A Place to Introduce Yourself


Whats up People. My name is Jeff and I'm 29 years old and I have SP and Love Shyness. These conditions have pretty much ruined my life. I have no friends, never had a GF, am super depressed about it and turned to drugs and pretty much want to die. Other than that I'm pretty normal, Love to skateboard, ride bikes, love cars and ect..But this anxiety crap is killing me like for real. Its like I know whats wrong with me and I want to be normal and go out with girls, have friends, and have fun but something I cant explain just stops me. its fricken crazy. Like I'm at rock bottom just about now and dont know what to do. But anywayz thats a little about me, If I went into detail this would be a fricking book. So that was my first post of many. I'm out Holler.


Active member
Welcome J_Duece and stryker.

Continue talk about things that matter to you. I hope you find what you're looking for.

-Jack in WA

♥ sweet kiss ♥

Active member
"keep your smile"
"well, at least it's not rainy indoors, especially with that face in here"
"I'm glad you don't mind showing off those beautiful pearls"

That humor and I'm a goof a bit makes me "somewhat approachable" but I don't socialize much outside of work... Hopefully I can change that.
omg I'm the exact same way. At wrk, I smile and greet customers, and start off a conversation but after a min or two it goes down hill and I have nothing to say::(: lol

J_Duece said:
Hey everyone I've did some lurking on here for a good while but now I think It is time to come out of my shell and say hello.I'm 18 and I'm from Brooklyn NY
Hi J_Duece, glad you came out of your shell~ :)

stryker, welcome. I hope you cheer up ::p:


Active member
♥ sweet kiss ♥;157094 said:
omg I'm the exact same way. At wrk, I smile and greet customers, and start off a conversation but after a min or two it goes down hill and I have nothing to say::(: lol

Heh, I think it's a bit of a shame most of the people I ever, ever, ever meet online are NOT in the state of Washington, at least on the western side. ::p:

I mean, that is correct, right? Uhm, I mean you're not from Washington state, right?? Even better, you're not in my zip code, 98502??? :eek:

Hopefully, you don't mind (or need!) me saying anything but you sound cute. I'm just sayin'. I'm ONLY sayin'.

I just thought I'd float that... :/

Hopefully you'll inspire me to say... a little more??? ::p:

Meeting someone like me actually is fun. In a way. Except when they say they are from New York or China or Jamaica or somewhere else I could never go...

*presses face against the window hopelessly to see where the far off places would be*

-Jack in WA

♥ sweet kiss ♥

Active member
Hi jackinwa!!~

Heh, I think it's a bit of a shame most of the people I ever, ever, ever meet online are NOT in the state of Washington, at least on the western side.

I mean, that is correct, right? Uhm, I mean you're not from Washington state, right?? Even better, you're not in my zip code, 98502???

Hopefully, you don't mind (or need!) me saying anything but you sound cute. I'm just sayin'. I'm ONLY sayin'.

I just thought I'd float that...

Hopefully you'll inspire me to say... a little more???

Meeting someone like me actually is fun. In a way. Except when they say they are from New York or China or Jamaica or somewhere else I could never go...

*presses face against the window hopelessly to see where the far off places would be*

-Jack in WA

LOL, you're so funny :)........... Sadly, there is a 2,462 miles difference between us. I'm sorry. *TEARS* (Why must this always happen to me?::(: ) However, we are in the same country! ::p:

ok well, yea I have to let you know jack that I really like talking to you..... seriously... omg~::eek:: ~ahh (did i just say that?~ >.<)

We may be far away from eachother but it doesn't seem that way to me ^.^


Active member
Re: Hi jackinwa!!~

♥ sweet kiss ♥;157567 said:
LOL, you're so funny :)........... Sadly, there is a 2,462 miles difference between us. I'm sorry. *TEARS* (Why must this always happen to me?::(: ) However, we are in the same country! ::p:

ok well, yea I have to let you know jack that I really like talking to you..... seriously... omg~::eek:: ~ahh (did i just say that?~ >.<)

We may be far away from eachother but it doesn't seem that way to me ^.^

Well, uhm... I guess you've got a friend here, so congratulations... :)


Ta-DA! *fanfare*

Whoops, timing was never my strong point, either. Oh well...

*a gloomy look back to the window, pressing the cheek, flattening it against the transparent barrier, seeing how far the skies would take one 2,462 over the Pacific. Or is it over the Atlantic? Near Bermuda? I could never figure out direction, it's way too complicated...*

Anyway, if you want to develop a sense of humor yourself, well... watch a whole lot of Disney and Charlie Chaplin movies all back-to-back-to-back, then you'll know how/when to write the feeling of hopelessness (perhaps, it's just a guess, by golly!) like a dwarf from Snow White or an animal from Bambi or WALL-E from, well, WALL-E or what a tramp should feel like from that film "The Tramp." Maybe.

