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  • I'm glad oreos and me have become permanently linked in your mind. :D

    I'm doing ok. I could complain but who would listen,right?
    Yeah the rooms are still there, just no robots. It might be temporary, but I don't know. I prefer playing against people, but I don't like challenging them though. I liked the robots for warm up games in practice though. And for whenever no one challenges me in a while and I really want to play. Now if I want to play I'll have to challenge strangers and, ugh, I don't like that. I can always play you though :D.
    Hi.Sorry about the late response Im still getting use to the site and I not noticed I had gotten some vistor messages.Do you have any good parks near you.In London where I live there are so many great parks in the middle of the city.It still amazes me that some property developer has not built houses or shops on some of them.Lol.They have probably tried but lots of parks are listed and therefore are protected by the law.
    How about some random E's?

    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee then by
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