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  1. lonelee1

    help me please

    dudes, someone told me that i always look to be dissatisfied. it's true. how do i stop this?
  2. lonelee1


    soooooo, my first mini relationship has ended and feel like i failed at it. BUT i've learned a lot from this experience. mostly what NOT TO DO and how NOT TO REACT. lol. the guy moved away for work and i'm kind of glad. i just couldn't stop with the obsessive thoughts about failing, being...
  3. lonelee1

    another freaking problem

    okay, so i started dating someone and he pointed out that i don't listen well. that's a problem because i'd eventually like to become a therapist. that's the plan..i think. anyway, he's right. another complicated issue to recognize and try to change. part of the larger picture. there are...
  4. lonelee1

    Tv tropes

    i grew up watching a lot of tv. i love sitcoms. the cosby show, saved by the bell, family matters, THE GOLDEN GIRLS (my favorite). i have begun to realize....that this habit has really messed me up. i think part of the reason i get socially anxious is because i don't...
  5. lonelee1


    i don't think i'll ever get out of this social sh*t. i'm not naturally curious, i'm a rigid thinker. f*cking shy.......i don't know how to really connect. twelve years and it just gets worse. worse. i wish i used more front lobe. gah.
  6. lonelee1

    seeing someone...........

    i started sort of seeing an old friend from high school. i feel horrible because my social anxiety makes me feel f*ckin insane and i close up so much around him. i don't know what to do. i like him, he's funny, creative, etc, but i feel bad because i have to keep telling him im really shy. at...
  7. lonelee1

    havent tried enough

    im kinda sad. i looked at my life and it is really kind of sad. i know we shouldn't compare ourselves to other people or go by their 'shoulds' and stuff, but sometimes its really hard not to. what's helping me right now is to refute the negative thoughts. it's really hard for me to not care what...
  8. lonelee1

    fish in the sea

    im interested in someone who doesnt reciprocate the feelings anymore ( i think). the gf he chased for years finally decided she wanted him. ive never dated. is it bad to still have these lovey feelings for him? i find it helps me a bit, get through the day. but maybe that's because i haven't...
  9. lonelee1

    for ye loverss

    The Smashing Pumpkins - Plume - YouTube
  10. lonelee1


    ive always wondered this. i asked my therapist once but got no real answer. i used to be made fun of for my appearance and awkwardness. which made me even more whack and socially anxious, leading to more slights and anxiety. i asked my woman professional when we were talking about this...
  11. lonelee1


    had a bad SA day. i went to get a spa treatment done, i haven't been in contact with people for a while. i always get nervous at the front desk, well, nervous around everybody. i always feel so stern and unapproachable. the girls at the front desk always act like they're stepping on eggshells...
  12. lonelee1

    lets be happy today?

    :thumbup: yes?
  13. lonelee1


    does anyone else ever feel anger, hatred even at people when you feel jealous of them? like if they're 'better' than you socially, in looks, smarter, freer, etc? this person i'm jealous of keeps popping up in my head and i feel really mad. this guy im interested in, his girlfriend. pisses me...
  14. lonelee1

    mindfulness maybe

    i deal with depression, repetitive thoughts, obsessive thoughts that cause anxiety, and social phobia for over 15 years. i've spent it all trying to out-think all of these 'problems', when there may be simple solutions. 'forgetting anxiety' has helped me a lot lately, but it feels kind of new...
  15. lonelee1

    forget anxiety

    i feel like i can update on here as if it were facebook, but i'm able to expand on thoughts more. cool. anyway, even if nobody listens, i think i've solved my own mind. at least that's the feeling today. it's not apathy or anything. but it's this weird, freeing feeling i've sort of adopted...
  16. lonelee1

    rigid thinking

    maybe this article can help us. i know a lot of my problems are caused by rigid thinking. but this made a lot of sense. Life Coaching Tips - Fluid Thinking - The Wisdom of Ignorance
  17. lonelee1

    comparing yourself to others

    comparing myself to others why can't we delete our own posts?
  18. lonelee1

    psych meds long term?

    has anyone been on antidepressants or anti-anxiety medication long term? ive been on buspar for a few months. it helps a little, but i'm afraid if i come off it, i'll really get hit with anxiety and feel horrible. how long can a person be on these meds?
  19. lonelee1

    there has to be solutions!

  20. lonelee1


    for those of us who are a bit lonely..i've started to try visualization techniques. my self esteem gets pretty low sometimes and i don't think that i'd ever be able to be in a real relationship with anyone. love and dating are complex in themselves, and sometimes i wonder if i'm even meant to...