I mean, I'm only sayin' you could do that. I'm sure you got some moxie as "back up," correct? Or is it called "chutzpah" now? I'm so anti-social, I'm just not even up to today's slang. I mean, come on, this is actually how they talked in 1892 (or is that 1982?) back when I was hip and in the know.

Wait... do you know what this means? It means that's a 90 year difference and I've never been more confused in my whole life!


(Watch "I Love Lucy" so you can cry like that, too.)

Oh, and since you have moxie, well, I found you a gift. I mean... that, you got chutzpah. Yeah, I meant that. Sorry...

Got Chutzpah? Woman's T-Shirt

Okay, now that I'm hearing crickets, I guess I gotta exit sage left because I don't want some stagehand (usher?!?!?) throwing me off the stage!


-Jack in WA

P.S. Really!!!! TTFN!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.P.S. Kidding...

P.P.P.S. NOT! Ha, I kill me! (Watch A.L.F.)



P.P.P.P.P.S. ...please help me i'm addicted and i can't shut this thing off...

P.P.P.P.P.P.S. pleasehelpmeiwillpayyouadozendollarsandfiftypenniespleaseibegofyouicantdoitaloneilikeithereindoorsthanoutdoorsandthepeoplewiththeirhugesteakknivestheyscaremeso

P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I know it's overkill (I know, this has happened once before about 1491) when my fingers and my toes and my back and my pillow on my bed (and the bed, too) all say ENOUGH ALREADY, JACK in union as if I just heard that on FM Stereo, somehow. Weird. Some people (or in this case, THINGS and BODY PARTS) have no sense of humor. AT ALL. Ever. Sheesh.

♥ sweet kiss ♥

Active member

OH, oh my gosh, you really had a lot on your mind Jack ^^ You seem so animated with bundles of energy, I'm kind of jealous::p:~ Sometimes it's hard for me to get off the computer too, y'know~ like right now I'm so tired but here I am typing away ugh but it's not like I have anything esle better to do right? yea I thought so but like yea thanks for the tips!! lol ~...I watch plenty of disney movies/cartoons although it's seemed to help with your sense of humor but not mine. I think I may have to actually go and check out a few Charlie Chaplin films. (never heard of him before you mentioned him) By the way could you tell me what chutzpah or moxie and malarky or what A.L.F. is /means because I'm just a tad bit confused and I've never heard of such words (1800's slang maybe.... I know you said 1491 LOL but you couldn't be that old, could you???) (>.<) But hey, you seem to say what evers on ur mind and I admire that~ you're just so silly, it's crazy ~!;) ttyl~ttfn jack~ *~ until next time my friend.......................~*


Active member
Re: ..............

♥ sweet kiss ♥;158090 said:
But hey, you seem to say what evers on ur mind and I admire that~ you're just so silly, it's crazy ~!;) ttyl~ttfn jack~ *~ until next time my friend.......................~*

D'oh! <Homer Simpson>

I never knew you responded until now. That sucks, doesn't it? :p :(

I will explain everything I wrote later. Sorry, just checking up...

-Jack in WA


Well-known member
I am 31 and female.
I am not sure what I have but it's probably some sort of social anxiety plus depression.
I never fit in anywhere, I don't have any real friends and have trouble making new ones. I get called loner and hermit.
The only real friend I have had in my life has deserterd me for her new relationship and her other friends and I miss her like crazy
I worry that i will be alone for the rest of my life.
and on and off i feel like killing myself.

[email protected]
Hi all,
I'm a 40yo guy - I've had SA on and off over the years. I was actually almost happy when I was "cured" from it with CBT in my 20s, but still felt like something was missing. I wound up gradually falling back into the same patterns over the years. And now, I have so much anxiety I would be happy if I could just live on a deserted island and not have to deal with normal people all the time.


New member
Hi everyone,
I'm on here because my son has SA I think, and having looked into all the possible things it could have been I realized that it's what I've had for about 25 years.
I wouldn't say I was over it, but I am now very good at beating it into submission.
I just hope my son can overcome it as it's taking over his life at the moment - he's been hiding in his room for the past 6 months, pretending to go to college. I found out 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure how to help him any more. He's started some voluntary work at a charity shop which he says he's enjoying it, but I find myself checking up to make sure he's been there. We're waiting for a psych appointment to come through, but it's taking so long, also waiting to see if he has a place on a Princes Trust course.
He's reapplied for college, but if he gets in I don't know if he'll go, and if he doesn't get in I don't know what he'll do instead.

