Hi Everyone,
I just stumbled onto this site lastnight. What an eye opener for me! I am in my 40's, divorced and raising three teenagers. I never realized that what I "have" has a name.
In my experience, with age, my shyness and almost complete inability to converse normally with someone, is getting worse. When I am not at work I am home. Thats the only place that I can feel at ease. But, even going out to get the mail or mow the lawn leaves me full of anxiety and dread......going to the grocery store is a big deal. I always ask one of my kids to come with me. Their response is "geez mom, you are going to have to get over always needing us to go places with you, we will be gone soon, then what are you gonna do?" I just laugh it off and say I just want to spend quality time with them......but I am worried.
I have many acquaintances, but no friends. I am in a relationship with someone but we live half hour away from each other. He has many friends and likes to socialize, so we end up arguing more times than not about things.
I think of suicide all the time, but sure I won't go through with it. My children are too important to me.
I am embarrassed to say that I didn't realize other people are living like I am. It's a comfort to know that I am not alone. I wish there was something I could do or take so I could get over this ....I see women that are my age, with good friends, important lives, and valued members in society. I will never be or have any of those things. I can't even go to my kids sporting events without major anxiety. I walk in , sit down, don't talk to anyone, then when its over I hurry home. I am sure people think I am stuck up!
Thanks for listening!