Bullied by a subordinate
Hi there, I apologise for getting straight on with a problem, I did introduce myself - but I have a bullying problem that is worrying me terribly. I work training young people who have no certification from school & we are trying to train them to a European recognised certification which is equivelent to the school certfication but more practical.
There are 3 people working there The Co-ordinator, the assistant Co-ordinator (me) & a part-time receptionist/secretary. I'm almost 48 & it takes a while to get to know me, but when one gets to know me they like me, that's what I'm used to. The receptionist/secretary is a very loud individual, but that was OK, I was nice to her, made tea for her & even gave her anopportunity to assist in classroom teaching - she, on the other hand, has put me down at every opportunity in front of my trainees, I firstly put it down to the fact that she was trying to be funny & it went wrong (reading & listening to the news are not her thing). Yesterday we brought the trainees bowling & I was on Tina's team, she put me down every chance she could get, she was nasty, loud & horrible, when they all left I stayed behind for a few minutes to clear any mess, all the mess was hers, crisp packets etc. I binned them & went upstairs, the boys were having a snowball fight which Myself, Tina & the two female trainees were staying out of, but Tina started to shove me into it (Tina is 5'8" I am 5'2"), Tina is about 170 + pounds, I'm 110 pounds, she kept shoving & shoving, I said nothing as I thought that any right minded person would eventually stop, I eventually had to tell her to stop - my trainees were bewildered at this stage. Then she tried isolation - "come on girls we'll get away from this one", my trainees told her that she was on her own & stayed with me.
I have to work with this 40 something school girl. I am trying to teach my trainees about the workplace i.e. how to cope with bullying etc. & it's going on in front of them, they are clever people & they pick up on everything.
How do I sort her out, we are only three & I really don't want bad feelings.
Any help is welcome.