Search results

  1. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Do you have a pet?

    An animal friend. Cats, dogs, gerbils, cockatoos, and so on. Does it help you emotionally? Does it help against depression? Is it therapeutic for you? My answer is a huge yes for all of the above, but I'm curious about other people.
  2. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Astronomers discover planet made of diamond

    I just thought this was neat. A planet more massive than Jupiter (which already has more than 300 times the mass of Earth) and it's made of diamond, orbiting a pulsar. If we ever make it to that system that would make for some amazing photography. This Diamond Planet Will Last Forever ...
  3. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Your own virtual reality.

    Imagine you could create your own virtual universe. Realism level of 'The Matrix' except that you're aware it's virtual. What would you create, and how much time would you spend in it? You have total freedom--the laws of physics, the universe and your place in it, everything. Would you...
  4. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Problems of insignificance.

    I’ve gradually come to realize that my perception of myself as utterly insignificant has caused numerous problems. That is, the idea of myself that I don’t count, don’t matter, and so on. I have hurt others with my absence or silence when I thought it would go unnoticed. I’ve hurt others with...
  5. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    What do women think about guys who make threads about what women think about?

    Do you feel they categorize 'women' as a single, mass entity? Does it feel like you're being stereotyped? Do you feel that the OP will still get useful information regardless? Do you think these threads are just silly sometimes? These are important questions and I need to know! :confused:
  6. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Moral compass in the brain can be controlled by magnets

    I find this disturbing. I have to wonder if some military might put this to use on their soldiers or something. Moral judgments can be altered ... by magnets I'm quite curious as to the results of further studies about this.
  7. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Explosion at Japanese Nuclear Power Plant following quake.

    This is some scary stuff. It's not even the only plant having problems right now. YouTube - Video of blast at Fukushima nuke plant, radiation leak reported Factbox: Experts on explosion at Japan nuclear plant | Reuters
  8. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Baby bull

    So a couple of weeks ago one of our older cows had a baby. Unfortunately, there seem to have been complications from the birth. She was acting sickly since the birth and died a week after it. That left us with an orphan. Unfortunately, cows don't tend to adopt as much as something like goats or...
  9. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Popularity, self esteem, and self perception in a place like this.

    Someone recently told me that they wanted to leave SPW because it felt like an even worse popularity contest than in person. I was surprised to hear this because I didn’t think they were unpopular at all. It made me wonder how many other people felt this way. A while back someone posted that...
  10. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Today is National Hug Day.

    At least it is in America, England, Australia, and Canada. It was founded in 1986. There was a campaign for free hugs, but it got banned here. There's also an illustrated guide on free hugs, but I couldn't get that to work because I'm a moron. Are you a hugger? Do you like to hug people...
  11. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Sharp Objects.

    Do you like them?
  12. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    The world. I find it depressing. Literally, the world.

    Worldometers - real time world statistics Real time counts of what's going on in the world. Hectares of forest lost this year: 84,248. People who died of hunger today: 84,248 Number of people infected with HIV/AIDS: 31,914,742 Species that went extinct this year: 84,248. By the time you...
  13. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Owl Rescue (in progress)

    So yesterday evening my step-dad found a small owl in a water trough. It was soaking wet and it couldn't get back out. I watched over it overnight and tried to feed it some meat, which it accepted into its beak but wouldn't swallow. At least it knew I was trying to feed it, not eat it. This...
  14. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Flame Warriors!

    Which internet gladiator are you? Flame Warriors Home I think I see myself mostly as Big Cat, maybe with a bit of Yuk Yuk and Tireless Rebutter thrown in. Hard to judge yourself, though. Feel free to judge me! :D
  15. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Does anyone else get hideously embarrassed while watching tv?

    For a character in an embarrassing situation I mean. Or am I uniquely retarded that way? I often have to change the channel because I just can't stand the feeling. It doesn't have to be a character on tv, it could even just be another person in the room and I'll blush because they are in an...
  16. NathanielWingatePeaslee

    Have you always had SA?

    I've only recently begun really looking into understanding this stuff, and I've seen a few cases where apparently people didn't always have the problem, but somehow grow into it. I can remember as far back as pre-k viewing other humans as loud, incomprehensible creatures that were best avoided.