we can’t explain with 100% clarity how we all got here so if this can exist why not that?

I agree, with some of the moral teachings but I think you should do them anyway without some religious motivation.
I believe in God, I believe in heaven, but I believe in reincarnation and I don't believe in hell.
I believe this earth is the closest thing to hell there is. This life is all one big school of sorts and its supposed to be hard...
Heaven is the only place that is perfect and where we are perfect, heaven is our true home. Not this earth


Well-known member
So you're really no religion, Satanist either. If you were you'd be practicing that religion, believing in it and the following of his ways. You just say it because you're rebelling against what the mass majority of people claim to be which is Christian?

I am a Christian, i go to the Seventh Day Adventist church. But I strongly believe that people have a freedom to choose whatever they want. Life is a gift, you can do with it what you want. I personally wish everyone would choose to believe in God :) because I see him as unbelievably good and I see how deeply sad he feels when someone chooses to have nothing to do with him. And I'm often sad that people don't see what I see or know what I have had the privilege to see from the Bible. It's not my job to convince people to believe in God, I can share what I have learned.. God does the convincing.

I think the prophecies of the Bible are amazing. It takes time to get into the Bible and understand it, but it's so worth it imo.

Oh my, I could go on forever :p

It's alright dear, I understand exactly what you're saying :)

I believe in God, I believe in heaven, but I believe in reincarnation and I don't believe in hell.
I believe this earth is the closest thing to hell there is. This life is all one big school of sorts and its supposed to be hard...
Heaven is the only place that is perfect and where we are perfect, heaven is our true home. Not this earth

I think that's an interesting view, because you always hear of people who say that you can't believe in a Heaven without believing in Hell but really you do...just that it's Hell on Earth. I like it, it's different.
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I believe we are living in hell, the test before heven (when we die)

I also question reincarnation, i do kinda believe it because i find it hard to believe when we die we never feel again

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
narcotics cannot still the tooth that nibbles at the soul, i believe there's something bigger at work, just dont know what it is or if it's friendly

johnny 85

Well-known member
i believe that this life we live in, is in a way a test. we create our own faith and the way we live our life will will be judged when we lose our outer shell. this is or is not our beginning. (unless we lived before) i do believe in reincarnation and i believe that religion (the superbean, god) does exist. people just have a different name for him/her/it ( i dont know). we as humans are nt supposed to know what it is until we die.


Well-known member
you'd get along with the poet byron, ms hellhound. he was born with a deformity and felt like he was born with the "mark of cain" destined for hell. he was extremely shy for it at heart too, so i think it was his act of defiance against god that he tried to commit every sin there is. he did a complete 180 on his shy nature and acted the exact opposite of the shy nature god gave him, hence the satanist rebellion thing. made for some really weird poetry

He was a brilliant poet though, strange yes but it made for great stuff.

I'm fairly certain I understand your logic, I'd feel the same way. I almost want to give in considering what I've been through because if God only gives us what we can handle someone needs to tell him that's crap. But I don't believe you're evil, you're too caring for that. And I say that with great empathy because I feel like if we were to deeply converse we might possibly share the same views.
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Well-known member
I wasn't raised around religion at all, so I don't know much about God or anything... I don't feel that I am informed enough to deny or accept that there is a God or Gods. I do like hearing about people talk about their beliefs though.
I believe we are living in hell, the test before heven (when we die)

i used to think so to

raised in a Christian household, mother and father both religious although my views of a higher power are kinda skewed since I believe that life doesn't really have a defined set of rules, except through the use of common sense that has been set by society, i.e dont do anything that you would absolutely regret later ex: killing someone, rape, steal, etc,. basically do not be too much of a bother to people but you are allowed to help out when necessary , it is basically up to the person whether to act or not. Overall, just live and see where this life takes you without being a total moron. I dont know how God comes into this but i dont think he/she/it was supposed to.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'm agnostic.

I've studied most of the major religious texts and a few of the minor ones. I've studied the history and evolution of religion. I've studied memetics, especially as related to religion.

Religion is based on feelings, not logic. The very idea of faith contradicts reason--to believe in spite of a lack of evidence.

I cannot believe in something simply because it would comfort me.


Well-known member
I do not believe in any kind of religion. No god, no heaven, no hell, no reincarnation, nothing. I believe that the short life we are living right now is the only life we have, and therefore we should make the most out of it. Unfortunately, many religions work against this. Most religions seem to want people to spend all their time praying or contemplating rather than actually living. Things that people actually want to do are seen as sins and the more people want to do them, the more sinful they are. I have no problem with the fact that people believe in whichever god they want, but I really don't like organized religion.
I'm agnostic. I don't know if there is a higher power and I really don't care

I also like studying and practicing Taoism but I consider it a philosophy, not a religion
I consider myself a Christian, but I don't really agree with many of the organized churches around my parts.

