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  • Hey! I'm still waiting for my Inbetweeners quote spam!

    The last few episodes I've seen weren't as super funny as the first few eps I had seen. And they played the very first episode here two nights ago and I was kinda like...yeaaaaaaaah that's funny. But it wasn't super 'pee in my pants' funny :(

    Did you ever see Flight of The Conchords? Ca-rack up! :D

    YouTube - Flight of the Conchords: Jemaine sleeps with an Australian girl

    YouTube - Flight Of The Conchords- Ginger Balls and Dick Meeting

    YouTube - Count to 10

    YouTube - Flight of the Conchords - Racism

    Thank you for showing me that documentary, i never knew rabbits could be such evil blood sucking beasts! You'd think it would be more widely known lol seriously though how bad was that? the blood looked like ketchup hehe
    LOL sorry! i didn't mean to gross you out :p

    But if we do get a giant bunny it's have to be at the end of this month, that's when my girlies get done! awwwwww i want one now though hehe
    LMAOooooooo i'd have a mahoosive smile on my face as well if i was being squished by a humongous bunny, it's be too cute hehe

    I'd have to get a girl one, my bunnies haven't been done yet so i wouldn't want any unforseen accidents...my poor wabbits wouldn't know what had hit them lol
    Awwwww that little girl is totally getting squashed by the bunny, but look how happy she looks about it lol

    Dayuuuum they are more expensive than i thought 0_o but worth every penny hehe i think my bunnies would have a heart attack if i got one of them, my 2 are soooooo tiny i don't think they'd accept a mahoosive giant lol
    Erm...well...i hope your gf likes the videos, i mean that's why i told you about them so you could let her know :p

    awwww and thankies hun *hugs* i'm actually surprisingly ok, i think i realised that we weren't going to work out, he goes out a lot and it frustrated him that i couldn't be there with him all the time! He needs to be with someone just as out going as him, and i'm going to stay single from now on hehe
    LOL i can see what you mean, they were swarming everwhere like little bugs...just cuter and fluffier hehe

    I've been taking new vids of my bunnies so expect them to be up on youtube soon...well as soon as i can be bothered to edit them lol
    Yeah there’s definitely been lots of smiles:D. I feel like I am thanking you every time I reply to you so I will just use the smiley face as a symbol of my thanks:).
    We started to watch the legend of the seeker and he likes it so far;). The adventures of Merlin is pretty good as well.

    YouTube - Merlin trailer 2008
    Awww sneaky biscuit stealing dawg kicks ass hehe

    here's a cute video it's just bunnies having fun, but they are soooooo cute lol

    YouTube - Bunny cam
    Ooops sowwy ::eek:: i didn't mean to imply that you are a lazy lay about with nothing better to do than look for insanely cool pics to post ::p: anyway that's me...i have waaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on my hands i should be the one posting the pics not you lol i just can't seem to find any good pics grrrrrrrrrr
    Heeeeeeey i'm glad you have loads of spare time, i love getting cute pics from you they're always guaranteed to make me smile hehe
    Ha ha you funny one, yeah she does look contemplative huh xD.
    She's a bit of a ditz so I doubt it was the Math problem one!
    The bear on the bicycle is what I imagine is on my boyfriend's mind most of the time. Along with that old circus tune!
    Awwwww that kitty is too blooming cute to be a ninja lol

    You always post the best pics, you totally rock hehe
    Omg that piccy is hilarious! Pmsl. Love george takei.
    And in return.....

    LMAOooooo i think if i saw a rabbit THAT big i'd have a blooming heart attack hehe

    Awwwww thankies again *hugs* i haven't been this happy for a looooooooong time, it's a weird feeling but i like it lol It's funny i was single for years and when me and my ex broke up i thought i'd be single forever, but then my bf came along to prove me wrong hehe

    Grrrrr i'll have to buy a normal rice hat and spray paint it pink lol
    Unless people are on here 24/7, respond to every post, befriend every single member, as well as interact with every member on a daily basis, someone is bound feel invisible at one point or another. Though, I am happy to hear that you've been made to feel welcome. I'm happy to know that my actions played a part in this.
    Yes, it is unfortunate that some members still feel like outsiders looking in or don't feel as though they fit in. Some of them might not really put in an effort - don't give themselves a chance to be heard. It's easy for some to expect others to approach and befriend them, but there's only so much another person can do. Had you not written me back after I sent you my first VM, I would have probably assumed that you were shy and I would have backed off so as to not make you uneasy. Yet, you wrote back, you made your move and here we are.
    The fact that you can be happy for the good fortune of others says a lot about you. I wish you all the best as well, Token. :)
    Your input does matter, Token. I'm glad that you're starting to see that. :) I realize that some people find that being on this site hasn't helped them much, so it's good to hear that others have benefited from being here. Having become more and more active is what has helped me. I've been trying to do the same irl as well. It will take a bit more balls, but it has to be done.
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