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  • Yaaaaaaaay you totally made that BRILLIANT! I could see the face but now you've put the ears on i'm loving it hehe

    Awwww and that Panda video is one of my all time faves, i'll never get bored with watching it hehe
    It's honestly a dream come true, thank you for making it possible. Gay AND asian! What a score :) (also hopefully I don't sound like an ass, no disrespekt to any group of individualz).
    That would be too cool, you'd be my hero if you did that hehe now i wish i had given my bunnies scary names like Destroyer or Thor lol
    OMG!!!!1! You have to promise me that you will definitely do that!!! i can't think of anything funnier than giving a big butch dog a cutesy girly name hehe People will look at her with fear when they first see her then you'll shout out "marilyn bunroe, here girl" and they'll double look to see if they're hearing right lol
    One more thing.

    I've been mistaken for many different nationalities which is always amusing and interesting. I've had an Afghani man approach me and ask me if I was from Afghanistan. You can imagine how dumbfounded I was, but I eventually found out that this is possible. If you ever see the Hazara people of Afghanistan, you will see that they have eastern Asian features as well as Afghani features, but they look mostly Asian.

    A lot of Pakistani men try to chat me up because they think I'm from Pakistan. Even a cab driver once asked me if I was from Pakistan because I look like some Pakistani actress he showed me in this newspaper he had with him. Once, I met a Korean opera singer who couldn't believe that I had Asian in me. ::p:

    I've also been mistaken for South American, Mexican, Thai, Filipino and every single kind of Asian that there is out there. I love it that my race is so elusive! heh heh
    Just as there are different blacks and Caucasians, there are also different Asians, but most people don't seem to realize this. One can normally tell the difference between a Chinese person and a Japanese person, a Swede and an Italian, a South African and a Somalian etc.... Then there are people within two different nationalities which cannot be told apart. There are tall, blonde, blue-eyed Italians so perhaps a person who grew up in Venezuela may not be able to see that there is a difference.
    When a person has been subjected to mostly on particular race for most of their life, it might be difficult for them to distinguish the difference between people of other races. I get compared to just about every Asian woman out there. I'm part Asian Pacific, btw. How about yourself?

    You didn't offend me at all. I think it's good to have a sense of humor when it comes to these things. Besides, I don't know too many Asians that share this sense of humor. Many Asians I have known do not appreciate it, though.

    Tell me, what ethnicity did you think I was? I could actually be a lot of things, but most people never guess it right. One thing that does irritate me is when people assume I'm from China. I don't even look like I could be half Chinese.

    I have nothing but respect for the Chinese and eastern Asian cultures, but it's just plain stupid for anyone to think that I look anything like Zhang Ziyi. Not that the woman is not beautiful or unique in her own right, of course.
    LMAOoooooooo no her last name was Bunroe :) but manson would have been a more fitting name hehe

    awwwwwww omg!!!1 now i want a Quokka! they're too blooming cute....grrrrr i'll need a mahoosive farm if i carry on wanting more animals lol
    I clicked on your photo album half expecting to see pictures of you in different locations around the world. As soon as I saw the pictures were of various well-known Asian men, I laughed my ass off. Were you by any chance playing on the whole stereotype that we all look alike? :D
    I used to have a bunny called Marilyn and i swear she would have gone on a rampage like the bunnies in that film! there was just something in her eyes she unnerved me lol

    Hey that clip gave me a good old giggle so even though it WAS an awful movie, at least it made me smile lol
    LOL Yeah New Zealand is a little anti-australian and vice versa, but all in jest really. it's pretty funny.

    And Bret called Murray Ginger balls, as in testicles! lol
    :eek::eek::eek: OMFG!!!! Is that real???????????


    Thats crazy!!! lolololol omg I want one!!
    Yeah, I think we see alot of things the same way - I'm just a pastey white, blond version of you!
    Hahah, wth that should have been right! Grrr, the last one I watched was so frustrating. I hate when answers are likeeee, on the tip of somewhere in my mindz. Grrr, Alex Trebek. I don't know why I take it out on him.


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