A Place to Introduce Yourself


Well-known member
Ah, but won't you regret it if you're a long time member? She may change her ways.

Incidentally, she sounds somewhat similar to the types of girls that put me off the opposite sex for so long.
Well...Imagine the most shallow, spoiled, "look at me I'm pretty!", mean girl you could possibly think. That's her. And somehow I always felt like the younger sister, even though she is 5 yrs. younger.


Im the same.
Well she's 4 years younger and we get along now since ive moved out - but im still insanely jealous of her.. Everytime i see her i feel like screaming - cos she's got the perfect figure and goodlooking, and I'm the fat hideous one. I know its me thats in the wrong though - she did nothing wrong.
i actually had a nightmare lastnight that some guy actually showed interest in me, but she liked him so i knew i was fighting a losing battle....

I like this song - reminds me of her, and the way i hate her for being prettyer...
YouTube - Lily Allen - Back To The Start


Well-known member
*Eam Who knows if she will. I feel like I'm living that story "Jacob Have I loved". You may know the book. I don't get women like that at all.

*No Oil Painting. I know Lily Allen and that song well. I loved her latest album. Good call. Yep I know just what you mean. I have major anxieties about having her meet anyone I could potentially date/dating. I just think, well once they meet her..forget it for me. Thats great that you get along with yours. Wish I could say the same. Too bad she's so mean and self centered.


Well-known member
Hey everyone. Im new, just joined today. I'm very relieved to read that I'm no longer alone in my world. I'm a 22 year old student/musician. I've always been very shy when I was younger however my SP has been exposing itself more and more throughout the past 3 or 4 years. I'm going to University right now and having a SP makes everything so much harder. I can't even handle going to labs because it requires me to do work with 2-3 other people. I dont even think my grades will be good enough to continue school next year. Ive accepted loneliness and isolation as a part of my life and feel that the important thing is to keep on truckin'. I know it has effected me in so many bad ways and is slowing eating me away. However, one day I shall walk away from society and join the natural world.


Well-known member
Hey everyone. Im new, just joined today. I'm very relieved to read that I'm no longer alone in my world. I'm a 22 year old student/musician. I've always been very shy when I was younger however my SP has been exposing itself more and more throughout the past 3 or 4 years. I'm going to University right now and having a SP makes everything so much harder. I can't even handle going to labs because it requires me to do work with 2-3 other people. I dont even think my grades will be good enough to continue school next year. Ive accepted loneliness and isolation as a part of my life and feel that the important thing is to keep on truckin'. I know it has effected me in so many bad ways and is slowing eating me away. However, one day I shall walk away from society and join the natural world.

welcome to site:D it sure is good to know your not alone. hope you find it helpful!


Well-known member
Howdy folks.

I'm a 22 year old male college student from the United States. I actually stumbled across this board a few days ago when I was bored googling "jobs for shy people". ::p: So, voila! Here I am. I don't know where to start really. I've noticeably been socially awkward since I was a little kid, but I didn't really start noticing my anxiety until I got a little older. I have never really received and kind of 'treatment' for it. I've just sort of gotten by all this time, and it's really not as bad as it used to be, but I still have problems.

Anyway, it's good to be here. Best wishes to you all.
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Active member
Hi All.
I'm a 24 years old italian guy, I am social phobic of course, although I've never been diagnosed "officially". I have all the symptoms, and even more...
I spend my days studying, and the only individuals that I see are my parents... I got about 3 friends, they are also shy, but never like me, and they join me occasionally.
About girls: with them I show the best phobic reactions ever!

PS: please forgive me if my english sucks...


New member
hi im jason. im 31, had SA since childhood. only diagnosed 4 years ago. it was the name to wat ive been feeling for so long. im lucky enough to have a 5 year old son. but seperated from his mother. been single for 4 years & dont see a new relationship happening 4 me. my main fear is females beteen 18-30, was hoping to chat with anyone who is goin thru wat i am.


New member
I'm CT, 27 from Malaysia. I've never realized that i'm actually suffering from SA until recently some friend frm ym highlight it to me. All this while I thought maybe i'm just weird. Even writing this post making me feeling uncomfortable too.


Active member
hi , i'm a 22 year old drop out(nice introduction huh?), trying to get on my feet and live my life, i never was diagnosed or even knew such a thing as SA or SP existed , i only found this forum because i was googling jobs for shy people
Ive always been really shy, i try to avoid most social interactions w/ people, ive even gone as far as climbing out my window just so i could avoid meeting and speaking to some visitors my gma had over(lame i know(-_-;))-but thats only one example, sadly(T_T)

My name is Baaltazar, my problem is that I can't control my environment properly. I don't like people and don't know how to deal with them. Recently I started meditating and that really helps. All the best!



