Search results

  1. EscapeArtist

    Weight and food obsession

    My SA decided to get worse when I began to gain weight rapidly after eating way too little for a few months. I've been stuck in the realms of food and weight obsession for a year now, I know it's mainly what keeps me from leaving the house now and that just makes me eat for comfort even more...
  2. EscapeArtist

    Helpful text

    If you're one of the many perfectionists on here, who when completing any task, be it social or work-based, needs to perform flawlessly or refuses to perform at all, and if you're a control junkie (which I only today accepted about myself), I recommend the book Too Perfect: When Being in Control...
  3. EscapeArtist

    Ignore this rant

    I crave attention and company, but as soon as I have it I feel as if there is nowhere I belong, worthless, scared, I feel more alone when I have it. I feel as if i'm living to find people I belong with, but it's impossible for me because holding anybody's attention feels so damn ALIEN, I crave...
  4. EscapeArtist

    Do you judge others the way you fear they judge you?

    A thought that's been haunting me for awhile... My family was very judgemental, and i'm sure a lot of you had/have judgemental parents or peers. Now... i'm wondering whether I picked up this judgemental mentality from my parents and sisters, and assume negative judgement will seep from every...
  5. EscapeArtist

    Whoever left me that rep...

    I'm so lucky to have found this website, you people are so understanding and amazing. Really, you all help put my life in the right direction every day, and without the aid of such generous souls my days would be glum. :) Social anxiety really does have a positive side, either that or you are...
  6. EscapeArtist

    Ways of dealing with stress

    I need to call my school before 4 and i've been a total recluse lately, so it's taking a toll on my nerves. I automatically turn to food and booze at moments like this but I need some healthy alternatives to deal with the stress that's flooding me right now.
  7. EscapeArtist

    I just don't care

    I've been practicing lowering my standards, and trying to realise what i'm doing to impress others and what i'm doing truly for myself, and now... I just don't care about my "future". By "future", I mean that I realise I was going through with school to keep up to society's standards, and the...
  8. EscapeArtist

    Crying in front of people

    Crying in front of people is my worst nightmare. When I feel on the verge of tears around my therapist I freak out, and quickly think of unrelated things. I've only cried in front of anybody twice in my life, and both times my mom made fun of me for crying and walked away. "Oh, now you're going...
  9. EscapeArtist

    Things that piss you off...

    My neighbour has been powerwashing his drive-way for nearly an hour.... I don't understand how people can do this when we should be preserving water, and energy. Why the **** does your driveway have to look clean??? ..It arises such a deep passionate anger in me... o_o;; ..-twitch- For the sake...
  10. EscapeArtist

    Let's go on a safari!

  11. EscapeArtist

    Reassuring phrases

    I have to see my social worker today and this is the situation I hate most. I hate showing emotion!! When I talk about bad moments in my past I say it with a smile, I don't let it penetrate my conscience, and I hate coming off as negative (i've always been told I am..) but my social worker sees...
  12. EscapeArtist

    Were you neglected as a child/youth?

    or abused --------------------------
  13. EscapeArtist

    Addicting temptation???

    Over the past two weeks something in me has changed.. I used to think I had a purpose and could change the world and in a short month I've decided this is what's putting all these heavy high standards on myself, so i've ditched the idea. Only problem I guess is that now I see myself as a nobody...
  14. EscapeArtist

    I feel like ****

    Idk, I guess I need some comforting. I feel like I'm throwing my life away because of SA. This is pretty much stress because i'm a high acheiver who is now failing grade 11 and there are 2 weeks left of school. I haven't been to school in about 1-2 weeks, and it's been a checkered 2 months...
  15. EscapeArtist

    Is this OCD?

    My high standards stop me from doing so much. I'm too scared to put myself up to ANY tests, my standards are so high... I'm scared to go on runs because of this, to write tests, to go on bikerides, even to go on walks, constantly obsessing that I'm going to turn back because I won't meet my...
  16. EscapeArtist

    Online school

    I'm failing the year only because I'm too afraid to go to school. I know that online school is the WORST idea for somebody with SA because then i'll get into a rut, but I was thinking that If I got a job and took online school it'd still force me to get out of the hosue every day...? I am going...
  17. EscapeArtist

    Zoloft journal

    Ok well... this is Nothing like me. I don't believe in medication. I don't know why i'm doing it but i'm trying Zoloft. Nor do I know why i'm making it such a big deal... oh maybe because Prozac almost made me kill myself. I guess that makes sense then. I know all medications react to people...
  18. EscapeArtist

    Worse since i've found SPworld

    Ever since I found this website I've been worse off... on this website I have somebody to talk to, only when I stay home. I have now a reason not to go anywhere, or not to step out my front door. Before I thought I was a freak, and so I forced myself to step out because I... well I don't know...
  19. EscapeArtist

    Could I get kicked out of shcool?

    I've missed a lot of classes, how many classes do you have to miss to get kicked out of highschool? anybody familiar with it? ALSO... My social worker is my principal's wife, and their daughter has agoraphobia and has been house-bound... this probably makes no difference because it's all too...
  20. EscapeArtist

    anxious around your psychologist/therpist/social worker? etc?

    I had my first real session with my new social worker and my god.... I have never been more nervous in my life! I'm scared to show emotion, and when I realise that i'm sensitive to a subject that she's pushing, my brain and nerves just go HAYWIRE.