Just to bore you all a bit more I'll give you my potted history - when I was around 14 I would get up in the morning, put loads of makeup on, go downstairs to the bathroom and wash it off, then put it all back on again so my family wouldn't see me without it. I found social situations terrifying, but also felt dreadful if my parents went anywhere without me. I then developed a fear of eating in public, or in front of anyone really - that lasted for years and to be honest I only got over it about 10 years ago. I assume that SA is genetic, and I've given this to my son who is obviously suffering much worse than I ever did.
I would appreciate any help from you guys, especially anyone who is around 17 and can help me know what my son is going through.
It has helped finding this place and knowing how many others suffer from this - I always thought it was 'just me' and got the usual 'snap out of it' type comments, so it's kind of helpful to know I had a legitimate fear! Just wish the internet was around back then...


New member
hi :)

umm just some late night web searching and i found this forum...i consider myself a really funny girl and sincere when people can crack my outer shell. I just need someone to have patience with my shyness ::eek::
Hi everyone,
I'm on here because my son has SA I think, and having looked into all the possible things it could have been I realized that it's what I've had for about 25 years.
I wouldn't say I was over it, but I am now very good at beating it into submission.
I just hope my son can overcome it as it's taking over his life at the moment - he's been hiding in his room for the past 6 months, pretending to go to college. I found out 2 weeks ago and I'm not sure how to help him any more. He's started some voluntary work at a charity shop which he says he's enjoying it, but I find myself checking up to make sure he's been there. We're waiting for a psych appointment to come through, but it's taking so long, also waiting to see if he has a place on a Princes Trust course.
He's reapplied for college, but if he gets in I don't know if he'll go, and if he doesn't get in I don't know what he'll do instead.

Just to bore you all a bit more I'll give you my potted history - when I was around 14 I would get up in the morning, put loads of makeup on, go downstairs to the bathroom and wash it off, then put it all back on again so my family wouldn't see me without it. I found social situations terrifying, but also felt dreadful if my parents went anywhere without me. I then developed a fear of eating in public, or in front of anyone really - that lasted for years and to be honest I only got over it about 10 years ago. I assume that SA is genetic, and I've given this to my son who is obviously suffering much worse than I ever did.
I would appreciate any help from you guys, especially anyone who is around 17 and can help me know what my son is going through.
It has helped finding this place and knowing how many others suffer from this - I always thought it was 'just me' and got the usual 'snap out of it' type comments, so it's kind of helpful to know I had a legitimate fear! Just wish the internet was around back then...

Hey Ms. Lemonhead. lol. my name is Gio and im 19. I've been suffering with this lil blessing just about all of my life, but it has gotten really worse over the last 4 or 5 years or so. If he has the symptoms, he'll probably be afraid of interaction with new people or a fear of looking silly or sounding silly in front of them. I sometimes find it hard to ask a stranger for the time. It's basically a very extreme fear of being judged by everyone around you. I went to a counselor and she prescribed me medication. It didnt work at first so i stopped taking it. A really bad 'episode' threw me over the edge and i might have done something terrible. I then decided to go back on the medication and it has been helping microscopic piece by microscopic piece. It just takes time. Deep breaths helps tons as well. Hope I have been of help 2 u!!!!


Hello all

I'm new here, don't quite know what to say, I think I have avoidant personality disorder. I have a huge fear of rejection, I don't become envolved in social situations mainly because of this fear. When i attend job interviews and don't get the position it has a devastating effect on my life for months afterwards. I tend to over compensate this negativity by over-exercising and restricting my food intake, my theory being that i can be good and successful at this even if my social life and career is terrible.

and right now i'm worried about putting myself 'out there' on this forum.
well that is my first step
please be nice! xx:)

with love weirdgirl


Well-known member
Hey Ms. Lemonhead. lol. my name is Gio and im 19. I've been suffering with this lil blessing just about all of my life, but it has gotten really worse over the last 4 or 5 years or so. If he has the symptoms, he'll probably be afraid of interaction with new people or a fear of looking silly or sounding silly in front of them. I sometimes find it hard to ask a stranger for the time. It's basically a very extreme fear of being judged by everyone around you. I went to a counselor and she prescribed me medication. It didnt work at first so i stopped taking it. A really bad 'episode' threw me over the edge and i might have done something terrible. I then decided to go back on the medication and it has been helping microscopic piece by microscopic piece. It just takes time. Deep breaths helps tons as well. Hope I have been of help 2 u!!!!

hey..what med are you on? i took some for a while but the negatives outweighed the positives. now im off and i can barely leave my house
I have social phobia, I've been lurking on the site for a while but was nervous about signing up. Then the site was updated and lurkers were kind of shut out - so here I am :)


Well-known member

I'm new here. Just joined I think the other day. Not really much to say about myself except that I'm 19 (20 in August), very social phobic, and going to school for Photography + Journalism.

That is all. =|


Hello. :) My name is Leah, I'm 15, and I don't really know what to say about myself. I found this website yesterday and figured it would be a nice place to visit every so often. Plus talking on the internet is a lot easier than real life. :)