Salad Fingers Disturbs Me!!


Well-known member
I remember watching the first one a LONG time ago and it kind of freaked me out. Salad Fingers is really disturbing.

Well-known member
Hahaha, Salad Fingers!!

"Ah like roosteh spoons"

I have 'Beware the Friendly Stranger' (the theme) by Boards of Canada on my mp3 player, always scares me when it comes on!!

Yeah the soundtrack was pretty small doses though... too much weirds me out!


Well-known member
It did give me a creepy feeling, the last video was too much, with the leaf and stuff. I started laughing at how disturbing it was. Never seen this before, thnx.


Well-known member
I remember sitting on the computer one day and my friend was like "type in something random" "like what?" "i dunno spaghetti hair or salad fingers or something" and thats how we found it haha::p:


Well-known member
I remember watching Salad Fingers at the school library before I got my first computer.

That's how old it is.

Jus' kidding!
I always thought it was wonderfully executed-- the voice acting, the music, the choice of colours.
It's really stylized and creepy as hell.
So strange.
I love it.


Well-known member
Hehe, yeah I remember this was an unknown gem on Newgrounds. In 2004 or earlier. I used to come on that site a lot and I made a couple of flash movies myself.


Well-known member
heh I remember these!! Wow. They used to creep me out but now they just feel silly. What is the symbolic thing that you feel that creeps you out, can you put it into words, even if very general words?