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  1. EscapeArtist

    comforting things

    List the things that make you feel comfortable or cozy when you need it. Im having some trouble making myself feel "comfy" when I'm depressed or lonely. the things I can think of: warm glass of chamomile, hot shower...
  2. EscapeArtist

    So, is this depression?

    I can't tell if this is depression, or just a reasonable reaction by my own standards, or well.. Both. Social anxiety isn't really what's stopping me from going outside. Or from even getting off of this forum every once in awhile. It's because outside... feels... like torture. And I'm not...
  3. EscapeArtist

    The causes of overproduction of Cortisol

    Cortisol is what is produced by the adrenal glands, giving us the feeling of a "Fight of flight" response. I found this article from the Times and Transcript that named the 3 most common causes of the overproduction of cortisol, and thought it was worth the mention. -...
  4. EscapeArtist

    Escape's Journal.

  5. EscapeArtist

    Thank You SPWorld!

    I'm not leaving or anything, I would just like to say Thankyou! From the sincerity of my heart and soul. Support goes a LONG way. Especially, when you have a toxic environment, and a parent that only wants to see you miserable (Misery loves company, unfortunately, my mother is the most harming...
  6. EscapeArtist

    Expecting too much.

    Need some help guys. I don't know how not to expect things, of myself, of other people. I stopped expecting that everybody was thinking badly of me, but the only way to do that was to expect that people are thinking good things about me. And I'm now expecting too much from them, rather than too...
  7. EscapeArtist

    Things to do

    Anybody else having trouble filling the day with things to do (especially when you're alone)? Name something you can do! Try to be specific so that we can have a huge list when we're bored. (like include type of book rather than 'read a book', yaddaayadddda!) Play a guitar
  8. EscapeArtist

    I dare you to try this. You have nothing to lose.

    God you guys must just hate me for mentioning this so often. K. DUR. IM GLUTEN INTOLERANT. LACTOSE INTOLERANT. You guys know that by now! But what you don't know is that 1 in 3 people are. And that the most common symptoms are depression and anxiety because it really ****s up your seratonin...
  9. EscapeArtist

    Social anxiety and family

    Sigh.... I mean I'm making improvement, gradual improvement. That is good.. Why is it that social anxiety has to also take away my family? My little sister is crying out for somebody to comfort her, to hug her when she cries, for a physical and emotional connection. I've had to see her, only 15...
  10. EscapeArtist

    For those with AvPD.

    Do you know when you developed your AvPD, and why. Were you abandoned, or did you abandon someone or lose someone close to you in some way? I'm kind of giddy. I just figured it out man! I moved when I was 10 y/o. I left behind a best friend with whom I had a closer relationship to than...
  11. EscapeArtist

    other problems with perfectionism

    do you have any other part of your life that is controlled by perfectionism?
  12. EscapeArtist

    AvPD Feels Like An Addiction.

    My avPD feels like an addiction. The thought of cutting myself off from those I love gives me a sort of high, and then when the person is actually out of my life I grieve horribly and wonder why the hell I would go out of my way to get a great person out of my life. But then, even as I'm...
  13. EscapeArtist

    AGE: Does it make a difference?

    Hey all. Friends and whatnot. Lately I have realized one of the main reasons I don't go and hang out with friends, even though I have some to turn to if I wish to turn to them. I feel mentally older than them, as if I've observed for so long that I've introspected myself through a sooner...
  14. EscapeArtist


    We have the ability to have very exciting lives. Anybody find this? For instance just raising my hand in class gives me faster heart rate, shaky, etc. But when I'm in a good mood and feeling ok about myself (well that hasn't happened for about a year but still) it's almost a good feeling...
  15. EscapeArtist

    i'm sorry, another rant.

    Purely for my benefit to get it out somewhere, you don't have to read my long and angry rambling. As I've mentioned a lot of times, I do a ton of research. I have been obsessed with getting to the truth of things, despite the government. Somehow I ended up stumbling onto health, through my own...
  16. EscapeArtist

    Sharing my epiphany number 2

    I didn't want to post this because I am paranoid that I'll come off as a SPWorld nuisance, or that I won't improve as much as expected as me. But these are lousy irrational thoughts of perfectionism so now I have to. Last time I posted about some important things to consider in order to...
  17. EscapeArtist

    Why I don't go outside

    what happened to innocence. What happened to dreams of travel, the thrill of new experiences, or the comfort of familiar ones. Satisfaction died with simpler times. What sabotaged nature to create such beasts as the people? The distant, lost, delirious, distrusting, blind, suspicious, confused...
  18. EscapeArtist, I want to start a social anxiety group, but....

    I'm only 17. It just seems.. odd to be host to a group of adults at 17. I'm unprepared, no means of driving, no cash to use, and of course I HAVE SOCIAL ANXIETY. But how wrong could it go, right?? I'd really like a group of people in real life to talk to about this... Starting a group sounds...
  19. EscapeArtist

    Pretending to be what I wish I could be

    Ok here it goes. First of all, refer to my signature. I'm sick of the life I have given myself. I can't live life in this fishbowl anymore. I feel like the life I am currently living is as far as I want my rock bottom to go. So here's what I'm going to do, simply pretend to be the person I so...
  20. EscapeArtist

    where to meet people

    I'm dying of loneliness and don't even really care anymore about social anxiety, it seems minor compared to this loneliness and boredom. (i'm sure it wont later) but where can I meet people who are into the same things i'm into?? I'm 17, and want to meet mature minded individuals with goals and...