Re: Hi jackinwa!!~
♥ sweet kiss ♥;157567 said:
LOL, you're so funny

........... Sadly, there is a 2,462 miles difference between us. I'm sorry.
*TEARS* (Why must this always happen to me?:

: ) However, we are in the same country! :

ok well, yea I have to let you know jack that I really like talking to you..... seriously... omg~:

: ~ahh (did i just say that?~ >.<)
We may be far away from eachother but it doesn't seem that way to me ^.^
Well, uhm... I guess you've got a friend here, so congratulations...
Ta-DA! *fanfare*
Whoops, timing was never my strong point, either. Oh well...
*a gloomy look back to the window, pressing the cheek, flattening it against the transparent barrier, seeing how far the skies would take one 2,462 over the Pacific. Or is it over the Atlantic? Near Bermuda? I could never figure out direction, it's way too complicated...*
Anyway, if you want to develop a sense of humor yourself, well... watch a whole lot of Disney and Charlie Chaplin movies all back-to-back-to-back, then you'll know how/when to write the feeling of hopelessness (perhaps, it's just a guess, by golly!) like a dwarf from Snow White or an animal from Bambi or WALL-E from, well, WALL-E or what a tramp should feel like from that film "The Tramp." Maybe.
I mean, I'm only sayin' you could do that. I'm sure you got some moxie as "back up," correct? Or is it called "chutzpah" now? I'm so anti-social, I'm just not even up to today's slang. I mean, come on, this is actually how they talked in 1892 (or is that 1982?) back when I was hip and in the know.
Wait... do you know what this means? It means that's a 90 year difference and I've never been more confused in my whole life!
(Watch "I Love Lucy" so you can cry like that, too.)
Oh, and since you have moxie, well, I found you a gift. I mean... that, you got chutzpah. Yeah, I meant that. Sorry...
Got Chutzpah? Woman's T-Shirt
Okay, now that I'm hearing crickets, I guess I gotta exit sage left because I don't want some stagehand (usher?!?!?) throwing me off the stage!
-Jack in WA
P.S. Really!!!! TTFN!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.P.S. Kidding...
P.P.P.S. NOT! Ha, I kill me! (Watch A.L.F.)
P.P.P.P.P.S. ...please help me i'm addicted and i can't shut this thing off...
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. pleasehelpmeiwillpayyouadozendollarsandfiftypenniespleaseibegofyouicantdoitaloneilikeithereindoorsthanoutdoorsandthepeoplewiththeirhugesteakknivestheyscaremeso
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I know it's overkill (I know, this has happened once before about 1491) when my fingers and my toes and my back and my pillow on my bed (and the bed, too) all say ENOUGH ALREADY, JACK in union as if I just heard that on FM Stereo, somehow. Weird. Some people (or in this case, THINGS and BODY PARTS) have no sense of humor. AT ALL. Ever. Sheesh.