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  1. L

    Should I stay or should I go?

    My partner and I have been together for 9 months. It's been ok and I love him very much and he hopefully does too. However our relationship isn't perfect. He's cheated. He did the deed on father's day this past year. However it was flirtation and asking for a girl's number online (which she...
  2. L

    Choose Your Poison

    A stranger walks up to you with three apples: one gold, one silver and one lead. The gold one gives you immortality BUT you will live life alone and hated. The silver one gives you mortality BUT you can only live for 5 more years, granted those five are the BEST years of your life and you die...
  3. L


    Telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind. You know how they say we as humans havent unlocked a great percent of our mind? I know i may sound crazy when i say this but, i think telekinesis could be possible if it was somehow unlocked. Unfortunately i think its definetly impossible...
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    Favorite Smells

    Just wanted to start a lighthearted subject today with a question what smells do you like?? I like the smell of mail, cigarettes, nail polish, and the new car smell
  5. L

    Did anyone else hear this??

    my friend posted a status on facebook about some guy going on a cannibal rampage after getting high by eating bath salts. Then Andy samberg (guy from saturday night live) did a comedy sketch about it and was like "STOP EATING FELLOW CITIZENS!" if its true.. bath salts are going to be sold out...
  6. L

    What do you think would make the world a less cruel place?

    I think if people got to know each other before judging then that would make a major improvement
  7. L

    Salad Fingers Disturbs Me!!

    Theres something symbolic about this series but i cant name it :confused: Salad Fingers 1 - Spoons - YouTube
  8. L

    The Gibberish, Um what?,post funny vids thread

    Ive been feeling really serious lately and maybe some of you too? SO I wanna start a thread of nonsense ::p: sorry im a serious jacksfilms fan so i HAVE to do atleast one vid of his Pants on the Ground: EPIC REMIX (feat. Eminem and Jesus) - YouTube Family Guy - SpitBaller - YouTube
  9. L

    The days of J.J (Journal)

    Ive been debating about this for a while and ive finally decided to make one its a boring saturday night so why not? Today was pretty boring i just watched reruns of the nanny Fran Drescher's voice isnt that annoying to me.::p: THANK GOD its spring break the mainstream zombies in my school were...
  10. L

    Thank You!!

    Im somewhat new to this website(a few weeks) and so far people have been generally friendly :) also i see people have been making journals and im debating on whether or not i should, i have my doubts because my teenager thoughts might seem irrelevant to older members and guests. Anyways this...
  11. L

    Are/were you a scene kid?

    I am definitely a scene kid! ive had blue streaks and green streaks in my hair so far im thinking about purple :P i want piercings but cant right now (parents) heres a comical parody of scene kids just to give you an idea! theres a bit of foul language to warn ya Scene Kid LOVE: Episode 1 -...
  12. L

    Do you have dark or light humor?

    I think i have a bit of both but more dark Light- laughing at puns, fart jokes, witty replies, and ect. Dark- lauging at jokes at other people's expense, sarcasm, pain, and failures
  13. L

    Old Cartoons!

    Remember the classics? Ren and Stimpy,Courage the cowardly dog, rocket power, my life as ginger, johnny bravo, dragonball z, eliza thornberry, and ed edd and eddy? WHERE DID THEY GOOO???!!!
  14. L

    Do i completely fail at life?

    Im not posting this for pity or to start a pity party i just really need to vent these feelings ive had for years. Right now im a freshman in highschool and im a loner. I am invisible not just to the opposite gender but to everyone. I think im a nice person and ive lost alot of weight before...