

Well-known member
Telekinesis is the ability to move things with your mind. You know how they say we as humans havent unlocked a great percent of our mind? I know i may sound crazy when i say this but, i think telekinesis could be possible if it was somehow unlocked. Unfortunately i think its definetly impossible now, we still have some evolving to do. The upside to this though is no one can go mad with power ^.^ also scientists would dissect the first person :/


Well-known member
i'm imagining the species we'll evolve into when we no longer have to lift a fork to feed ourselves or even push buttons to change the channels on the television remote or access a website

we can just sit comfortably in our cushioned pods all day in our bloated, fleshy, hairless glory

not much different than a lot of people today...


Well-known member
I think,no I am pretty sure that we use all of our brain,that stuff that we only use 10% is a myth,one that people who belive in the paranormal and stuff like to use it for their agenda.


Well-known member
It's an interesting subject, i find the paranormal fascinating, but i'm not sure how telekinesis would actually be possible.


When humans start unlocking the rest of our brain's potential, I'm hoping that the first thing we use it for is to start thinking a bit more clearly and rationally.

I agree. Just like me.

But seriously how cool would it be to move stuff around. I would be like Magneto - just causing havoc and being a general bad ass.


Well-known member
If I could unlock my brain to use it's full potential, I would be so dayum rich $$$$ I could hire flunkies to move any dayum thing I wanted any dayum time I wanted to any dayum place I wanted.
I have seen sham artists move a pencil with their mind (they blow on it and it rolls away from them). It amazes people!
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Well-known member
The 'we only use 10% of our brain' thing was a grossly misconstrued quote. Only about 10% of it is active at once - areas not directly related to what we're doing are at rest, but pretty well all of the brain is used for something at some point.

'Course we seem to be able to do plenty of strange, perhaps even paranormal stuff with just that so maybe we don't need it.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I think we will one day have something similar to telekinesis, but that it will be as a result of the interface between our brains and our technology becoming almost seamless. After all, telekinesis is almost like magic, so you only need apply Clarke's 3rd law and wait for our tech to become sufficiently advanced. :)


Well-known member
The 'we only use 10% of our brain' thing was a grossly misconstrued quote. Only about 10% of it is active at once - areas not directly related to what we're doing are at rest, but pretty well all of the brain is used for something at some point.


You can all forget about telekinesis, there is no need to evolve, if it`s even possible.


Active member
I think we will one day have something similar to telekinesis, but that it will be as a result of the interface between our brains and our technology becoming almost seamless. After all, telekinesis is almost like magic, so you only need apply Clarke's 3rd law and wait for our tech to become sufficiently advanced. :)

You're talking transhumanism here, I guess. That's interesting, and in a way it is already happening. I remember that a few years ago I saw a program on TV about people like Stephen Hawking - those who can't move, talk and all - and there was this sort of computer technology which was connected to their brain (I know I sound dorky, but I ain't no scientist, dawg.) so that they were able to move stuff on the screen with their mind. What's this if not telekinesis? .... So it's not with 'real' but virtual objects but still... how on Earth can they do that! If anyone has any information on this topic, please share.


Well-known member
Telekinesis would be interesting but not something I would want anyway. I'd end up a very vengeful person if I had that sort of power.


Active member
I feel that if humanity were to evolve and develop a very obvious trait (be it telekinesis or something else), the "old" humans would condemn the evolved humans and call them "freaks of nature" or "inhuman monsters" (the inhuman part would be a somewhat correct assessment). Humanity in general is very averse to change and a radical change such as the "next step in the evolution of man" is sure to draw ire from a very good chunk of the population, especially the religious.