New member
My name is Alyssa. I'm 18 and suffer from social phobia. It's gotten so bad that I dropped out of high school after missing at least a third of my junior year. Even doing simple day to day things like going outside to get the mail causes anxiety. If I see someone else outside, I'll go back in the house and wait til they're gone. I'm looking for support, especially since I'm starting college in August, and I'm completely freaked about it, especially about taking speech. I hope I can find some comfort here. :]


Well-known member
Hi :) I'm Jennifer A.K.A. Island_chic. I've been dealing with social phobia and agoraphobia since about 13 years old. That makes 16 years of experience and torture. I had a chemical imbalance and received treatment at 20 years old and again at 28. I'm currently doing something I really enjoy and never thought I'd do. I've been taking vocal lessons and singing in a choir. I'm really enjoying myself for the first time in a very long time. I can't believe I was brave enough to take lessons. Most people are scared of their voice when they start learning to sing. I was shy and still am a tad bit but have gained some confidence and have learned how to sing out and reach high notes. I enjoy singing classical style best but love singing in general. Cheers!
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Anthem of the Angels

Well-known member

First of all, hello to everyone! :)
Haha this is my first post. I just joined yesterday :). I was led here by a google search on "hyperhidrosis forum", and here I am now. I have a condition called primary hyperhidrosis which first started small time, but has since escalated. It has caused me to want to avoid socializing with people, stay home and skip school as often as I can without getting in trouble. Also there is a football field near me and when I go running I do it at night so that nobody can see me. Overall, most of the time I just wanna stay home and lay in bed or do something on the PC. This is most likely different from the social anxiety/social phobia I've been reading about so far, but I just needed a place to say it. I'm different than most people, I know it and I hate it.

Oh and BTW I forgot to say that I'm sixteen year-old guy. :)
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Hi :) I'm Jennifer A.K.A. Island_chic. I've been dealing with social phobia and agoraphobia since about 13 years old. That makes 16 years of experience and torture. I had a chemical imbalance and received treatment at 20 years old and again at 28. I'm currently doing something I really enjoy and never thought I'd do. I've been taking vocal lessons and singing in a choir. I'm really enjoying myself for the first time in a very long time. I can't believe I was brave enough to take lessons. Most people are scared of their voice when they start learning to sing. I was shy and still am a tad bit but have gained some confidence and have learned how to sing out and reach high notes. I enjoy singing classical style best but love singing in general. Cheers!

Hello and welcome! Out of curiousity, do you think that singing is an innnate ability? I've a gruff voice and wonder if I can ever sing passably.

First of all, hello to everyone! :)
Haha this is my first post. I just joined yesterday :). I was led here by a google search on "hyperhidrosis forum", and here I am now. I have a condition called primary hyperhidrosis which first started small time, but has since escalated. It has caused me to want to avoid socializing with people, stay home and skip school as often as I can without getting in trouble. Also there is a football field near me and when I go running I do it at night so that nobody can see me. Overall, most of the time I just wanna stay home and lay in bed or do something on the PC. This is most likely different from the social anxiety/social phobia I've been reading about so far, but I just needed a place to say it. I'm different than most people, I know it and I hate it.

Oh and BTW I forgot to say that I'm sixteen year-old guy. :)

Hi there and welcome!


New member
Hi Everyone,

I just stumbled onto this site lastnight. What an eye opener for me! I am in my 40's, divorced and raising three teenagers. I never realized that what I "have" has a name.

In my experience, with age, my shyness and almost complete inability to converse normally with someone, is getting worse. When I am not at work I am home. Thats the only place that I can feel at ease. But, even going out to get the mail or mow the lawn leaves me full of anxiety and dread......going to the grocery store is a big deal. I always ask one of my kids to come with me. Their response is "geez mom, you are going to have to get over always needing us to go places with you, we will be gone soon, then what are you gonna do?" I just laugh it off and say I just want to spend quality time with them......but I am worried.

I have many acquaintances, but no friends. I am in a relationship with someone but we live half hour away from each other. He has many friends and likes to socialize, so we end up arguing more times than not about things.

I think of suicide all the time, but sure I won't go through with it. My children are too important to me.

I am embarrassed to say that I didn't realize other people are living like I am. It's a comfort to know that I am not alone. I wish there was something I could do or take so I could get over this ....I see women that are my age, with good friends, important lives, and valued members in society. I will never be or have any of those things. I can't even go to my kids sporting events without major anxiety. I walk in , sit down, don't talk to anyone, then when its over I hurry home. I am sure people think I am stuck up!

Thanks for listening!


I'm Tony 25. Initially I browsed this forum looking for answers after having a drug relapse.

Since then i've come out of it a bit, yet, i'm always willing to hear and help other people, as it is my nature.

I suffer from a lot of anxiety related situations but I try...

Anyways, what else. I'm at University ATM, sitting my final anatomy exam in the coming weeks.. and I should be getting some sleep now, but i'll post a few comments; activate my profile a little bit!