I was raised an Apostolic Pentecostal, but I never really agreed with a lot of their teachings (at least at the church I attended). I still remember one time when the preacher stood up and said that every other congregation, INCLUDING other Pentecostals and Christians in general, were all going to hell and only our church would be saved. After that I refused to set foot in that church, because I didn't feel comfortable attending a church that preached that message. Another time one of the members approached me and told me my grandmother was going to hell because she (the woman) had seen my grandma at Wal-Mart wearing pants. Crazy stuff.

I've been looking around for a specific denomination that I agree with, but I haven't found any yet, and I figure God will love me just the same even if I don't go to a church to praise Him, and praise him in my own way instead.

I do struggle a lot with religion though. I worry that maybe I'm wrong with my view of God and that because I question a lot of the beliefs I was raised with that I'm going to go to hell. But I don't understand how the God I believe in would condemn people to hell for being... misinformed is the best word I can come up with. I think the best way to explain my beliefs is the following quote by C. S. Lewis:

"Then I fell at his feet and thought, Surely this is the hour of death, for the Lion (who is worthy of all honour) will know that I have served Tash all my days and not him. Nevertheless, it is better to see the Lion and die than to be Tisroc of the world and live and not to have seen him. But the Glorious One bent down his golden head and touched my forehead with his tongue and said, Son, thou art welcome. But I said, Alas, Lord, I am no son of Thine but the servant of Tash. He answered, Child, all the service thou has done to Tash, I account as service done to me. Then by reason of my great desire for wisdom and understanding, I overcame my fear and questioned the Glorious One and said, Lord, is it then true, as the Ape said, that thou and Tash are one? The Lion growled so that the earth shook (but his wrath was not against me) and said, It is false. Not because he and I are one, but because we are opposites. I take to me the services which thou hast done to him, for I and he are of such different kinds that no service which is vile can be done to me, and none which is not vile can be done to him. Therefore if a man swear by Tash and keep his oath for the oath's sake, it is by me that he has truly sworn, though he know it not, and it is I who reward him. And if any man do a cruelty in my name, then though he says the name Aslan, it is Tash whom he serves and by Tash his deed is accepted."


I was raised an Apostolic Pentecostal, but I never really agreed with a lot of their teachings (at least at the church I attended). I still remember one time when the preacher stood up and said that every other congregation, INCLUDING other Pentecostals and Christians in general, were all going to hell and only our church would be saved. After that I refused to set foot in that church, because I didn't feel comfortable attending a church that preached that message. Another time one of the members approached me and told me my grandmother was going to hell because she (the woman) had seen my grandma at Wal-Mart wearing pants. Crazy stuff.

Your experience reminds me of when I was with my church which was Baptist. They felt all the other denominations were screwed simply because a lot of them weren't reading the King James version of the Bible. I butt heads with them a lot over that too cause I couldn't understand a lot of the language used in that version.
So you're really no religion, Satanist either. If you were you'd be practicing that religion, believing in it and the following of his ways. You just say it because you're rebelling against what the mass majority of people claim to be which is Christian?

It's alright dear, I understand exactly what you're saying :)

I think that's an interesting view, because you always hear of people who say that you can't believe in a Heaven without believing in Hell but really you do...just that it's Hell on Earth. I like it, it's different.

Thanks :), it puts things in perspective when I think of life as a big test and its not meant to be perfect. So in a way its normal not to feel happy or wonderful while being here lol, its very hard to feel those things as much as you want because your not meant too in the first place.


Well-known member
I'm loosely based Christian too, I don't like going to church becuase everyone is an extremist is seems anyways. I do what I feel is right and pray everynight. I think God wants us to do we feel is right, we all know right from wrong, I don't think he wants us to follow whatever some preacher tells us is right. I make mistakes sometimes but I feel like what I'm doing is right so I feel like I would go to heaven, but I don't let religion effect my life and I do what I want to do. Those who don't believe in God I understand that too, I gave up any faith for awhile but somethings happened that I couldn't explain when I was down that seemed like more than a coincidence.


Well-known member
I just don't care about religion or faith and for the record, I curse god all the time, so I guess I somewhat believe in him. Whatever, it's not like it matters anyways.
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Well-known member
I guess I'd say I'm agnostic, but I usually don't put a name to it. Religions interest me, but I don't follow any or believe in god. I mean, I really don't believe in a god. Though I do sometimes entertain the thought of some kind of life after what we know as death. But even with that, I can rationalize it as being a person's urge to find an answer to put them at ease. I'm not immune to that kind of wishful thinking. I think we're drawn to it as people.

For instance I have this hopeful, yet somewhat scientific thought, that there's a state that we enter after we die that lasts just a small amount of minutes could be an afterlife in itself! Kind of like a dream period.
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