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  • Hihi! I'm doing quite well at the momennnnt. That's subject to change though, heh.

    And oh! That was from a while back when I actually took time preparing foodz, yum. I actually didn't take it from any particular recipe, I just thought it would taste yummy (the avocado part of it, that is) - and it did! Hmmm, I could try and explain it though... Annnnnd now I'm going to proceed to send that recipe through message because I ramble too much for this comment box to handle.
    Genuine compliments are always welcome. Those which I have recently received from you are among some of my favorites. :) It's always good to know that someone sees something good in you and genuinely appreciates it.

    For what it's worth, you don't ever have to feel that you must dumb yourself down around me. There is no point in regressing for the sake of sparing feelings. Now, I am not saying that one should not care or value other's feelings, but I do not think it is fair that you (or anyone else for that matter)should stunt your capabilities just because someone else might feel inferior. After all, it is not your fault that another person may be insecure. Furthermore, it is not your responsibility to make others feel secure. I would be more than happy to learn from you. We'll both be smarter for it. :) Sometimes it's surprising how much we learn from everyone we interact with. So...be all that you can be! ::p:
    This Bunny would be manly enough even for Chuck Norris :p

    LOL i'm glad you can see the difference in them, it's so funny seeing Lulabelle looking at Millie like a total lunatic everyday she really is Miss Prim and Proper lol

    Awwww thank you so much *hugs* It's weird i'm not used to feeling this happy hehe but i must admit i like it lol I just hope you can find lifelong happiness as well, heck i want everyone on here to be as happy as me. I've definitely been feeling more confident lately and i want everyone to feel that way as well :)

    Oooooh i'm actually jealous that you own a rice hat, i want one...as long as it comes in pink :p
    I know! I remember about 7 years ago coming across used NES's in the local paper often for like $20 with a box of games with it!! Ahh wtf@not getting it sooner. :[
    PS. I've got my eye on an NES+10games (incl. mario bors 3!) on ebay.The biddings are already at AU$36.00 +AU $19.50 postage though!! with 3days and 8hrs to go!! Bloody amateur bidders.*spits*
    Awww yeah Lulabelle is waaaaaay to dignified to jump around like a loon, she will have one or two hops and then stop and she'll sit there looking disgusted at herself lol Millie is the Queen of speed, she was having a mad half hour earlier and got so excited she nearly ran into a wall lol

    Oh wow! you did that pic yourself? well i'm uber impressed i wouldn't know where to start when it comes to photoshop 0_o
    LMAOooo i'm just imagining you sitting at work chilling with your feet up, do you wear the hat as well? hehe
    I kind of understand how you feel. Having met enough phony people, I worry that I might come across as insincere or flakey when I pay someone a compliment. Honestly, I didn't think of myself as that skilled a writer even if I have always enjoyed writing.
    You shouldn't have to feel that you must dumb down your posts. Don't you find that it's a waste of your potential? Despite your saying that you dumb down your posts, it still remains evident that you write well and that you have an expansive vocabulary. I realize that some people may become intimidated by a vocabularic or articulate individual, but if one begins to worry about coming across as pompous then one will never truly live up their true potential. Think of all the things other people can learn from you if you do give it your best. If another person allows themselves to remain intimidated to the point where they are incapable or unwilling to learn from others, it is their loss.
    Hey hey hey, "Donkey. OF DOOOOOOM!!!!" >>>>>> "Llama of doom"

    Mine was way more dramatic, and more importantly - accurate! ;)

    +Omfg I thought I was just a huge dumb ass all these years. How can there not be a save feature?!?!? THAT'S MADNESS!
    LOL Oh you are a funny one. I need a little version of you to carry around in my pocket whenever I require some entertainment:D::p:

    How about
    "Donkey. OF DOOOOOOM!!!!" or "Hey, dude, have I got something in my teeth?"

    +Dude, I love NES!!! My mum gave mine to charity without asking and I have never forgiven her for it!! No I'm not that heartless :p:p Well I sort of am because I want it back!
    I only used to have one game for it, and I would play it for hours

    Ahhh...the memories....

    Do you know whats lol? I never figured out how to save the game once you go onto another world so I would re-start from world 1 everytime lolol
    Yeah, Lulabelle is the white one that sits there looking at Millie like she is a lunatic when she jumps around lol it's funny to see the look of disgust on her face!

    That's so true about the rain, people do tend to stay indoors or are so caught up with staying dry they don't notice anyone else, i never looked at it like that before, next time it rains i'm going to go for a walk in it! I've been moaning about the sun today lol it's too blooming hot now...i'm a typical woman, i'm never happy :p

    Oh and btw, i am LOVING your new avi i've seen that pic before but never with an Asian touch hehe
    Aww! Thank you so much! That's probably one of the awesomest compliments I've heard in a while! Not to mention, it's good to know that I don't come across as pretentious. :)
    Dude, I almost want to put that pic up on my wall, it cracks me up sooo much everytime I see it. I can't imagine any other photograph encompassing such hilarity as that one, ever! XD
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