A Place to Introduce Yourself


I just found this site and think it's great so far from what I've read. I figured I'd jump in and introduce myself. I'm Jordan and I've had social phobia since I was born I think :p. I'm not even certain I'm joking there. I know it turned into agoraphobia when I was 19. So, years and years later, after many traumatic events in life, I'm reaching out because I'm so lonely it's (I'm) pathetic. I want to work on my social skills. I think.

Ironically, I hate being alone and yet I love being alone.....I'm so simple I'm complicated and so complicated it's simple.


Hi, i'm Snagglepaps, and i'm from the home of Capital One, Nottingham.

I'm also complex and simple and hate going outside and shit. Oh, and one time, I saw a blimp.


Active member
A blimp? Cool!

Hi, my name's Ranjin. I'm from India.

I like romance, going out, socialising, meeting people, and the music of Prince.

Very happy to meet you all.


RanjinSingh said:
A blimp? Cool!

Hi, my name's Ranjin. I'm from India.

I like romance, going out, socialising, meeting people, and the music of Prince.

Very happy to meet you all.

Wow really!

I love Prince too. Maybe we could be friends?


Well-known member
hello, i am from melbourne, australia.. 24. im studying fine art.. sculpture.i use to be "shy" when i was younger now im not so much shy more socially anxious.. I pretty much try and hide my anxiety with lots of speaking.. I have been doing ok this year with meditation and a good psychologist. But i have had the most insane few weeks. I have been drinking alcohol to celebrate various aspects of the end of a school year... And today I cant leave the house. well i did to be brave and sort of not listen to all the negativity swirling around my brain... I went to the local health food store and was so panicked before but still thought i would fight it... And it was horrible when i had to go up to pay because i go there frequently so they recognize me and are more friendly because of the fact. But yeah it was horrible because i couldnt look at them and i probably seamed really disturbed when they were asking me questions...

Anyway i feel like i cant leave the house ever again. and i have so much i have to do this week...

Sorry my introduction about myself was also an introduction to my problem..

you all seam like cool people :)
I'm so damn down at the mo and have nobody to spill my guts out to, so I guess I'll do it here.

I was pretty much a normal, run-of-the-mill person up until just over 3 years ago, when I broke my ankles the week before my driving test. I won't say how I did it because it's so ironic you won't believe me. I was so drunk at the time I just laughed it off, but after crawling home and conking out, I woke up the next morning and couldn't move an inch. Pure agony.

Anyways, I enjoyed the attention at first and it meant 8 weeks off work. It would turn out to be a lot longer than that. I was on three or four different types of painkillers and tablets and when my friends didn't really find the time to come visit, I started to slowly slide into depression. It didn't help when the hospital removed one of the casts weeks too early - they didn't realise I'd torn ligaments too and they basically messed up the recovery process.

I enjoyed not working but I felt lonely at home. All I had to do was download illegal ROMs of Sega Mega Drive games and post absolute drivel on an internet wrestling forum dedicated to a channel I never watched.

I thought I was recovering, but I started to hate the attention when I went outside. I found it hard to walk properly for a very long time and I'd get exhausted at work within minutes. People thought I was just being lazy. Then they'd make jokes about me being an emo and all depressed which just made things worse. I had to take more time off work when I got ill again and never really went back.

Things have gone downhill from there. Im not depressed anymore - well I don't recognise it if I am - but I feel I'm missing out on so much. I just hate going out now though. People ask me questions that I don't want to answer - why do people have to be so damn nosy? My hopes, aims and dreams have faded because of one silly drunken decision and after all this time I still can't figure out how to grab those dreams back.

Sorry about the venting, but I was hoping it'll help me.


Well-known member
you will get better. maybe take little steps towards being better. challenge yourself occasionally.. eventually you will feel confident again.

it seams like life has tested you a little.. and you need to study to pass it? you will come out of it smarter..


New member
ummmmmmm... don't really know what to say, but that's not unusual, the right words always seem to escape me :oops: . So many things have lead to me getting to a point in my life where I feel I'm not functioning as a human should. :(

I've always been shy but adolesence has turned me into a socialy inept recluse. Part of me thinks it' because of my high expectations, of life, of myself and others, I guess things did't quite turn out how I imagined them, but what can you do? :roll:

Stumbling upon this site has made me see that It's not uncommon, which while I sympithise with everyone here, is a relief.

annnnnny waaay.... My name is Alexandra and I'm from the UK :) . I joined the site hoping to find some answers to my problems which might help me to begin living, instead of hybernatig in my room. :wink:


New member
Hi, I'm Oren... I'm 14 (soon 15), I'm from Israel... I like animation and satire, my favorite show is South Park... I rarely go outside because I don't really have any friends and I'm fucking bored all the time... :(

Please add me: [email protected] I need company. :)


Active member
New here... and i so don't know about this...


I'm 24, live in California.
I had a rough and abusive chidhood, but until recently was able to distract my woes with activities such as being a good student, worker and friend.

A little over a year and a half ago, that all changed. I never want to leave my house and try not to everyday. For a while I was living iwth my cousin and pretty much refused to leave the house without her. Still, i faught to keep a bullshit job that was far below my education level. In a series of chaos, trauma, and unfortunate events, i have ended up pretty much stranded from all my family, living in my old college town trying to make something work in this shitty economy.

