Do i completely fail at life?


Well-known member
Im not posting this for pity or to start a pity party i just really need to vent these feelings ive had for years. Right now im a freshman in highschool and im a loner. I am invisible not just to the opposite gender but to everyone. I think im a nice person and ive lost alot of weight before going to highscool so i dont think its looks or personality so what else? its quite frustrating. I think my depression started in middle school when i liked this guy Zack but my friend at the time Tiara also did. The smart thing wouldve been to say "we shouldnt go after him it will ruin our friendship" but i had to be dumb and go for it. i was too shy to ask him myself so i asked this girl named Nicole if she would for me. the next day she came up to me and said "HE DOES!" i was so happy!Unfortunately zack came up to me afterschool and said "I dont really like you but i do like your friend Tiara do you think you could ask her for me?" I was crushed but i decided to tell her anyways.When i told her i could tell she was happy about it but hiding it because i was sad. So they started dating and still are til this day(amazing right?)me and Tiara are just associates now and zack doesnt seem to acknowledge my existence at all. I like Tiara and it would be nice if things had went different. She seems so happy and has lots of friends while i am mostly by myself and ignored by people. Im not depressed just because of this situation but a mixture of things. I think about suicide alot but i cant right now i still live with my parents and i do care about how they feel also my mom says i will go to hell if i did. I avoid being in public because i feel awkward around people i asked my parents if i could be homeschooled but they say they cant because of their jobs i understand so i cant complain. After college and everything that requires my existence i plan to commit suicide i doubt i will grow out of this. thank you for reading and sorry about how long this post is.


Well-known member
Sorry about the situation with Tiara and Zack but that sort of thing happens a lot, even to little ol' Mikey.

Don't kill yourself because finishing college is actually a pretty good achievement and by doing that you'll be beating me in education. Also you'll have a lot of opportunities after that and you'll be winning at life. You'll be okay.

Welcome to the forum, too.


Well-known member
So your question is... do you fail at life for
a) liking someone who didn't like you
and b) for being a loner

I can guarantee that 90% of the forum have gone through these situations before or are still in them and I really don't think these things mean you fail at anything.

There are... what? 7 billion people on the planet?
One boy in middle school not 'liking' you is absolutely no reflection on who you are as a person.

Highschool is hard for anyone who doesn't conform. There are popular people, not popular people and loners. That's how it works. Highschool is like a hive and it thrives on having kings and queens to run it-- soldiers to beat everyone else down and workers to blend in and act like clones of eachother.

Being different will work for you outside of the highschool environment.
Being different attracts other people who are also different because different is interesting.
That is how I see it.
College was the best time for me-- and highschool was the worst.
While I was in highschool, I thought every mistake I made would mean the end of the world for me but I was very wrong.

Surround yourself with people you find interesting.
With people who are positive and exciting.
They're there; but you have to look harder to find them because alot of them are probably hiding.


Well-known member
I'd say that high school years were in a lot of respects the hardest. So much sh*t happened to me during that time...

My life basically sucked. I even dropped out of school at one point. But after a few years things have started to get less complicated. Things bother me but not as much as before.

I'm really sorry to hear what happened with your friend and the boy you like but I'd just remember it's not always going to be this bad. Boys that age are jerks anyway he'd probably just waste your time.


Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear about your situation. It does seem tough but these things happen to everybody, even to ones who seem very popular. You said yourself that you've good looks and personality so I'm sure there'll be people who will be interested in you. Maybe you can try meeting some new people and see how things work out. I think highschool generally is a bit hard for shy people cos its where things are seen in somewhat black and white terms but it does get better. Please don't commit suicide, I hope things look up for you :)


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I hope I didn't sound too harsh before... I wasn't trying to, really.
I've just been where you are.
Things will get better- then worse- then better again; it's how life works.
Hopefully you can find somewhere you feel that you fit in and find things that make you happy so that you can see what's so good about life.

I have yet to find those things, myself.
I actually didnt take it that way i mostly considered your advice. i know my feelings sound dumb to some people and harsh comments are to be expected