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  1. BreakingFree

    Time to drop the mask....

    When I introduced myself, I happily shared my life story even revealing my age :roll: , which I never do. The more I post (which is not many) the more I reveal more of myself and I am beginning to fear your judgement. What do you know I have become scared of your judgement of me and how you...
  2. BreakingFree

    Pornographic material on my Notice Board

    Does anyone have the same problem? I find it pretty offensive and would like to remove it. Please help! I do not want it thrown in my face!
  3. BreakingFree

    Do we want to get better?

    I have read many posts where we do not cease opportunities presented to us to beat SA. We let anxiety and panick govern our actions! Why do we avoid taking the tiny steps forward? We turn down opportunities that we can use as springboards. Will we ever recognise the challenges that are presented...
  4. BreakingFree

    How about a 30+ forum?

    How about setting up a 30+ forum to discuss adult things ?:wink: Just kidding! I would love to know what kinda issues they are dealing with in their lives if different from the young ones.
  5. BreakingFree

    My world of :If Only

    If only I knew what misery my avoiding people in childhood would cause me If only I did not shut myself away when family or people came to our house for a visit If only I seeked out people more and not only preffered my own company. Why not go visit school friends,family? If only I did not...
  6. BreakingFree

    Making friends

    I recently had an invite for coffee. I accepted, but paid for it . An invitation for lunch was extended by her, I accepted again. She called me once reminding me of the lunch date but I am still waiting. But going for lunch is not the issue.The fact that someone invited me for something is the...
  7. BreakingFree

    What excuse do I give

    I would like to start CBT, but what do I tell management why I need time off from work? I just do not know what to say! What if they found out I lied! Calamities! Any plausible ideas?
  8. BreakingFree

    I feel so ashamed and sad!

    I have always avoided going to family weddings, baptisms, get togethers, parties etc, until a death in my family. Suddenly I realised how much I have missed of their lives. The family expended with second cousins, whose names I always forget and who I will have difficulty recognising in public...
  9. BreakingFree

    New employment, ever been open about SP?

    With no promotional prospects at work, I am flying the coockoo's nest. I've been with the same company for 8 years and due to my anti-social behaviour have no chance of ever being promoted,therefore my decision to move on. Its hard to see everyone else moving up and myself maintaining the same...
  10. BreakingFree

    Social phobia support groups, Catch 22?

    From what I understand, these groups are not well attended. Does anyone belong to one and can give some feedback on how to run a successful one? What problems they experienced and overcame? I would love to belong to one (even ready to start up one) just to give me the exposure to social...
  11. BreakingFree

    Waking up to the world

    Good manners prevailed and i am finally introducing myself. I have been reading for hours (and posting) and how uplifting! I could finally relate! Reading about your experiences/feelings/situation made me feel not alone anymore. I learn so much and am ready to do battle with SA! Ghee, I hope my...
  12. BreakingFree

    South Africans still online?

    Hi, all Our sites been quiet. Are you guys still around? By: A relative newbie