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  • Ooooh look i found a big ass Bunneh 0_o

    Awww grrrrr at you making me blush again hehe I couldn't be one of those horrible people and leave mum to her own devices , she needs help and i'm more than happy to do it, even though i'm absolutely shattered lol

    LMAOoooo i love the way you think! i don't feel so bad now for being an evil biatch hehe plus if the bible says it's ok then who are we to argue? :p I wouldn't do anything bad to people, i'd just make sure they could see me living it up with all my money while they're still struggling mwahahahahaha
    Awwww hush up you *blushes* i'm not amazing at all i guess i'm just doing what any daughter would do :)

    Oooooh i've often thought about what it would be like if i became rich, me and mum would be living the life of riley while everyone that didn't care about us would be begging for hand outs, i'd just laugh in their faces hehe omg how evil am i? 0_o

    LMAOoooo at that picture, that girls face is priceless! she looks proper confuzzled by the bunneh hehe
    it's not ur fault :)
    I'm waitinf for a horror film to start even tho im as tired as hell, form exercising :p
    aww ty :)
    I wish i could do that, but my family isn't very close at all. We don't talk to my sister any more and my mums brother is a selfish git who couldn't care less! so i have to step up and try to make life as comfortable as i can for mum, it's ok though she's done so much for me in the past that it's the least i can do for her! I might have a nervous breakdown doing it, but at least mum should be ok lol

    Awwww don't say that :( i think we know each other pretty well :D and when it comes to things like the outbox well...i would NEVER have figured that out so in my eyes you are a genius hehe plus you do amazing things with photoshop whereas i log onto it and get confused straight away lol
    I didnt go jogging this morning, i was to depressed.. but ill do some exersizing instead at home.. did u????! :p :)
    Okay, I'm in the mood for some spamming :D. You liked FOTC's 'Too many dicks on the dance floor' so here's more! Remember you asked for this ::p:

    YouTube - fotc sugarlumps

    YouTube - Flight of the Conchords Ep 6 Bret, You've got it Going On

    YouTube - Flight of the Conchords Ep 3 Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros

    YouTube - Flight of the Conchords- Business Time
    lol Your dad sounds like he's a lot of fun. I curse at the players myself. :D Well, at least we've got North and South Korea. If one doesn't win then the other can do the country justice, ya know. I ****ing wish we had two Italian teams. lol Thanks, btw. You might want to hurl insults at the players as well. :)
    I know what you mean, i've found my mood has been dipping because i'm not sleeping well, i'm trying to stay up beat and positive but it's blooming hard 0_o awwww you really are too nice, it would be cool if we lived closer but that darn ocean is always a problem grrrrrr at America being so far away lol

    Ooooo thankies for the info, i swear i looked everywhere for the outbox thingy but obviously i didn't look there lol you're a genius hehe
    Yes! I completely agree with that sentiment. Especially when a team of athletes is representing a whole nation.
    Dude, I'm sorry to hear that South Korea lost to Argentina. ::(: I was rooting for them.
    I didnt know they accepted homer on the paraolympic team.. hmm.. he;s getting better every year..:p
    well today when i jogged, pplm who started 5 - 10 mins after me surpassed me lol
    but i kept on going! :)
    OMG that Bumder episode was so classic!!

    YouTube - The Inbetweeners - "You Bumder" [HQ]

    looooooooooooooool :D

    That Will and Charlotte ep is the last one I saw! Sooooo funny :D
    I'm absolutely shattered, i'm ready for bed again and it's only 11pm 0_o I'm not cut out for all this nursing malarkey lol
    LOL Yes, water closet champs! :D Oh, and they should get money deducted every time they trip over their own feet and act like they're mortally injured. lol We play New Zealand next.
    Think about how much money you can save from not buying deodorants, although having a can in your bag can be pretty handy for self defense purposes, especially if Bruce Lee sneaks up on you with them numchucks, you aim for his face then his pits LMAO
    well i used to have ocd tendencies, so i know it's hell.. and im glad u can function! so are u single now? ;) :p
    jogging, isnt it supposed to get addictive and im way outta shape..
    Same here. I'm not into soccer, but the WC (water closet? :D) is a big deal. I always root for Italy above every other team. They're not that great so far. :( I say they should only get paid if they win (they get paid too much in my opinion). Maybe that will give them some incentive to play well. That or the coach ought to go Uday Hussein on them. :D
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