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  • Masterful photography, mate, love the minature effect. Will have to talk to you about it when I am sober :p Had a real 'moment' by the river today, Storm birds, brush cuckoos, Wongas and the wind in the Casurinas and Silky Oaks all talking to me me at once, reminded me I dont need people. Amazing evening and sunset It could have only been more pefect if I had actually cuaght some fish! Then I had to spoil it all by going out to the pub..................
    Yeah it kinda does. It's a ghost town from the 1800's preserved. I just put another one up that's maybe better?
    I love tilt shift. I have done a few that were actually great...let me see if I can find them...

    TY too btw- I am very happy I made the cut :)
    Fiddling around with tilt-shift in photoshop. It is supposed to make the boat and buildings look like toys.

    I was watching the Shawshank Redemption again. And I love the reference to Zuhaitanejo, and Andy wanting to live by the Pacific Ocean, a warm place with no memory. And it triggered in me perhaps the start of a dream, for when I retire to live near the Pacific Ocean, a warm place where I could relax and forget. When I travelled across the Nullabor I really enjoyed Coffin Bay a magnificent stretch of coast, and I saw hardly a soul when I camped there. Maybe I could retire somewhere like that?

    Coffin Bay accommodation, attractions, business, photo gallery
    Thanks. It's still under construction. It will take time before the mold dries. And, I'm sure I will have times when I lose it. I just have to remember what's important and get back up. So, I guess you can say, to be continued. :)
    Merry Christmas to you as well, Kiwong! I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. :)
    The Pacific - a warm place with on memory. When I am near the ocean, it helps me forget.

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