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  1. EscapeArtist

    really cool task management website

    my friend just shared with me this amazing website that helps me stick to a task-list each day, you create a list of tasks for the next day to be completed, and check them off once completed. When you check them off, the day on the calender turns green with a star (yay well done x)...
  2. EscapeArtist

    do you live with anybody who has the same problems?

    Do you live with anybody with your same problems? Depression, social anxiety, low self esteem, OCD, whatever is plaguing you? Maybe it's something more subtle, like trust issues. Does it help? Does it make it more of an obstacle? What does it do for you? Who has it? I am interested in reading...
  3. EscapeArtist

    How To Love Yourself

    In the evening when you're tired, turn off the computer, tuck yourself into bed with a good book, maybe put the blankets in the dryer for a few minutes before When you wake up, step outside onto your front porch and just feel the cool air in your lungs, put extra sugar in your coffee, or maybe...
  4. EscapeArtist

    Did you relocate during childhood

    I already posted a thread like this a few months back but there are new people so I'd like to repost it. If you have some history with mobility, share, I'd love to hear if anybody has similar past. What age were you and what effect do you think it had? Where were you most attached socially, and...
  5. EscapeArtist

    Do you consider yourself mentally ill?

    Do you consider yourself mentally ill? Why or why not, and if not what are you?
  6. EscapeArtist

    Who has SA but no depression?

    What keeps you, or has kept you, from developing depression? Or how have you pulled yourself out of depression? Be both general and specific. Example: "People, I hang out with friends every Friday", Thankyou!
  7. EscapeArtist

    How to deal with family bullying

    It's been awhile since I've posted a thread. Throughout my life I've been bullied/hated, and emotionally neglected by my dad (who isn't an issue anymore because I don't see him), and mom. Older sister too, but I have learned to avoid that one by not speaking. (Younger sister is lovely and tries...
  8. EscapeArtist

    "Roles" of society

    I don't know why I made this thread. I went to see a career.. youth... person, and to talk about a program that I wanted to get into today with him. Well, he was, as my youth worker put it, not "youth friendly", and I couldn't pinpoint what it was about him that made me soooooooooo anxious. I...
  9. EscapeArtist

    Taking care of you

    Does anybody else see a connection between nurturing yourself and your social anxiety? Do you neglect to treat yourself? Do you nurture yourself? (Examples: cooking a nice meal, giving yourself the day off, exercising, eating well, making your room cozy, baths, lighting a nice candle, manicure...
  10. EscapeArtist

    Come to IRC chat

    The chatbox is laggy and slow... So... I think we should start using the IRC chat instead of the chatbox (For all who do use the chatbox!!!) IRC chat is under "chat" just as chatbox is Erm... cough/... that is all
  11. EscapeArtist

    Do you remember when you realized that you had a problem?

    For me it began when I was on the bus around the age of 14, and pondered whether everybody else also spent the entire bus ride nervously stressing over the 'thank you' that one must say to the bus driver before stepping off. And you?
  12. EscapeArtist

    Are you ashamed of your moods?

    When you share them or display them? I realize that my shame isn't usually immediate around other people, but comes from regretting being a certain way. Lately the regret has been about me seeming overly happy in situations, but it was just how I felt, I felt happy and so acted as such. Now...
  13. EscapeArtist

    are you "proud" of your AVPD?

    That feeling of.. "Yeah.. I have that, you can't reach me, only I can reach me! I'll push you away and you'll never catch me! I can't be seen.." A sad relief A defensive pride An excuse to not have to face that intimacy fear, the love-shyness Yes no? Pride is not the right word. I can't find...
  14. EscapeArtist

    Brainstorm: Positive Chants

    Hello :) Lets brainstorm some positive phrases or realizations that we can repeat that can make us feel better about ourselves... Today Im really liking I do not exist as what people say I am Your turn!
  15. EscapeArtist

    Our Deepest Fear

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of...
  16. EscapeArtist


    I don't think that term exist Is there a term that exists for it? When you are constantly anxious if you have anything that means something to you (money, friends, a relationship other than (including family),) because you are fearful of losing it. You purposely ignore that you have something...
  17. EscapeArtist

    Do you look anxious?

    Apparently I come off as extremely calm. I have been told by many people, even was talked about in the middle of a psychology class by the teacher when I had my hand up for a high anxiety test score, she said something along the lines of "Wow, You!?!? I wouldn't expect you to be anxious!!" in...
  18. EscapeArtist

    Everybody feels "off"

    Yeah, It's about time I post another rant. I haven't posted one in awhile... I can't stand people. What do I mean by this? If they don't understand me, I feel even more alone around somebody. Most people do not understand me. And most of the time.. It's just a matter of being on a completely...
  19. EscapeArtist


    I hear sometimes that social anxiety is a form of post traumatic stress disorder. For some people it is, for those who just haven't developed social skills I suppose it isn't. But for those who are fearful, I'd have to agree. Yeah, stupid source, but I was watching Oprah a week ago or so. The...
  20. EscapeArtist

    Bungee jump, skydive, zipline....

    Have you ever done something along the lines of this? How did it feel? Did it help you with anything related to fears of losing control, anxiety, facing fear? Would you? Do you think it would benefit you? I find it to be very metaphoric of accepting loss of control, trusting yourself, facing...