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  • well u can compare to other ppls problems, but ur problems still bother u :)
    I'm trying to keep it positive, but i tend to get very obsessed...like right now lol..
    im off for a jog tho..so tell me more about u, and stop spying on me :p
    This cracked me up so much! :D

    YouTube - The Inbetweeners - Jay's football friend

    "Oooo *thumbs up* Friiiiiieeeeend!"

    lololololololol :D :D
    Omg, yo! the show would die without Jay!! He's my FAVORITE character by far! lol!
    You know he acts like a misogynist prick, but really, he is such a vulnerable little sweetheart, I just want to give him a cuddle! Have you seen the way his dad talks to him and puts him down? Nawww it's so sad :[ Yeah I love Jay, I think he's hilarious haha, probably not the best friend in the world though, I agree ::p: Will cracks me up soo much, too :D Simon and Neil annoy me, though. Neil is just sooooooooooo frustratingly stupid, and Neil is so rude to his family - not cool! and he just annoys me for some reason. But they all play their part I guess. Have you seen the one where Neil punched the fish to death? I was horrified!! lol

    I was only popping on for a second and have to dash out again, but thanks for the message, I'll message you back later on when I get back :).
    Heeeeeeeeeey sweetie, i'm ok thankies. Mum got out of hospital yesterday so i've been keeping myself busy looking after her. How are you doing?
    Thanks, we are just waiting on his immigration application to be approved , I am sure it will be ok, but until then things will be a little up in the air, who knows I maybe moving to America.

    other then that we are doing well.:)
    Oooh i thought she pulled off that dance really well, i was amazed at her moves lol I can't believe she actually did that dance...i guess some people just don't care how they look :p
    Hahah, you've discovered the greatness of smoothiesss! I'm proud of you, mahn. Definitely yummy! My freezer is always stalked full of frozen berries, mmmm.
    Oh my gosh, I feel sooooo stupid! I didn't see that at all! lmfaoooo (The lost girl thing I mean) Very cute :D

    Well, I did plan on spamming your wall today with FOTC songs but you said you have a lot on your mind so I'll leave it for another day. You're always welcome to inbox me if you need to talk to someone :).
    It really does look fake lol how can a bird be a better dancer than me? it just doesn't seem fair lol

    I'm LOVING the pic you put up, he looks soooooo much cooler now with his hat and glove :cool: He could even pass for an MJ look-a-like ::p:
    I had to look really hard to find the kitty, i thought there wasn't one in the pic for a while lol but then i spotted the ikkle thing hiding under the bunnies ear! I'll have to try that the next time i want to go incognito hehe
    w/e, u can't step bro (Don't really know what that means, but it sounds srs >:[)
    Yeah Liley is hilarious! Have you seen Summer Heights High? He plays Mr G and Jam'ie as well as Jonah. He is sooooo funny and his characters are right on point.
    YouTube - The Best of Mr G Ep. 1-4

    YouTube - Ja'mie "Phone Call"


    + lol@ the randomn pics. Was that middle one a grrring pickle?
    lol well that explains why you didn't get it then! Yeah I'd feel sorry for red-haired people if they had souls (lol joking!) they get made fun of sooo much here, I guess not so much there? They get called gingers or rangas here (ranga is short for orangutan lol?). No one takes it seriously of course, just one of those stupid things that make people laugh for no good reason xD.

    YouTube - Summer Heights High: Jonah - Sorry Ben, S1 E1

    "How is it okay for you to bully Ben?"

    "'cause he's a ranga"

    "A what?"

    "A ranga, sir! 'cause he's got red hair...orangutan, that's what we call him....people are racist to us, so we can be racist to rangas"

    "But redheads aren't a race, Jonah"

    "But, Sir, there's heaps of them! They're everywhere!"

    lmfaoooo :D
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