What excuse do I give


Well-known member
I would like to start CBT, but what do I tell management why I need time off from work? I just do not know what to say! What if they found out I lied! Calamities! Any plausible ideas?


Well-known member
hi breakingfree , just tell your boss your suffering from a stress-related condition or even really bad insomnia and that it is affecting your work and life .


It doesn't matter what you tell them it's gonna be marked down as leave due to mental status. That's so stupid how they do that and put it on your record and shit.... Fuckers!



Well-known member
Speaking from experience, I think it's better to be general rather than specific.

I remember my old boss finding it initially quite funny when I explained why I wanted to leave work early- so I could attend a hynotherapy session for a phobia.