I thought that i'd be able to work through the panic when i got a part-time job on the other side of town. Turned out just getting to work on public transportation was a job by itself. In the two months i worked their before getting laid off, i eneded up in the hospital once, and late a few times due to severe panic attacks.

Now not working, my Drs. have finally called it quits and had me file for disability. I can't do anything anymore. I had a bunch of anxieities before, but now all of those are elevated and i swear i get new anxieties everyday. I can't even cross the street at an intersection without freaking out... and having to cross the same intersection twice is not an option.

caught in this whirlwind of hell, i thought i'd check web and see if there is anyone out there that might be able to better explain to me what is going on. When a former doctor told me that he was going to diagnos me as Chronically Agoraphobic, i nearly laughted in his face. I thought my cousin was agoraphobic, not me... after doing some reading, i see that it is totally me too.

i don't know what else to say... i guess just "hi."
I'm pretty good with computers, and since i don't have to talk to people on the phone on these fourms, nor do i have to worry about meeting any of you, it might be nice to have someone to talk with that gets it...

flying away.....


Well-known member
Hey Fairylicious, welcome to the site :)

I am in a similar situation as you. I have university qualifications yet find myself having to quit from simple jobs before they fire me as I am too slow and can't concentrate enough (I have OCD). It gets really depressing, frustrating, and most of all, scary. Having said that, I think the anxiety moves out of the way once you HAVE to work to survive, or at least I hope it does.

I am on disability at the moment and hate it. I want to get off and get working. The economy is terrible though and I am having a hard time looking for jobs, not knowing what to do, and so on.

What kind of new things do you worry about each day and do you spend much time thinking about them?


Active member
Thanks for You're Welcome!! :)

Andrew said:
Hey Fairylicious, welcome to the site :)


What kind of new things do you worry about each day and do you spend much time thinking about them?

Hey Andrew!

I didn't think that anyone would say anything to what i posted. I'm glad that i checked back (more for a writing project i'm working on than to see if anyone cared what i had to say, but still, i checked back).

so Thanks!

I don't know if it is that i'm worried about something new everyday, or if it is that my tolorance for current anxieties goes down everyday making more sensitive to my anxieties.
I'm very parinoid. When I'm out of my house alone i'm convinced that everyone, on the streets, in their cars, even in buildings are staring at me and judging me for all the things that i think are wrong with me (that is another topic). When I'm in my house and people are home, I'm constantly worried that they are talking shit about me when they think i can't hear them, or that they are mad at me about not doing something (like cleaning up THEIR mess). Either way, I'm uncomfortable.

My mom is very against me going on disability (dispite the fact that she has been on disability her whole life for a terminal illness). And for too long, i tried to just work through all this that was coming up for me. And things just keep getting worse and worse. All my body is telling me to do now is step back and stop and deal with you, or throw in the towel. I am lucky enough to have people in my life that i don't want to hurt by throwing in the towel and the idea of their disappointment in me-- even in my death-- is too great. Still, i feel trapped. I resent "living" for the sake of other people.

I'm just... so tired.
Bullied by a subordinate

Hi there, I apologise for getting straight on with a problem, I did introduce myself - but I have a bullying problem that is worrying me terribly. I work training young people who have no certification from school & we are trying to train them to a European recognised certification which is equivelent to the school certfication but more practical.

There are 3 people working there The Co-ordinator, the assistant Co-ordinator (me) & a part-time receptionist/secretary. I'm almost 48 & it takes a while to get to know me, but when one gets to know me they like me, that's what I'm used to. The receptionist/secretary is a very loud individual, but that was OK, I was nice to her, made tea for her & even gave her anopportunity to assist in classroom teaching - she, on the other hand, has put me down at every opportunity in front of my trainees, I firstly put it down to the fact that she was trying to be funny & it went wrong (reading & listening to the news are not her thing). Yesterday we brought the trainees bowling & I was on Tina's team, she put me down every chance she could get, she was nasty, loud & horrible, when they all left I stayed behind for a few minutes to clear any mess, all the mess was hers, crisp packets etc. I binned them & went upstairs, the boys were having a snowball fight which Myself, Tina & the two female trainees were staying out of, but Tina started to shove me into it (Tina is 5'8" I am 5'2"), Tina is about 170 + pounds, I'm 110 pounds, she kept shoving & shoving, I said nothing as I thought that any right minded person would eventually stop, I eventually had to tell her to stop - my trainees were bewildered at this stage. Then she tried isolation - "come on girls we'll get away from this one", my trainees told her that she was on her own & stayed with me.

I have to work with this 40 something school girl. I am trying to teach my trainees about the workplace i.e. how to cope with bullying etc. & it's going on in front of them, they are clever people & they pick up on everything.

How do I sort her out, we are only three & I really don't want bad feelings.

Any help is welcome.


Active member
Hi I'm new as well. I have SA even typing on forums, lol. I try very hard not to judge if I should post something or not, cause then I would never post anything :lol:


Well-known member
since i had too long of a name on the last account and never formally introduced myself,

i get periodic bouts of depression and slight social anxiety (which i am slowly getting over)

so anyway



New today. Guy, Fifty, US, employed but socially very limited but making periodic attempts at changing it. More comfortable with email relationships with people i know or family.

glad to find a place with folks who can relate.
Hello. I've been dealing with a lot of crap the last few years and I'm trying to get back on my feet. I have a hard time even posting in a forum, so I might not be overly active on the board, but I'm going to try!