A Place to Introduce Yourself


Well-known member
Hello everyone!
I've been lurking these forums for a couple of weeks now, reading almost every new post, so I thought it was time to sign up :)
I'm 22 years old and I have had some kind of social anxiety for as long as I can remember. It's not the worst kind, because I am not terrified of talking to people, but it makes it hard for me to make and keep friends. For example, I haven't met any of my friends in two weeks. Anyway, I'm looking forward to joining some of the interesting discussions on this forum.
I haven't introduced myself yet, but i wrote couple of messages. I'm 23 years old and i have social anxiety and a lot of other problems. Trying to find out what else do i have... Scared to write on forums. Scared to chat. Scared to place avatar... Scared to do a lot of other things... Trying to do something about that, but no results. Today i'm lying all the day on bed... Heh...


Hello, I'm new here. I'm a mechanical engineering major at a certain university in the state of Florida.


Active member
Hello :) I'm Mel, I'm 39 y/o and live in Australia. Always been shy, outta my comfort zone in social situations. When I was a kid my family moved around so I was always the new girl at school.. I think it stemmed from there, as well as having parents with their own self esteem issues.

Hate being the focus of attention, if it's work-related I'm fine but I don't have a high self-regard. Very quiet, very self conscious about it. Have had bouts of depression since I was a teen.

Married, no kids. Like to keep busy. I work in an office, do some volunteer hours at a local dog shelter, and study. Hate clutter and disorder but I seem to be surrounded by it at home, with a couple of dogs and messy husband, and tendency for me to get absorbed by computer or book I'm reading, housework rarely gets done!

Love mother nature, love my dog. Love works of sci-fi - my husband got me hooked onto Star Trek :) Dream of the day when I can leave work, awkward social situations and my messy house behind and travel around Australia with my husband in a motor home.
I am 27 year old guy and suffering from social phobia since my high school days. SP has ruined my life and I fear one day it will take my life.


Hi all! I am a life long social anxiety sufferer, in my early 20s, and male. My social anxiety has really improved in the past few years though and I am optimistic it will be gone (for the most part) in the near future :). I also suffer from depression, mainly due to the consequences of living with social anxiety.

I am looking forward to sharing experiences with social anxiety, and hopefully helping some people out. If you ever need someone to talk to, you are more than welcome to contact me!
Cheers :)
Re: Hi everyone

Hi there to everyone,i am a 17 year old college student that has finished my first year in college and i am dreadding going for a second year because i have been forced to go.I definately think i have got social phobia i really believe so,i reckon i have had this since high school,it is not as bad as it used to be but i still sometimes have considerable fear of people when i go anywhere,i dont like going out at all,infact i never go out at all,i have no friends at all really,no girlfriend just nothing at all its sad and i get very lonely and sad.
I look like any normal 17 year old,but i have many problems.I am very thin too,have a very thin body because i was born premature,born 10 weeks early.
I just need a bit of help please can someone help me.People sometime stare at me because i have very thin arms,not that much but it has happened where people have laughed or stared at me.I dont think there is anything wrong with my looks though.How am i going to get through life the way i am?


Re: Hi everyone

Hi there to everyone,i am a 17 year old college student that has finished my first year in college and i am dreadding going for a second year because i have been forced to go.I definately think i have got social phobia i really believe so,i reckon i have had this since high school,it is not as bad as it used to be but i still sometimes have considerable fear of people when i go anywhere,i dont like going out at all,infact i never go out at all,i have no friends at all really,no girlfriend just nothing at all its sad and i get very lonely and sad.
I look like any normal 17 year old,but i have many problems.I am very thin too,have a very thin body because i was born premature,born 10 weeks early.
I just need a bit of help please can someone help me.People sometime stare at me because i have very thin arms,not that much but it has happened where people have laughed or stared at me.I dont think there is anything wrong with my looks though.How am i going to get through life the way i am?
Try getting prescribed the drug "Zyprexa" and you wont have to be underweight anymore, its what I take for the same problem. Went from being 108 lbs 5'10" to 160 lbs 5'10" ;)
I reckon i probably have social phobia,i am certain that i do.
I never go out,i have no friends i can talk to people at college that i know in my class but it is only 1 or 2 people,even around them i feel i bit uncomfortable sometimes.When i am completely on my own i cant speak at all to other people,sometimes it takes me a big pause to get my words out and i feel so embarrased,i also start breathing heavy and nervously sometimes not all the time though.My muscles feel stiff around people outside,i just cannot relax.My case of social phobia is proabably mild to moderate and sometimes rather bad but not too much.

L Hilla

Well-known member
I'm 16 years old and I live in south georgia with my mother and younger brother. It hasn't been made official, but I feel for certain that I'm poor socially. I'm still and currently doing online school, and have been for the past years and so, becuase of the great stresses of public school I had dealt with almost all my life. Because of my statis, I hardly go outside and have regular contact with others on a daily basis as most people would. I have no friends also, and sometimes I'm cool with it and sometimes I'm not. I'm definetly an introvert and love drawing, listenign to music, and other things as opposed to extrovert activities.

I've always felt I was just completely different, not just with my unintrest in people but other stuff, and have been searching around for some answers. Maybe I'll find some here.
thanks again for making a post.

I am new to this forum. I am very grateful that there is such a place to vent or talk or whatever about my problems with sad. I also, have had social phobia ever since I can recall. It has taken on a life through out the years. I am trying to share without sounding desperation. I would love to correspond with people that go through the same problems.

Like I said I am new to this site. So, if anyone wants to chat or whatever, let me know.




thanks again for making a post.

I am new to this forum. I am very grateful that there is such a place to vent or talk or whatever about my problems with sad. I also, have had social phobia ever since I can recall. It has taken on a life through out the years. I am trying to share without sounding desperation. I would love to correspond with people that go through the same problems.

Like I said I am new to this site. So, if anyone wants to chat or whatever, let me know.



Welcome to SPW, do you have an MSN or AIM or anything to chat on?

Apple Strudel

Well-known member
Hi, i'm new to this forum but i'm not new to social anxiety forums. I came from SAS and my nick's 'Hot Chocolate' over there.

Nice to meet a new batch of social phobic people like me :D


Active member

I'm 24 year old girl who's been living in this hell called social phobia for about 7 years now. I've always been shy, but the last 5 years I've been basically just staying at home because of SP. This is probably the only place where I'd ever admit that, and it is relieving in some way to see I'm not the only one with these kind of problems.

Besided SP I also have avoidant and anankastic personality disorders & I used to have OCD, but I finally got rid of that couple of years ago with the help of CBT.

I still keep hoping some day I'll beat the SP too and can finally start living, but that's easier said than done. Anyway, I'm glad I'm not alone on this, even though I wouldn't wish this to anyone.


Well-known member
Hey all,

I'm from Melbourne, Australia, and like most of you here I suffer from SA and a few other mental health conditions.
I was diagnosed at 14, shortly after I dropped out of high school - because I simply could not continue. After three years of thearpy and completing a Certificate III in general education, I'm 17, unemployed, not going to school, mentally distressed, hardly ever leave the house and... well... ::(: :confused:

So I figure this is the place for me! ::p:
this is a very cool site! just found it about a week ago. Still getting my feet wet. I think one of the ironic things about having a social phobia website is that people are reaching out which I think is nice. I still have trouble making small talk or talk about my problems and sound ok..If that makes any sense. I tend to doubt myself a lot.


Well-known member
Yeah, its funny that most everyone here can pretty easily speak their mind without really worrying...its the face to face thing thats gets to us, but it isn't like we're completely unable to open up and converse with people. I'm new here as well and am looking forward to having many conversations! Sup everyone!


New member
Hi all, I am a 32 year old female who hides behind the internet. I am told I never had social interactions young in childhood because i was in casts, and because that "prime time" was missed as a child I now have fears about people in general...so they told me. I refuse to take any "happy" pills I am not depressed and I really hate when doctors slap a label on me rather than finding and working the problem. I am normally skinny 5'5 100 pounds so people stare ( I know they stare its not in my head) I drink ensure when I can afford it to help keep weight on. When I go out I rarely go out alone, if I have to go alone I hide myself under hats and sunglasses along with my mp3 player and of course the music is blarring so I can't hear what people are saying. I like to go out in the dark, its quiet peaceful and no one is around. I have been labeled a freak, a loner but really I am who I am. I have no problem with being a freak or loner, however when I got married 6 years ago I had NO clue my husband was such a social butterfly, he is helping me but man it takes time and why he is always so happy and wants to go out I still haven't figured out. So I hide here behind the internet, in chat rooms, writing rooms and art rooms..this is my life, if you ever find photos of me you will notice, and people ask me a lot. "How come your always alone" haha well I don't have anyfriends, so I find joy in taking photos of myself and creating art. So for now, that is me, oh I am also more of a listener than a talker, when I was a teenager I would mimic my shrinks by making them talk and I listen (haha) so if I don't say much its not because I am stuck up.


New member

Hi this is Sachin from Pu,INDIA,Male 22 years old,just completed my graduation, I have some weird social problems,I can communicate open minded with my close friends but whenever i have to indulge in socio activities I just lose my energy, like meeting with new people especially of my opposite sex ,The other weird problem is that i hate myself seeing in pictures whether its solo or group ones that's why my relatives always find it difficult to find in wedding albums or college pictures . I hope that i will diagnose my phobia with help of this forum.